Imperial Teleportation Network

  The Imperial Teleportation Network ( abbreviated ITN ) is a network of portals that enable fast international travel. It is operated by the Imperial Magisterium, as a mage is required to input the sigil sequence for the desired destination and activate the portal. Travel with the ITN will typically cost 250ℜ per trip per person, with each trip capable of transporting up to 9 people at once.   The activation fee is reduced to 100ℜ if a member of the travelling party can activate the teleportation circle themselves. A ITN passport is required to use the service.   The service to and from the Theocracy of Krorus has been deactivated ever since their declaration of war.


  The Imperial Teleportation Network is a network of nodes. Each node of the ITN is a building with at least one Teleportation Circle, and at least one portal. Travellers to the node arrive in the Teleporation Circle. Those who wish to travel from one node to another must align the portal with their desired node, which is done by inputing the correct Sigil Sequence. A mage must then provide a fifth tier investment of magic.   The portals operate on the Slingshot Principle, drawing the travellers into the Crossroads before slinging them forward to their desired location. The trip is so fast that most do not notice the shift between realms.  

Aquiring your ITN Passport

  An ITN Passport may be acquired at any ITN node or at your embassy. A passport will run you about 500ℜ for a general pass, or 250ℜ for a single nation pass, and needs to be renewed every five years.   You'll need to be tested for any allergies to teleportation magic or planar influences. This may cause discomfort, but is necessary to protect your soul and prevent a most unfortunate case of death when travelling with the ITN.


The Imperial Teleportation Network was inspired by the Wayshrines of the Elven nations. The project was ordered by none other than Emperor Viktus himself in 24 IE, who envisioned a fast and safe way to travel between each and every great city of the Realm. The Imperial Magisterium was tasked with creating it.   An initial prototype was revealed in 30 IE to celebrate the thirtieth year of his reign. This portal was only able to take him from the Magisterium to the scene at which he was to hold a speech. The technology was later revised into the spell today known as Dimension Door.  
The issue was creating something that could safely transport humanoids over long distances. It wasn't until the Magisterium discovered the Crossroads in 94 IE that progress could be made. The first node in the Argosian Portal Network was created at the Magisterium's lead university the same year. Further nodes were installed in other major Argosian cities throughout the following decade.   While the network was being proven, negotiations were underway with Storest and the Castellan Kingdoms to install nodes in their respective capitals. The first node outside of the Empire was installed in the summer capital of Storest in 101 IE, marking the transition of the network from merely Argosian to international.
There is an upper limit on how fast one body can travel safely. Move a body too fast in our prime reality, and they suffer blackouts or even straight up unconciousness, broken bones and burst blood vessels. Misty step, dimension door, and other short-distance teleportations then lean into the Ethereal Plane for their seemingly instant teleports.   This is perfectly safe for minor distances, but attempting to travel via the Ethereal Plane for distances more than 500ft can lead to displaced bodies or Soulsickness.

Imperial Teleportation Network

Introduced101 IE
PredecessorArgosian Portal Network (APN)

Sigil Sequences

Sigil Sequences are codes that allow a mage to dial in which location they want to connect their Teleportation Circle to. Every country begins with a specific sequence.  
AEArgosian Empire
CKCastellan Kingdoms
TKTheocracy of Krorus

This article has no secrets.


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Dec 15, 2021 01:18 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

'... prevent a most unfortunate case of death when travelling with the ITN.' Oh no, that would be most unfortunate!   I like that you have included the history of the technology, as well as the official stuff you have to go through to be able to use the nodes. I really like how you refer to 'spell slots' too; I like the step away from D&D terminology, but that it can still work in that system.

Dec 15, 2021 11:01 by Annie Stein

Thank you! Yeah! Spell slot sounds a bit too gamey to me, so I've been trying to think of good alternatives that get the point across but have a bit more flavour.

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Jan 10, 2022 22:31

This is like the Jaunting Grids from The Viceroy! It is even an "Imperial" technology. (I have studied that game closely and for unwise durations.). I love the thought you've given to the currency of this setting. Those little mouseover lore bits are wondrous. You have also beautifully sectioned this document.   A minor grammatical error that I noticed: I believe "A ITN passport" should be "An ITN passport" instead. This is the only error that I spotted in my reading of the text.   The connection between this and the Crossroads is fascinating for me to think about. Do people not know they are passing the Crossroads when they use these? Are there ever accidents en route? Can traps be set in the Crossroads that will intercept the swift-flowing traffic between one portal and another?

Jan 10, 2022 22:49 by Annie Stein

Thanks! Good eye, I'll correct that typo real fast.   People do not know they're passing the Crossroads. It's so fast that it's not really something you notice. Most people aren't really aware of the Underworld and especially not the Crossroads in particular, it's usually only something you know about as a caster of teleportation magics yourself. These days with how convenient it is to power the portals, even some mages don't know.   There definitely are consequences. Teleportation allergies can be deadly, which is why they test. Most people are fine, but there's a select few who might end up... rearranged on the other end, or missing a piece. Milder side effects that may affect everyone is nausea or getting that kind of g-force effect you get on rollercoasters.   As for traps, personally I'd rule no. You never encounter anyone else in the Crossroads, the only exception being if you enter through the same entrance or with the same spell. Even though there very well might be other people using the Crossroads at the same time as you, you don't run into each other, nor can you find anything someone else has purposefully left behind even if they can.

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!