Kozholian Empire Organization in The Perils of Ronault | World Anvil

Kozholian Empire

The Kozholian Empire

The Kozholian Empire, also known as The Bhulerian Purveyors or The Holy Empire of Alrithun, is the largest and most influential nation on Ronault. Its citizens primarily reside under the various mountain ranges of the land, with impressive cosmopolitan cities sturdily built by dwarven engineers, and are home to many artisans of metal, technology, and of course, alcohol. It is also home to some of the most talented pracitioners of arcana due to the empire's readily available stock of Bhulerian Crystals. The empire also acts as a common trade hub, since most fleeting nations have to cross its borders for trading in the first place.   It remains the most powerful nation on Ronault due to its output of Bhulerian Crystal, military presence, and economic influence. Its mines are a crucial source of not only money for its citizens and traveling workers, but the crystals that power the arcane niceties and contraptions used in everyday life.  


A dwarven settlement that grew into a full fledged nation, the Kozholian Empire was propelled into existence with the discovery of Bhulerian Crystal under the mountains. The magical advancement, and the technological ingenuity that followed, allowed it to expand to many mountains all over the world, creating the empire as seen today. Several million individuals call the mountains their home. The people of the empire typically get to enjoy a balanced life, with many working for six days and receiving four days break in return. The poor and less fortunate also typically get to enjoy a bath, a bed, and warmth at night thanks to programs to provide government sanctioned housing for such citizens, keeping the homeless rate low, although they aren't given enough coin so that they can abuse it for activities such as day drinking.  


The primary mass of the empire is located roughly below the -45 degree latitude line of the planet, but its reach spans all the way from the -60 degree latitude line in the southern hemisphere, to the 60 degree latitude line in the north.   The roads of the empire are well kempt in the fertile lands, but none exist for crossing the deserts and badlands between the mountain ranges, being impossible to maintain without copious amounts of magic that is simply too strenuous to maintain. Other forms of travel are mostly ocean faring.  

Geographical Features

While the majority of its residents live under the mountains claimed by the empire, the nation also claims the land between mountain ranges as being within their domain. This spans the entire continent of Karad-Dur and even the ocean between Karad-Dur and Feremoor. The majority of the imperial territory above ground is uninhabitable or otherwise hostile to life, consisting of mostly deserts (both hot and frigid), tundras, and badlands. What fertile land they do lay claim to is relegated to agricultural use.   On the smaller scale, the most common feature are the many caves and tunnels, both man-made and natural, found under the mountains. Many of these are mineshafts, some abandoned, and are home to underground critters, some of which add to the dangers the miners face due to their penchant for Kozholian flesh.  


The Kozholian Empire is ruled by a select group of individuals, each devout to Alrithun, The Allfather The group consists of three individuals, each of whom is the head of a sect of the faith. The legislative sect oversees the economy and laws regarding it, the judicial sect lays out the law and enforces it, and the religious sect collects and solves the grievances and issues of the general populace while also enforcing the worship of Alrithun.    

Legal System, The Judgement of Alrithun

The legal system within the empire is something most citizens, especially those who don't live three hundred years on average, seldom want to get tangled with. While the laws tend to be considered more than fair by a majority, despite their intrinsic backround of Alrithite faith, it is the speed of arbitration that folks do not want to engage with. There are times were cases can take years to be seen, partially due to lack of lawyers and the arduous prerequisites to be one, and others where arbitration happens swiftly. Because of this, there's been an ongoing push for more judges and a relaxation of the draconian requirements for citizens to enter the job market of law.   Other reasons people dislike the system are the judges themselves, who often interpret the laws, which are regarded as fair, rather literally; to the letter and without regard for spirit. This causes contracts involving the courts to be of obscene lengths, daunting even the most seasoned law firms.  

