Alpha Vampire Species in The Neo Earth | World Anvil
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Alpha Vampire

Alpha vampires look a lot like elves, save for the fact that they have fangs and a complexion that is deathly pale. Not like most vampires you would encounter, Alphas are different in the way that they are not created through a bite but have parents. Halfbloods, or half Alphas, do exist but are extremely rare.   They are not considered undead, although it is safe to assume that they have a strange relationship with death, having a natural gift for death magic and being immortal.   Any time an Alpha creates a vampire through ritual of blood, or 'with bite' as it is most commonly referred to, the result is a beta vampire. Beta vampires are undead and cannot reproduce in any way other than through the ritual of blood.   Alpha vampires exited the void realm shortly after The Rupture, seizing the opportunity to feast on the humans during the crises. Beta vampires were created as servants, who in turn, eventually created their own spawn.   There aren't many Alphas in the world, perhaps only a few thousand. Almost all of the ones that do exist hold great positions of power.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Alphas reach maturity at an age of about 20, but due to their immortal nature they are considered adults only at an age of 200.

Genetics and Reproduction

Unlike Beta vampires, Alphas can reproduce genetically. They hardly ever have more than 4 children in their immortal life, though, considering the bond with their children to be sacred and not to be exploited for power.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Strikingly handsome and beautiful, although with a natural intimidating presence. Most Alphas have red eyes and pale skin, although there are some that have variations.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Alpha vampires prefer places with dark weather. Most are located either in Eeriedale or the country of Romania.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Superior Darkvision

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Their native language is Nosferi.
Genetic Descendants
Void born
Immortal, but can be killed
Average Height
From under 5 feet tall to over 6 feet.
Average Weight
From 110 to 165 pounds.
Average Physique
Similar to Lumin elves in build, but not as slender and taller.
Related Organizations

Cover image: by Viccolatte