Arthan Willowrush Character in The Path to Veritas | World Anvil
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Arthan Willowrush

Lord Artham Willowrush

Artham Willowrush is the new head of the Willowrush halflings, a noble family of Tumult. His family rule over much of the Felicity Hills region, being the neighboring lords to king Iscalon when he led the resistance against the Dragon Blight. Artham is a hero of the Frozen War, and a devout supporter of Lich King Bedrich. He advocates for quick and strong militarization of Tumult after so many costly inner conflicts hit Tumult in the decade of 1030-1040.

Personality Characteristics


Security has become of highest concern to Artham. Too many threats have been assailing his family and country, and he seeks power to resist them. The death of his grandfather at the hands of an unknown curse exasperates this obsession with security.


Contacts & Relations

The Willowrushes were once great friends of the Salmonpuddle family before their demise.

Family Ties

The Willowrush family is one of the largest noble families of Tumult. Second to Felicity itself, their territory houses the largest population. This has allotted the family with a lot of power and influence in Tumult's affairs. Strangely enough, rather than going into business or industry like the other families, the Willowrushes went in social work and entertainment. Entertainment troupes, the production of theatres, authors and other arts are highly influenced by this family. Though they may not have the backing of military or industrial resources, the opinion of this family in the public eye is highly sought after. Yet, this stance has received some backlash, as the Willowrushes are not quick to aid in really conflicts such as the Doctor Caskajaro incident or the Demon Troubles. Once the Frozen War happened, this family did a 180 on their outlook, pushing the war machine forward.
Current Location
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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