Common Law

The law of the land closely follows the tenants of Alrithun, the official faith and deity of the nation. However, they are still voted on by the legislation, The Word of Alrithun, arbitrated by The Judgement of Alrithun, and given its final blessing and passing by the religious branch, The Divinity of Alrithun.   The following activities are prohibited:  
Crimes against the Gods
  1. Theft of temples offerings, idols, and other goods.
  2. Public blasphemy or doomsaying.
  3. Assault of a divine priest, officially recognized paladin or cleric, or lay worshipper.
  4. Tomb burglary and/or robbery.
  5. Worship of dark faiths, particularly those whose aspects involve raising undead, indiscriminate death and chaos, and/or the opposition of magic.
  6. Attempts to achieve apotheosis.
Crimes against the Nation
  1. Littering or vandalism of the Empire's cities.
  2. Brandishing a weapon without cause.
  3. Tampering and/or scheming to dismantle programs to aid the less fortunate.
  4. Creation of nonexistent companies to commit fraud out of citizens' money.
  5. Participation in unsanctioned markets to purchase sanctioned goods requiring a license.
  6. Bribery of nation officials such as government workers, guards, or judges.
  7. Practicing magic without prior licencing or officially recognized tutoring
  8. Inciting terror or schemes to incite terror, via any method including but not limited to: arson, magic, alchemical attacks, rumor, dark faiths, and more.
  9. Forgery of signatures.
  10. Theft of items from markets and places of sale.
  11. Assault or murder of nation officials such as government workers, guards, or judges.
  12. Espionage for foreign entities outside of the Kozholian Empire.
  13. Treason, defecting away from the Empire.
Crimes against the Individual(s)
  1. Disorderly conduct and/or public indecency.
  2. Forced quarter and/or schemes to steal and/or force ones way into residence status within another individual's home.
  3. Blackmailing another individual.
  4. Impersonation of another individual.
  5. Using magic to influence another individual without express consent.
  6. Burglary and/or robbery of an individual's home and/or their items.
  7. Assault or injury of another individual.
  8. Inciting the death of, or personally ending the life, with or without justification, of any individual without their express consent. Such cases involving consent may be, but not limited to: euthanasia.


While crime within the nation capital is better relegated to isolated random occurances, there are more established gangs and underworld guilds in the other major cities. Each of these are in a constant struggle, vying for control of the rumored lucrative black markets that take advantage of the nation's trade relations and product output. Still, there are plenty of isolated murders, robberies, and blackmailing attempts afoot throughout the empire, particularly in the travel tunnels between cities in the mountains or the road on the surface countryside.  


The Kozholian Empire does not permit its cities to employ their own guards and forces. Instead, it uses the Hammers of Alrithun, a nationally backed and church favored organization that acts as both city guards and military when needed. Primarily comprised of paladins, clerics, and other warriors of faith, they are only concerned with their duties to the nation, the cities, and most of all, their faith. While they do accept others within their ranks after aspiring, many eventually pledge themselves into the service of Alrithun, thanks to the militarization of the church nearly 400 years ago.   The attitudes towards the Hammers are similar to that of the attitude towards the legal system: Fair, but best not to be trifled with due to their strict and quite literal interpretation of the law. This is a stark improvement to how the attitudes were prior to the church's militarization, which was more fearful and doubtful. The inclusion of faith has improved their behavior considerably, but in the wake of the Scourge and the declination of faith, it seems woes of old and paranoia are creeping into the light once more.  


While the legal system is particularly strict, the Empire's methods on dealing with criminals has shifted drastically since its inception. Since Queen Valerian's rule nearly two millennia ago, the empire's stance has gradually shifted from punishment to rehabilitation. Criminals won't experience harsh dungeons or chains, instead being met with officials trying to help them understand their wrongdoings and improve themselves so that their life after getting out is better.   That doesn't mean the empire is spineless, however. If a criminal reoffends or commits an especially heinous crime, they may be subjected to edicts, fines, forced labour, exile, or even death if believed to be a national threat. Individuals who use magic are subjected to less forgiving circumstances. Depending on the crime and the power a magic-user can wield, they may be incarcerated, forced to work without the aid of magic, cut off from the art by force, or executed if their power poses a threat to society should they retaliate.    


Due to its size, the empire is the primary trade hub of the known world, spanning both the north and south hempisheres. It is a large importer of timber, leather, and livestock, products not easily obtained from an underground society, and exotic alcohol. Unrefined ore is also imported to help supplement the demand for quality imperial arms and armor.   Most of the trade comes in via sea, since its safer than traveling over hostile terrain, so each mountain range has at least one major port city if possible. When it comes to landlocked mountain ranges, goods must be carried on land or transported through the leyline network if their merchants can afford it.  


