The children of the universe include all spiritual beeings that were created by the universe itself. They all coexist in spiritform before the creation of the Land. There is one main distinction to the group: the older children and the younger children. The older children of the universe only include the eight and later only seven gods. The younger children however include all other immortal beeings. Main difference between the two groups are their age, wisdom and power.
The younger children are as spiritual beeings not further distinguished and no number is known for their total sum. Later however as some of them against the will of the older cildren answer the plea for help from the seven mortal races and take on a physical form on the Land they do divide into multiple specie with notably differential charackteristics and habitat preferences. They do keep their immortalitly even after descending onto the Land, can however be killed by a sufficient display of power, use of a celestial weapon or overpowering by sheer numbers. Some of the species of descended immortals are:
Spirits of the Wood
Some immortals do not belong to any species but simply exist.