The Republic of Askar Organization in The Perils of Ronault | World Anvil

The Republic of Askar

The Republic of Askar

  The Republic of Askar, also known as The Northern Drakes or The Nation of Skeptics, is a relatively small country that resides entirely on the island continent of Askar. The bulk of its citizens primarily prevail in the captial at the base of the northern mountain range, proving their resilience in the cold tundras and badlands of the continent. Smaller settlements dot the landscape, usually near the ocean as port or fishing locales, while others are primarily farms to raise livestock and harvest water. Unlike common preconceived perceptions of such places, these towns are built with utmost care, engineered to withstand the test of time. The structures in Askaran towns are said to have been put together stone by stone, each chiseled, carved, and designed with the meticulousness of a dragon's standard. Some towns even show more draconic influence than others, adorned with a dragon's favorite gems, artwork, or even architectural style.   Askar is widely known to be the home of dragons and their kin. Dragonborn and kobolds typically hail from Askar, and there's enough of a true dragon population to make it a safe guess when determining where they might be from. Despite this, or perhaps because of this, the people of Askar tend to be rather distrustful of outsiders, preferring to keep to themselves and go about improving their lives (and hoards, for true dragons). Askar does maintain cordial relations with the Kozholian Empire however, sending many indentured workers to work in their mines for bhulerian crystals in exchange for easier passage, craftsman, and trade goods.  


The Askaran Republic was once a refuge for the draconic kin to flee to, an effort to survive. Its small but strong existance now is due to no small part of the generosity of the true dragons who helped shelter and build the few strongholds and towns that dot the island. In return, the people staunchly strive to maintain their draconic culture and keep good relations with their neighbors so the past does not repeat.  


Situated far north, but not quite near the ice caps, the nation is mostly icy badlands with evergreen forests on the southern part of the continent. Roads do connect the few towns and strongholds, and they are well kempt, but they see little use despite their pristine condition.  

Geographical Features

Askar is home to few major geographic features, but the most prominant one would be Anxastul's Talons, a prominant mountain range that houses the nation's capitol.   For less important features, the badlands are characterized by various canyons and plataeus, often caked with snow that a prone to being whipped up into a blizzard at any moment.  


The governing body of Askar is a parlimentary republic with the two typical legislative and executive branches. The legislative consists of representatives voted on by the people and is the larger of the two groups. They carry out handling the majority of the lawmaking and disciplinary systems, along with regulating the market. The executive is usually made up of true dragons, but recently the smaller dragon-kin have acquired a seat or two. They primarily concern themselves with overruling the legislative body when they pass something that is too extreme, or using this power to command the nation to action switfly.  


As a small nation neighboring the Kozholian Empire, it primarily trades with the dwarven nation. It does its best with its exported goods, including fine draconic craft items, clean water, and other excess foodstuffs, but its most valuable export is workers. As a way to help control overpopulation, many citizens are required to work overseas, often in the Bhulerian Crystal mines.  


Askar has rudimentary transportation. Inside the cities are carrages for a price, but otherwise citizens are left to their own devices. In between settlements, there are well maintained roads for travel. Many hire or send guarded caravans to aid with transporting goods and people, while others set out on their own.   Despite the less magical form of transportation typically found outside the Kozholian Empire, there is one artificial ley line that goes between the capitols. It's primarily used for transporting high ranking officials, but due to the magic costs of using it, the leyline is generally maintaned and unused.  


Notable Places

Major Cities:
- Zimont (Capitol)
- Port Krolsea

The Republic of Askar


The Northern Drakes
Home of Dragon-kind
The Nation of Skeptics
Anxastul's Talons, Northern Askar
Badlands of Marorash, Central Askar


48% Dragonborn
21% Kobolds
13% Dwarves
8% Goliath
5% Humans
3% True Dragons
2% Others
Akyris, Alrithun


Alcohol, bhulerian crystal, grain, fruit, livestock, refined metals, exotic/luxurious goods
Alcohol, furs, leather, livestock, meat, water, arms, armor, other crafted goods of draconic design, magical services, indentured workers
1 pp = 1 hoard
= 10 gold stacks
= 100 silver heaps
= 1000 copper piles


Government Type
Parlimentary Republic
The Claw of Akyris
The Askaran Parliment
The Askaran Parliment


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