  The underground cities are characterized by their compact, efficient, yet beautiful design with dwarven architecture. Carriages are almost unheard of since most places can be walked to, but such services are offered by companies that employ the use of domesticated Palkers, a quadrapedal creature with blindsense and a keen nose, to pull carriages. The larger and more advanced cities offer crystal rails, which are magic powered lines that transport cabins across it to set destinations.  

Artificial Leylines

The Kozholian Empire is home to the world's only network of artificial leylines. Built and laid down like cable over a millennia ago, these ingenious crystal bars can instantly transport individuals through its network to another set location. However, they are notoriously expensive to power and thus expensive to use. They are primarily used by government officials from across the known world and by wealthy merchants looking to transport goods. Sometimes highly renowned adventurer groups gain the privilege of using them in times of need to transport them as close the city that is closest to a high priority threat.  


  (See Also: Timeline of the Kozholian Empire)   (WIP)  

Notable Locations

Major Cities:
Khol Taruhm (Capitol)

See Also

Order of Grimbulthor
Children of Grokulthun
The Three Engineers
The Twelve Monarchs:
Tosuhm Kozhol, The Great Uniter
Qlivkius Kozhol, The Successor King
Krijlp Kozhol, The Noble Queen
Wuperd Berenok, The Stalwart
Brecir Pelinor, The Embracing Queen
Vlamusp Trevel, The Twilight King
Glaarc Meripold, The Zealot Queen
Tadux Ord, The Monarch Attendant
The Lost King
Bremecus Kozhol, The Modern Uniter
Krolim Olvitsk, The Last Monarch
Other Monarchs:
{EXPUNGED}, The Exiled King
Kadjul Bhulerian
Karnyl Hozzerihk
Dulmek Ord
Byllebera Dafduhenn
Solnas Hozzerihk


  • Karad-Dur
    Map of the southern continent, Karad-Dur, and part of the adjoining massive ice cap of Hvar. Primary domain of the Kozholian Empire and the dwarves.

The Kozholian Empire


The Bhulerian Purveyors
Home of the Dwarves
The Holy Empire of Alrithun
Kozholian Mountain Range, East Karad-Dur
Bandrik's Divide, East Karad-Dur
Mulmiran Mountains, West Karad-Dur
Mulmir's Hammer, Northern Feremoor


Kozholian, Kozian, Zholian
54% Dwarves
11% Gnomes
10% Humans
9% Halflings
6% Goliath
5% Half-Races
3% Dragonborn
2% Others
Alrithun, Akyris, Eiour, Virax


Alcohol, fruit, grain, leather, livestock, ore, timber, water, other exotic goods
Alcohol, arms, armor, bhulerian crystal, ore, refined metals, water, all other sorts of finished and metallic goods
1 pp = 1 geode
= 10 gold veins
= 100 silver scrap
= 1000 copper slag


Government Type
Theocratic Oligarchy
The Divinity of Alrithun
The Word of Alrithun
The Judgement of Alrithun

Articles under Kozholian Empire

Tectonic Era

482 TE 0 TE

History leading up to the formation of the Kozholian Empire.

  • -482 TE

    The Establishment of Kohl Taruhm
    Construction beginning/end

    The future of the Kozholian Empire's capitol is built and established as an independant city-state.

  • -308 TE

    -48 TE

    Conquest of Grimbulthor
    Military: War

    In the name of the Allfather, Kohl Taruhm begins their 260 year conquest to establish control over other dwarven kingdoms within the Kozholian Mountain Range.

  • -264 TE

    Birth of Tosuhm Kozhol
    Life, Birth

    Tosuhm Kozhol, a later renowned general of Alrithun, is born.

  • -47 TE

    Grimbulthor Accords
    Gathering / Conference

    Talks begin to end the conflict and unite under the banner of Tosuhm Kozhol.

  • 0 TE

    Birth of the Kozholian Empire

    The Kozholian Empire is founded. The dwarven city-states of Drarrud, Kozzugzad, and Murboram are brought into the fold of the empire.

  • 0 TE

    Tosuhm Kozhol's Reign Begins
    Era beginning/end

    Tosuhm Kozhol is named king of the newly formed Kozholian Empire.

