Runa Blackhammer Character in The Nine Realms | World Anvil
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Runa Blackhammer

Lady Runa Friggsdottir (a.k.a. Hrothmund's Maul)

Second Dominus of the Realms, and the only woman to ever assume the Lordship of Ragnias, Runa Blackhammer is regarded as a physical and spiritual incarnation of Deirdre, the Goddess of Death. At the height of her power, Runa could shatter continents, wielding her signature hammer, Jarðskjálfti, with devastating efficiency and ferocity.

Divine Domains

Earthquakes, Volcanos, and Passionate Fury

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Hand grasping a shattering hammer.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Runa’s physique is unmatched by any Dominus that has come before or after. Her body is in its peak physical condition, rippling with muscle and power. Her feminine features are apparent, her hips wider and legs larger, but her broad shoulders creates and incredibly imposing foe for anyone daring to face her.

Identifying Characteristics

A thick scar on her right cheek, starting between her cheekbone and nose and running down to the corner of her jaw.

Special abilities

Runa’s use of the Blood of Hrothmund doesn’t enhance her physicality, but rather her stamina, allowing her to ruthlessly pummel her opponents over and over again until they collapse from her blows or from exhaustion

Specialized Equipment

Jarðskjálfti, the Earth-Breaker - A hammer of inconceivable might. Any structure, natural or man-made, when struck, will crumble and/or shatter.   Her knuckles have metal spikes implanted into them, allowing her unparalleled force and damage to be applied while she is unarmed

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to a mother who served as a concubine to a young lordling in the northern reaches of what is now Valskar, Runa was originally left to die, her mother not wanting a child but forced to carry her to term. Before Runa's mother left her in the middle of a forest as a meal for the wolves, an old soothsayer prophesied her to be a dread made manifest- a mortal incarnation of the legendary and feared goddess of death, Deirdre, daughter of Hrothmund. The mother ignored the warnings of the seemingly crazed soothsayer and left her daughter to die. However, when the wolves came, they did not feast.   The God-Wolf, Hrothgar, the Primordial Spirit of honor and valor, came to the crying infant in the forest and took her North, to the Old Kingdom, nurturing her as just another pup of his pack until she became old enough to walk. When Runa took her first steps, Hrothgar then took her south, to be found by a family that would raise her. Discovered sitting along the side of a rode, crying, by a woman, Frigg, and her two sons, Audun and Bard. Taking her in, Runa was given her name and a home in the forests just west of what is now Blackwatch.   Runa's home village was oppressed by raiders, never satisfied with the territories they held and wishing to expand and conquer. Throughout her childhood, she watched helplessly as her adopted mother was raped and her brothers beaten to the verge of death. When she turned 13, the raider's eyes turned upon her, and their carnal desires raged at the thought of a virgin. This was where Runa first used the Blood of Hrothmund as they tried to restrain her, lashing out with her arms swinging wildly, knocking over even the largest of the men as they continued to crave her. As the men began to run with broken bones and heavy bruising, Runa then grabbed an old blacksmith's hammer, throwing it end over end at one of the men and caved in his skull. Shortly after, she was praised and given gifts in exchange for protection.   Three years had past and it was here where it was revealed to Runa that she was adopted, the news delivered by Audun as their mother succumbed to a fever. Runa then left, in search of her past. In her travels, she honed herself into a mighty warrior, taking up arms alongside old heroes such as Brand the Shieldless and Borghild Ragnarsbane. When the Second Convergence was nigh, Hrothgar appeared before her and helped her retrace her steps back to the Old Kingdom, where she completed the sacred Trials of Hrothmund, allowing her to commune with the God of War, who revealed the young woman's heritage and birthright.   At the conclusion of the Second Convergence, no man living or dead dared to face Runa in combat, her hammer being a brutal instrument of catastrophe after it shattered an entire Realm. After many long years of retracing her steps, she found her real parents, and with the help of Borghild, who was a battlefield compatriot and rumored paramour during and after the Second Convergence, she razed her lordling father's city to the ground and made her blood-mother watch as she crushed his head like a walnut. She then chained her blood mother to a boulder, slathered in a mixture of her fathers blood and honey, and left her for whatever beast was hungry to claim her.   Runa died courageously at the fabled First Battle of Blackwatch, shattering the walls of the keep, before abruptly coming face to face with a hail of flame-tipped arrows. Borghild's Daughter, Freya, and Runa's last surviving son, Baldrich, married, continuing the Line of the Dominus.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Brash and headstrong, she has a tendency of diving into the heat of battle without considering her other approaches, which may be more advantageous
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Goliath, Hogarsbane, World-Breaker
10197 AoS 10242 AoS 45 years old
Short, sleek, charcoal black hair
6'1” 1.85m
Aligned Organization
Character Prototype
Demi Bennett


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