Acci Settlement in The Sagas | World Anvil



The town is entirely Vatian and when it isn’t they are often travelers. Eighty percent of the population are farmers,


The town follows all the laws of the empire, but they often elect a mayor every few years when they need quick action. The tax collectors often come once a month for their daily dues.


The town has no defenses do to being far inland of the empire, the only actual defenses are a few guard towers.

Industry & Trade

Those who take the eastern road one way or another end up in Acci which often brings trader trade their goods and travelers to find a place to rest for several days, this often bring prosperity to the town of centuries since since crops alone do not keep any settlement prosperous for long.


Acci was originally built on a hill when it was orginally found making some of its builds look crooked overtime and unlike other settlements in the empire they use straw for their roof, but rest of the houses and other buildings are made of stone. The buildings that add overtime where organized in order for people to known where one place actually is and not the other. Stone roads also make travel much easier travel in and out of the well with efficanty


  • Grain
  • Livestock
  • Olive Oil
  • Farming tools
  • Merchant Stands


Acci was originally built in 1349BCA by Vatian settlers to build a village in order to cultivate the area for grain and other foods that were required. Over time the small village became a bustling town leaving a peaceful life style, but in 1242BCA that would all change. The First Battle of Acci would take place and transform the town into the Citizen’s Alliance's strong hold for much of the war. It would soon be abandoned after the Second Battle of Acci as the alliance evacuated its resources and manpower when the Imperial Royalists came in large numbers to wipe them out. Leaving many homeless and trying to survive. But after the war end the inhabitants returned and rebuilt. Since then though Acci has become as safe place from all the war and disasters that have taken place over the centuries. With nothing at all change of it inhabitant with only simply things to deal with.


Most of the buildings are made of stone with some of the houses with straw roofs, and there are wooden fences for livestock.


The town stand on a large hill at the egde of the Yellow Plains.

Natural Resources

Grain fields and Olive orchards are the most common resource for the town.

1242 BCA

Inhabitant Demonym


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