Eldarch Era

1 KE 1276 KE

History of Eld, the ancient dwarves, particularly before Kadjul Bhulerian's discovery of Bhulerian Crystals.

  • 54 EE

    5 Vlamusp

    Death of Tosuhm Kozhol
    Life, Death

    The first king, Tosuhm Kozhol, passes away peacefully after a life of conquest and strife. He is post-humously titled "Tosuhm, The Great Uniter."

  • 55 EE

    Qlivkius inherits the throne
    Political event

    Tosuhm's son, Qlivkius Kozhol, inherits the mantle of King.

  • 304 EE

    3 Tadux

    Qlivkius dies of illness and old age
    Life, Death

    Qlivkius, The Successor King, dies from old age and illness. Debate to name a new king begins after a month of mourning.

  • 305 EE

    3 Tadux

    Krijlp inherits the throne
    Political event

    Kriljp Kozhol, daughter of Qlivkius Kozhol, and granddaughter of Tosuhm Kozhol, ascends to the throne.

  • 577 EE

    Wuperd ascends to the throne
    Political event

    Wuperd Berenok becomes the first King who isn't of the Kozhol family.

  • 611 EE

    614 EE

    King Wuperd repels east orc invasions
    Military: War

    Stragaxian orcs and goblinoids attempt to invade the halls of the Kozholian Empire but are swiftly repelled. Wuperd is titled "The Stalwart."

  • 799 EE

    King Wuperd abdicates, Queen Brecir ascends
    Political event

    After King Wuperd's policies gradually become more militant, he abdicates his power to maintain peace and stability after popular demand. Brecir of house Pelinor is elected by royal advisors to become Queen.

  • 1001 EE

    Queen Brecir secures political rights for non-dwarves
    Political event

    Queen Brecir decrees and secures the right of political participation and local office for citizens of non-dwarven ancestry. She is titled "The Embracing Queen" for her generous consideration and actions.

  • 1044 EE

    Assassination of Queen Brecir
    Life, Death

    Following dissidant activities after passing a law to begin allowing those without dwarven ancestry a part in local government, Queen Brecir is poisoned and murdered.

  • 1045 EE

    Vlamusp takes the crown
    Political event

    Following the death of the late Queen, her closest advisor, Vlamusp Trevel, becomes King.

  • 1110 EE

    Vlamusp is publicly staked
    Life, Death

    Finding that the late King had been turned, he was rounded up by the then Order of Grimbulthor and staked in the public square. Despite his turning into a vampire, he is still remembered with a positive life for his deeds before the incident. He is post-humously titled "The Twilight Monarch" for his role in maintaining stability after Queen Brecir's passing.

  • 1111 EE

    The Zealot Ascends
    Political event

    Glaarc of House Meripold, a strongly faithful woman of Alrithun, ascends to the throne as the empire's new Queen.

  • 1232 EE

    26 Wuperd

    Birth of Eldarch Kadjul Bhulerian
    Life, Birth

    Kadjul Bhulerian, a renowned dwarven explorer, pioneer, and eventual Eldarch, is born.

  • 1266 EE

    1277 EE

    Civil War of Grimbulthor and Grokulthun
    Military: War

    Tensions between two sects of Alrithun's faith, the traditional Order of Grimbulthor and the new age Children of Grokulthun, erupt into bloody civil conflict. It only ends with the discovery of Bhulerian Crystals and the immediate observed carnage thereafter.

  • 1276 EE

    Kadjul Bhulerian discovers arcane crystals
    Discovery, Scientific

    While deep core mining, Kadjul Bhulerian discovers what will later be named after him, catapulting his career and status into fame, Bhulerian Crystals.

Bhulerian Era

1277 KE 1604 KE

Discovery of Bhulerian Crystals and the lifetime of Kadjul Bhulerian, whose exploits greatly benefited the empire. This era also marks the infancy of crystal based arcana.

  • 1322 BE

    Murder of Queen Glaarc
    Life, Death

    The Order of Grimbulthor kills the Zealot Queen for not backing their order; the latter having been disgusted with the former's backwards thinking and overly militant behavior.

