The Dragon of the Deep Vehicle in The Path to Veritas | World Anvil
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The Dragon of the Deep

The Dragon of the Deep is a six engine galleon class airship built in the Pit. It is one of the last of the six engine class of ships, as the gith switched to the more profitable four engine cargo and frigate airships. It was refurbished from one of the original ships that invaded the Veritian Leaf in the Dragon Blight under the command of Meirvyrth. It was built for the defense of the gith city, but while in storage, a prison break in 1040 led to the ship being commandeered by prisoners and renamed the Dragon of the Deep (originally it was called the Razag-Fear). The ship and its new crew became privateers for Tumult, their allegiance given to house Salmonpuddle and his allies.   The ship is known for its help in the retrieval of the body of Frillith and in the battle for Tel'ul.

Power Generation

The way these airships work is that the engines built around a crystalized chunk of Cosmic Sugar and its magical properties connect to the vein system of the leaf or other sources of Neih. These engines keep the ship afloat in the air, aids with propulsion, and keeps it balanced.

Weapons & Armament

The Dragon of the Deep is armed with a number of ballista and a bomb port.

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