Asgard Geographic Location in The Nine Worlds of Heimar | World Anvil
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Asgard (Enclosure of the Aesir)

Previously home to the Old Aesir and the current home of the Remnant Aesir


Asgard is not what it used to be. In the days of the Old Aesir it was a much colder climate, more suitable to deciduous forests and stony mountains. Today, many of the forests have morphed into thick jungles and swamps, with true forests gathering to the northern regions and the newly formed mountain regions. Since Ragnorok, the seas have claimed more of the continents and islands thus shrinking the overall land size of the planet. Permeating both the land and the sea are extensive ruins of a near planet wide city named Valhalla by the Old Aesir. However two things have persisted since Asgard's beginnings; Yggdrasill and the twisting caverns of Jormungandur. Yggdrasil connects all the vegetation on land and feeds into all life on the planet, while the caverns sprawl throughout the entire planet, through seas, continents, mountains, rivers, and jungles.


Just as it was in the past, Asgard is essentially one enormous ecosystem, fueled by Yggdrasil. The great world tree has roots spanning across the entirety of the planet with all vegetation relying on it for sustenance in some form. Any changes that happen to Yggdrasill affect the entire body of life on the planet, both vegetation and zoological organisms. It was this planet wide collection of life force that allowed the Energy Worldsoul to form within the boughs of Yggdrasill, thus deepening that connection and enhancing it's effects to supernatural levels. The Old Aesir used this broadened connection to their advantage, and planted saplings of Yggdrasill across the Nine Worlds, thus allowing the Energy Worldsoul's power to grow, influence to expand, and the Aesir race with it.   Since Ragnorok and the Energy Worldsoul's death, Yggdrasill has lost it's connection to its saplings across the cosmos, but has managed to adapt to the planet's changed climate, and restored the entire planet to life in the course of the past 1500 years. Even beyond this, recently, the wilds of Asgard have built upon the foundation of mass destruction and begun to incorporate the forgotten ruins of the Old Aesir into their cycles of growth. Plants that have adapted to reform the tendons and muscles of corpses to become predatory organisms. Long dormant robots sprouting trees on their back and being driven by vines and roots instead of wires and motors. The biological has begun to merge with technological creating a thriving and violently changing ecosystem like none have ever seen before. The cause if this sudden change is unknown.


Asgard experiences predictable seasonal cycles of weather every year. The summers tend to be long, temperate, and humid aided by frequent heavy rains in spring and fall. The majority of the planet experiences brief winters, with only the northern regions and the mountains receiving significant snowfall.


Asgard has had tumultuous history, having endured extreme conditions of both prosperity and devastation. At one point, the majority of the planet was encompassed by an enormous city known as Valhalla. The impact of Ragnorok caused enormous geological, ecological, and climatical changes that have only recently balanced themselves out. Currently a mysterious force is driving a major shift on Asgard once again, causing the planet to teem with life and variety once again.
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