  • 1323 BE

    Tadux Ord takes the Crown
    Political event

    Tadux of House Ord, a regent in training, ascends to the monarch's seat as a neutral party compromise between several parties accusing each other for the previous monarch's murder.

  • 1588 BE

    Disappearance of King Tadux
    Life, Death

    The Regent King, Tadux Ord, disappears. The monarch's crown is found within his bedroom after a few days of no contact. He is presumed dead after half a year of searching the empire.

  • 1589 BE

    The Empire finds The Lost King
    Political event

    A dwarf whose appearance is eeriely similar to the missing king is found on the seat of power within the throne room. He claims the identity of Tadux Ord.

  • 1604 BE

    14 Tosuhm

    Death of Eldarch Kadjul Bhulerian
    Life, Death

    Death of Eldarch Kadjul Bhulerian, who passed peacefully in his sleep in the capitol city of Kohl Taruhm.

Era of Discovery

1605 KE 1931 KE

A tumultuous period of arcane mishaps, the establishment of far away settlements, and treaties with dwarven kingdoms to bring them into the empire.

  • 1612 DE

    Arcanist Karnyl Refines the First Crystals
    Discovery, Scientific

    Karnyl Hozzerihk creates the first refined Bhulerian Crystals. Recovery of arcana increases tenfold. Gone are the days of spending weeks and months to recover, or dangerously tapping into the world itself for a quicker recovery.

  • 1631 DE

    The Lost King Disappears
    Political event

    "Tadux Ord" disappears again. An investigation finds that the dwarf in question was not the disappeared monarch. Laws are reformed to allow the verification of the monarch's identity. Despite this, the short reign of The Lost King was agreed to have been beneficial to the Empire, and he was given a title and recorded in history.

  • 1632 DE

    Power Returns to House Kozhol
    Political event

    Bremecus of House Kozhol reluctantly ascends to the throne after a unanimous vote. His ascension brings stability and a reset of power within the noble houses.

  • 1691 DE

    The Three Engineers Create the First Wonder
    Artistic creation

    A trio of unknown dwarves posthumously named "The Three Engineers" create the first wonder of the empire, the Singing Caverns of Ilarad. Their invention uses no magic, as it was said they hated the over-reliance on magic that was becoming prominent. Their first wonder plays beautiful music using the wind from the desert, changing pitch by mechanisms still not understood by modern dwarves. It attracts tourists throughout the empire.

  • 1717 DE

    The First Arcanist Achieves High Magic
    Discovery, Scientific

    Noble Arcanist Dulmek of House Ord achieves the first casting above 4th-level arcana recorded within the empire. The spell was posthumously named Dulmek's Stunned Silence.

  • 1733 DE

    Bremecus Orders the Construction of Ley Lines
    Construction beginning/end

    Embracing the new arcane breakthroughs with Bhulerian Crystals, King Bremecus orders the construction of artificial leylines to connect all major cities of the empire, enhancing communication and travel throughout the nation.

  • 1796 DE

    The First Artificial Ley Line is Completed
    Construction beginning/end

    The artificial ley line between Khol Taruhm and Kozzugzad is completed. King Bremecus personally uses it to prove its efficiency and safety, and organizes a celebration in Kozzugzad.

  • 1834 DE

    King Bremecus Passes
    Life, Death

    King Bremecus passes peacefully. His regent and attendants report that his only regret was that he would not live to see the Empire fully united by the Ley Line network. He is posthumously titled "The Modern Uniter," a nod to his lineage and the first monarch.

  • 1835 DE

    House Valerian Takes Power
    Political event

    Zeghim of House Valerian takes the throne after much controversy due to her faith in the deity Akyris.

  • 1919 DE

    First Contact with Askar
    Cultural event

    The empire makes first contact with the draconic nation of Askar, located far northwest. An exchange of goods was held and relations began to build.

  • 1931 DE

    Artificial Ley Lines are Completed
    Construction beginning/end

    The Kozholian Empire's artificial ley line network is finished, connecting all of the major imperial cities together and making travel near instant. This marks the start of a new golden age for a globalized empire.

Gilded Era

1932 KE 2222 KE

An era with many names. The age of enlightenment, the golden era, the prime time of the empire; the time when the empire was at the height of its power.

