Riddle Me This

Hello, my dear friends, I am Eivor the Condundrum. Eivor the Enigma. Eivor the Man of Many Things! And welcome to my humble abode. Watch the chess game there, don't forget to wipe your feet before you come in. And, of course, spare a glance at my puzzles. I'm quite proud of them. Feel free to solve one if you'd like.
— Eivor, the Man of Many Mysteries
Do YOU like riddles? Do you like puzzles? Maybe a few mysteries here and there? Well, step right up and welcome to the Riddle Me This Challenge! A place where YOU, (yes, YOU), my dear audience, will create your very own riddle, puzzle, or mystery!

Eivor (Mr. Conundrum w/background)
Eivor the Conundrum by LeeStepp
    Quick Summary
  • Start Date: March 1st
  • End Date: March 31st
  • Goal: Write/Draw/Create a problem for your characters/players to solve
  • Win: Show me your logical, expositional, and creative prowess
  • Prize: A Badge


  • The last day to submit will be March 31st. Anything after that will not be accepted.

  • Once your entry is finished comment it below! (Don't forget to #RiddleMeThis)

  • Any article/category will be accepted*, as long as a puzzle of some kind is being solved. This means prose, comic book style stories, etc.

  • One entry per person.

  • Winner will be announced April 1st. (No, pranks. I promise)

*AI art will not be accepted. If you wish to involve art in your article that is accepted, however it cannot be the main focus. If art is the main focus such as in a comic book style manuscript then the art must be drawn by you.  


1st Place Badge

2nd Place Badge

3rd Place Badge

Participation Badge
Eivor the Enigma by LeeStepp

How To Win

I will be looking for three things in your article.

1. Logic: does the problem make sense

2. Exposition: is the problem and goal clearly explained

3. Creativity: how is your problem different from the thousands of other problems in the world.
(If you wish for me to give feedback on your article do tell me in the Author Notes box)
  If there are any further questions please ask them below.   Now that all that is done it is time for you to create your puzzle! Whatever you wish it to be! Prose? Wonderful! A series of riddles? Fantastic! A series of overly complex problems that not even you can solve? Stupendous!   I cannot wait to see what your minds can create. Good luck, my friends!
Contestant Submission Placement
Mochimanoban A Worldwide Mystery FIRST PLACE
Tunai Cuinsear Room of Levers SECOND PLACE
Basic Dragon Find Alema! THIRD PLACE
Hugh Pierre Water Warnings N/A
Solstice Riddle of the Elven Pantheon N/A

Cover image: by LeeStepp


Author's Notes

All art here was done by LeeStepp. Thank you so much for your help with the badges!

Please Login in order to comment!
Mar 2, 2024 02:29 by Lee Stepp

It was fun and I'm so glad to see how good it looks here altogether! Can't wait to see how your competition goes either

Mar 2, 2024 03:16 by Jacqueline Yang

Thank you!

Mar 10, 2024 14:23
Mar 11, 2024 17:40 by Jacqueline Yang

Congratulations, Hugh Pierre, on being the first contestant! I look forward to reading your work.  

-- Eivor

Mar 18, 2024 04:22 by Ademal

Could you clarify the AI art ruling? Since you're using partially generated art here, I take it to mean that the content itself should be the bulk of the article, rather than the art being the focus?

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Mar 18, 2024 04:27 by Jacqueline Yang

Yes, that is correct!   Because one has the option to make an article using all art (ex. a comic book), that art must be drawn by hand. However, if one chooses to write an article (like I assume the majority of people will), that can have AI art, but as you said should not be the main focus.   I do hope that clears up any confusion, and I do apologize for this mistake.

Mar 18, 2024 19:51 by Ademal

No worries! All good! Thank you for hosting a challenge!

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Mar 18, 2024 18:19 by Mochi

aaa accidentally unfollowed trying to get an article block for this article D: here's my article, it's not live *yet* but it will be in a couple of hours at the very most, just got finishing touches and knowing me, I'll forget to post the link xD  

A Worldwide Mystery
Generic article | Apr 1, 2024

A riddle-scavenger hunt around the Yonderverse. Hope you get lost!

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Mar 18, 2024 18:27 by Jacqueline Yang

*gasp* a couple of hours? The tension will be terrible! How do you except me to last in such conditions?! No matter, I will survive and read your article.

-- Eivor

Mar 18, 2024 18:32 by Mochi

hahaha maybe I was a bit dramatic, it's up and I see you've already accessed Clue 1! Hope you enjoy! I have zero idea how difficult this will be xD

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Mar 19, 2024 20:33 by F. S.

Looks amazing, I'm going to get one together over the next few days

Mar 19, 2024 20:42 by Jacqueline Yang

Can't wait to read it! I'll let Eivor know. ;)

Mar 23, 2024 23:19
Mar 26, 2024 17:39 by Tanai Cuinsear

A relatively simple one from me that I’ve put various groups of players through. Thanks for giving me a reason to finally write it up.

Room of Levers
Plot | Apr 2, 2024

A lift that can be tricky to operate

Apr 1, 2024 04:38 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

I really wanted to enter this but I was unable to craft it in time. Thanks though for hosting the challenge and much success with the judging! Hopefully, I will be able to get the article together for Adventure April.

Apr 1, 2024 12:47 by Jacqueline Yang

Oh, no, I'm sad to hear that. Yeah, I realized a little late into he challenge that maybe a month wasn't enough time, but next time I host a challenge I might extend the deadline just a little bit, but I hope I'll still be able to read your article!   And best of luck to your plans for Adventure April