Rift Religions Summary in The Neo Earth | World Anvil
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Rift Religions Summary

Religion on New Earth isn't as common as what it was before The Rupture. Most human religions from before The Rupture still exist in varying degrees, but the churches play smaller roles in the communities and followers are usually small groups.
Eeriedale has an area called Creed Corner, where there is a mix of temples and churches from various races and cultures. This causes friction occasionally as some of the religions have opposite views.
  The Rift pantheon is a collection of gods the people from the Lumin and Void realms brought with them through the Void. The stories that the various races tell about these gods vary greatly, shifting the favour into one group or another, depending on who they worship. One group may see Zalmir as the tragic hero, while others may say that he is a power hungry evil.
  The major Lumin pantheon is:
  Dryara - The great mother. Domains are nature and life. Her symbol is a tree with roots that resemble the top foliage shape. She is often shown as a great titan made out of earth, with trees growing on her back.
  Eksus - The god of technology and invention. His symbol changes every few hundred years as new technology is developed. Thousands of years ago it was a hammer, then it became a screwdriver, then a cog and now it is a microchip. Depictions of him show a man made out of various materials, holding the item that appears in his current symbol. He is the brother of Basus.
  Basus - The god of knowledge and learning. His symbol is an open book with an infinity sign on the right page. Basus is shown as an elderly male elf wearing a robe made of scrolls, with writing all over his body. He is also often seen with a faerie dragon. He is the brother of Eksus.
  Drarona - The goddess of magic. Her symbol is a sun with seven flares, each representing the schools of magic from the lumin realm. A representation of her would usually be a woman with six arms. Her arms and head each represent a school or magic, with her head representing divination magic.
  Utar - The god of law and charity. His symbol is a scale with an apple on the one side and a scroll on the other. Utar's appearance is often depicted as a middle aged man holding out his hand in a gesture to guide.

  Their major Void pantheon is:
  Zalmir - The void father. Domains are death and shadow. His symbol is a clawed hand holding a skull. The void father is shown as a large man with grey skin, holding an executioner's blade. (different cultures use different blades so it varies.)
  Gozena - The goddess of war and domination. Her symbol is a spider. She is always shown as having spider legs. Each leg represents an element, of the elemental realms.
  Vonlo - The god of chaos and magic. His symbol is a star with eight points, each representing the elements. Vonlo is often depicted as having eight freakishly long fingers on each hand, missing the pinkie fingers.
  Ghina - The goddess of indulgence and passion. Her symbol rose with knotted stems. Ghina is the twin sister of Ghanu. Depictions of her are often next to her brother. She is shown as an attractive elf holding a wine glass.
  Ghanu - The god of trickery, lies and music. His symbol is a knotted snake. Ghanu is the twin brother of Ghina. Ghanu is often shown as a hooded figure, with his face obscured.
  Many strong entities that exited lumin and the void also gained followers through power they granted them. Some entities remain in their realms, using the thin veil between the worlds to gather followers for their own causes, whether it be good or bad.

Cover image: by Sergey Zabelin