  • 1937 GE

    Electrum is Abolished
    Financial Event

    One of many acts to reform the empire's economy, the Electrum coin is abolished since it did not conform to the 10:1 conversion ratio of the other coins. All production of the coin is halted, and it remains a valid currency for two centuries after the reform's passing.

  • 1999 GE

    Grand Magic is Achieved
    Scientific achievement

    Arcanist Byllebera Dafduhenn casts the first spell above 9th-level. Her spell preserves the capitol city in pristine condition, stopping the buildings and machinations from deteriorating via environmental factors over time.   Regulations are quickly put in place due to the monumental quantity of crystals needed to achieve this feat.

  • 2001 GE

    Redistribution of Wealth
    Financial Event

    Queen Zeghim, adhering to her faith's tenants, orders a redistribution of noble wealth into programs and life improvements for the poor and common folk after seeing how far the state of living had degraded.

  • 2050 GE

    The Three Engineers Create the Second Wonder
    Artistic creation

    The Three Engineers create the second wonder, The Solar Atrium. A vast space used by agricultural workers, it reflects sunlight from the surface into the subterranean space without losing any potency of sunlight. Only the most trusted workers are allowed to perform duties within the Atrium.

  • 2120 GE

    The Gilded Queen Passes
    Life, Death

    Queen Zeghim passes in her sleep, a day before her coronation anniversary. Her funeral is attended by thousands of common citizens, a first time occurance since all other monarch funerals have been private occasions.

  • 2121 GE

    {REDACTED} Rises to the Throne
    Political event

    {REDACTED} of House {REDACTED}, ascends to the throne. {REDACTED}'s first order is to reinforce the national faith of Alrithun after the previous monarch's decrees drawing followers to Akyris.

  • 2137 GE

    Electrum's Validity is Nullified
    Financial Event

    Electrum becomes an invalid form of currency after 200 years of adjustment. Despite no more being produced since the original decree, the coin remained in strong circulation, creating an unstable economy.

  • 2203 GE

    Unrest of Faith
    Cultural event

    {REDACTED}'s push for a unified national faith causes civil unrest within the populace after centuries of enjoying worship of approved faiths.

  • 2210 GE

    The Economy Threatens to Deteriorate
    Financial Event

    The economy begins to deteriorate as many savings and coffers are found to be useless when people begin to pull from reserves.

  • 2222 GE

    {REDACTED} Plunges the Empire into a Civil Crusade
    Military: War

    {REDACTED} reveals {REDACTED} to be a strong supporter of the newly revived Order of Grimbulthor, decreeing that all faiths, but the worship of Alrithun, illegal. Consequences for not following were severe.   The majority of the populace revolted, beginning a Cold Crusade of clandestine warfare throughout the empire between the Neo-Order of Grimbulthor and the rest of the populace.   {REDACTED} is exiled, their name and identity struck from all records.

Cold Crusades

2223 KE 2580 KE

Launched into an era of civil hostility, many faiths and their followers threatened to break the empire apart until their deities were officially recognized and given freedom of worship.

  • 2300 CC

    The Empire Loses Contact with {EXPUNGED}

    The Empire loses contact with {EXPUNGED}, one of many city-states. An investigation is launched, then promptly made secret. Citizens with relatives or ties to {EXPUNGED} are informed of the situation out of courtesy, but warned not to spread the information, lest they incur heavy penalties, including life imprisonment and death.

  • 2398 CC

    The Consulate Appears

    The first recorded interaction with the Consulate occurs. The organization seemingly kept their distance after seeing the state of the empire.

  • 2466 CC

    The Neo-Order of Grimbulthor Dwindles
    Military: War

    The Neo-Order of Grimbulthor dwindles, being pushed back to the capitol of Khol Taruhm.

  • 2476 CC

    Final Stand at Khol Taruhm
    Military: Battle

    The palace and noble quarter in Khol Taruhm is stormed and seized. It is found that the Neo-Order of Grimbulthor had been sneaking their members inside the nobility for many years, fortifying the palace and attempting to enforce their ideals from within. Their efforts gradually increased to three times their usual at the start of {EXPUNGED}'s reign.   The Neo-Order of Grimbulthor is officially destroyed. Any remaining members scatter.

