The Dominus Rank/Title in The Nine Realms | World Anvil
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The Dominus

The Strongest individual Warrior of all the Realms, the word roughly translates into "warrior who dominates" or "lord of domination," from Kendra/Drakaris's native tongue, a language long dead and forgotten.


One must be the mightiest warrior in all of Ragnias, amassing enough paracausal might through slaughter and war.


One who wishes to be Dominus must share Hrothmund's blood


When all requirements and qualifications are met, dire circumstances will grant them access to their paracausal might, often times unleashed in a god-like degree of bloodshed.


Wage the High War to confirm Ragnias as a player in the End of Days


Paracausal might over mortals, becoming unbound from Adaliah's Tapestry of Fate, and the ability to wage war on the grandest scale known since Hrothmund Separated the Realms.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Current holders of the Title typically inherit an artifact from a Previous Dominus. The Mightiest of them, however, inherited the physical weapons of Hrothmund, the spear Rozol, the Harbinger, and, the less used, chained hookblade, Uroksvaal, the Reaver.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Death; outside of their home Realm or after the end of their Convergence, a Lords death has no consequence, even being revived in their home Realm if defeated outside it- however, if a Lord is killed in his own Realm during the Convergence, the loss of that Realms champion is a death sentence for all its inhabitants

Cultural Significance

To Mankind in Ragnias, who have almost perfected their mastery of the art of War, the Dominus is a pinnacle of slaughter, unleashing their vast paracausal might in the form of godlike feats. In other Realms, however, the Dominus is often seen as an untamed murder machine that lacks a heart for those who face them.   Elves, particularly those who are centered around Rheasilvania and throughout the Morganos Archipelago, see the Dominus as a demon on the horizon, just as the Ragniasi Eldari did.   Dwarves are largely indifferent, preferring to keep to themselves; this has not always been, as evidenced by the cunning of Hrodulf Iron-Heart.   Giants instinctively follow the Dominus, largely due to the leftover memories and stories of the Old Kingdom and Hrothmund, who ruled with a decent portion of Giant-folk in his armies.
Religious, Special
Alternative Naming
God-King of Ragnias
Equates to
A Lord is akin to a living God
Source of Authority
Adaliah, Creation Incarnate and Hrothmund, God of War and Valor.
Length of Term
Current Holders
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