  • 2580 CC

    Order Remnants are Destroyed
    Military action

    All remnants of the Neo-Order of Grimbulthor are smoked out and destroyed by year's end. Talks begin to appoint a new ruler, strip nobility of houses, and more.

Silver Epoch

2581 KE 2844 KE

A re-establishment of stability, and setting the stage for future change.

  • 2581 SE

    Krolim tentatively takes power
    Political event

    Krolim of House Olvitsk, becomes the first monarch after the Gilded Era.

  • 2632 SE

    Krolim Begins Drafting a new Government
    Political event

    King Krolim beings to draft a new form of government, finding that one monarch could no longer hold power over the entirety of the empire after the events of the Cold Crusade.

  • 2702 SE

    Governmental Reform Approval Begins
    Political event

    The King's advisors begin to go over and approve the King's proposition, doing so in a manner that would be a mock trial run of the processes outlined.

  • 2780 SE

    Political Transition Begins
    Political event

    The creation of the Divinity, Word, and Judgement of Alrithun; the religious, legislative, and judicial sects of the new system. The new system caused some unrest, particularly the religious sect, but King Krolim promised freedom of faith as one of its unbreakable tenants, while also recognizing Alrithun as the official national faith.   King Krolim begins gradually ceding his power to the new system.

  • 2844 SE

    Krolim Abdicates the Throne
    Political event

    King Krolim abdicates his throne and cedes power to the newly reformed theocratic oligarchy system of government. He is titled "Krolim, The Last Monarch."

Noble Era

2845 KE 3775 KE

A time of stagnant prosperity, but marked by radical societal change.

  • 2845 NE

    The Theocratic Oligarchy Takes Power
    Political event

    The new form of government takes full power after a smooth transition of power. Its reign is shaky at first, but quickly begins to stabilize after filling out the governmental sects with more members.

  • 2855 NE

    Many Temples of Faith Begin Construction
    Construction beginning/end

    Reveling in the freedom of worship, temples and public places of worship begin to appear. Some start in private residences, while more popular faiths begin construction on intricate temples.

  • 2862 NE

    Krolim, The Last Monarch, Passes
    Life, Death

    Krolim Olvitsk, The Last Monarch, passes away. To this day, nearly a millennium later, his title still holds true.

  • 2875 NE

    The Temple of Akryis is Completed
    Construction beginning/end

    The Kozholian Temple of Akyris, the Akyrinoch, is completed. It rivals the size of the largest temple dedicated to Alrithun, the Naetrithenon. It is attributed to the Late Queen Zeghim Valerian, a devout Akyrite, from over 500 years ago. The completion of the temple also causes a surge in followers for Akyris.

  • 2890 NE

    Empire Adventurer's Guilds are Established

    The first Adventurer's Guilds within the empire are established, finally given distinct legal status. Previously, they were considered the same as mercenaries, and thus not allowed to create permanent establishments as it was seen as a form of unsanctioned recruitment.

  • 2903 NE

    The Consulate Begins Cordial Relations

    The Consulate establishes itself within the empire as a humanitarian aid organization, helping to improve the quality of life for the poor.

  • 2966 NE

    The Three Engineers Reveal the Final Wonder
    Artistic creation

    Over 900 years later, a group claiming the identity of The Three Engineers reveal the last wonder of the empire, the Infinite Conundrum. An unassuming box whose gears never stop turning, constantly making ticks, creaks, and other noise, seemingly never running out of energy. It has strange holes and panels on the side. A mockup is on display within the empire's most prestigious museum.

  • 3009 NE

    Faiths Start Campaigning
    Religious event

    Many faiths begin to convert and garner new followers in earnest. The makings of modern clerics and paladins begin to appear.

  • 3177 NE

    Black Powder is Discovered
    Discovery, Scientific

    Benmek Glafdinart discovers black powder, an alternative to Bhulerian Crystals for creating explosive force. The arcane community chalks it up as nothing more than a niche parlor trick.

  • 3210 NE

    Invention of Firearms
    Technological achievement

    The first firearms using black powder are invented.

  • 3213 NE

    The Empire Adopts the Consulate's Market Standards
    Financial Event

    With old standards out of date, having been used since before the discovery of Bhulerian Crystals, the empire adopts the Consulate's proposed Material Quality & Grade market standards.

  • 3220 NE

    Creation of Arcane Firearms
    Technological achievement

    The creation of arcane firearms are created, using the same technique as conventional firearms. The original black powder versions are rendered obsolete in favor of the more powerful arcane versions. Black powder enthusiasts are disgruntled at the development. Strides in black powder firearms now precede any made for arcane firearms, creating a developmental feedback loop.

  • 3223 NE

    The Consulate Introduces The Nameless God
    Cultural event

    The Consulate introduces their deity, a deity with no name who is aptly given the moniker "The Nameless God." A temple is built and they garner a small following.

  • 3234 NE

    The Fire & Powder Guild is Founded

    Black powder enthusiasts, having always conducted experiments and crafted new inventions in private residence, finally band together to make the Fire & Powder Guild.

  • 3316 NE

    Renowned Arcanist Solnas Disappears
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Solnas Hozzerihk, the latest descendant of the Hozzerihk line formerly based in {EXPUNGED}, disappears. Eyewitness reports the site of her tower covered in magic remnants, the majority of which were colored gold.

  • 3398 NE

    The Church of Alrithun Militarizes
    Military action

    The Church of Alrithun, the nation's primary organization for the official faith, becomes the bulk of the nation's military force. Paladins and clerics of Alrithun soon start replacing even guardpost positions. The forces of Alrithun soon start to include other varieties of faithful warriors as they convert or answer higher callings, such as theurgy wizards or sorcerers with a divine soul.

  • 3416 NE

    3423 NE

    The Consulate Petitions Religious Limitations
    Political event

    Seeing their humanitarian aid resources taxed due to civil unrest, the Consulate petitions the empire to prohibit faiths from converting for the purpose of garnering military power. It is approved after several years of deliberation and reform.

  • 3437 NE

    Religious Zeal Gradually Increases
    Cultural event

    The level of religious zeal in the populace and military remain on an upward trend, despite reforms and the ban on converting for the purpose of creating faithful soldiers and adventurers.

  • 3466 NE

    Monasteries become Popular
    Population Migration / Travel

    Faiths, excluding Alrithun and Eiour, establish monastic temples on the surface. Families begin traveling and/or sending their children to study and train at these monasteries annually.

  • 3502 NE

    Guilds Given Policy Power
    Political event

    The empire grants guilds voting power to lend their voice in shaping new policies. The Blacksmith, Armorer, Miner, Culinarian, and Adventurer guilds are amongst the largest to gain the privelege.   Additionally, the Consulate is extended the same privelege in recognition for their continued humanitarian efforts.

  • 3764 NE

    Rumors of a Strange Ailment Circulate
    Plague / Epidemic

    Rumors of a strange ailment start from the north. Reports mention erratic magic behavior and yellow-green goo-like substances.

  • 3775 NE

    The Empire is Struck by The Scourge
    Plague / Epidemic

    The rumored plague breathes death into the empire. Many are bedridden and paranoia runs high. The Consulate's resources are strained, and healers of faith find that their curative magics fail to cleanse the disease. It is aptly named "The Scourge."

Age of Scourge

3776 KE 3801 KE

A most difficult time whose memories are fresh in the populace's minds, this was the harsh 25 years where the Scourge ran rampant and unchecked.

  • 3781 SCE

    Signs of the Gods Decline
    Religious event

    After half a year of prayer and getting little response, faith in the gods rapidly decline as opinions turn sour. Signs from the gods lessen.

  • 3786 SCE

    Monastic Temples Surge in Popularity
    Population Migration / Travel

    With the gods seemingly abandoning the people, and the churches offering no realistic solace, many turn to the more humanitarian monasteries on the surface.

  • 3788 SCE

    Plague Orbs Discovered
    Discovery, Scientific

    Odd silver spheres found in the remains of the deceased, particularly those heavily engaged in magic.

  • 3801 SCE

    The Scourge gets Restrained
    Plague / Epidemic

    The Consulate's actions finally restrain and curb the spread of The Scourge. While it won't go away entirely, it is now at least managable with the Consulate's treatment in place.   The Consulate is awarded a seat in each sect of government, in recognition for their contribution to the empire and so that they may better coordinate treatment.


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