Uhartekoa Ethnicity in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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The people of the Biluzik Archipelago are called the Uhartekoa. They are one of the few ethnic groups to reside almost entirely within the Middlesea, and are more familar with that unusual region than other peoples. Many of the Uhartekoa work on logging ships, traveling into the middlesea to harvest timber from the Floating Forests.

The Uhartekoa feel deeply connected to the islands where they were born, and it is very unusual for one to choose to leave their birth communities to live in a new place. Those who do tend to suffer from an extreme form of homesickness that can result in falling into a deep depression, physical decline, and even death. Returning home cures this condition rapidly, and the Uhartekoa who go abroad will often carry reminders of their homeland as a way to ward off homesickness for a while.

Physical Appearance

The Uhartekoa are born with pale skin, but are usually deeply tanned by the sun. Their hair is usually dark brown or black, with brown or green eyes being the most common. They are reputed to be unusually strong for humans, and also taller and broader than other groups. The average male among the Uhartekoa is 6'2" tall, while women are usually around 5'9".

Common Dress & Style

Clothing among the Uhartekoa is minimal, a precaution taken to deny the parasite called Bizkarroia places to hide. Men and women are both likely to go nude whenever the weather is amenable, donning waterproof cloaks to protect from the rain. When engaged in work where some protection is needed, aprons of cloth or leather are used, along with gloves and protective boots. But these garments are typically discarded as soon as the situation permits. The Uhartekoa consider those who insist on covering themselves in public as possibly being infected with the parasite, and will treat them with suspicion and mistrust.

Instead of clothing, the Uhartekoa adorn themselves with a variety of paints and jewelery. Feathers are often woven into their hair, which both men and women typically cut short. Bracelets, anklets, necklaces, rings, and earrings are common for all people, and some foreigners find the amount of jewelery worn by the Uhartekoa to be gaudy and off-putting. They will often paint patterns and designs on their body, and the most skilled body painters are hailed as some of the greatest artists.

Religion & Folklore

The religion of the Uhartekoa revolves around the ascended eidolons of their dead. Their most important gods are the eidolons of their earliest ancestors, who manifest in the magnificent Dragoi Leizea, or Cavern of the Dragons on the island of Irlandia. The royal family in particular takes steps to preserve and elevate the spirits of the ancestors, and the royal cemetary on Gailur Altua is famous for its Petrified Eidolons. Families celebrate the important dates in their ancestors' lives, with many families and communties holding festivals to honor their common ancestors several times a year. The most significant holiday to the Uhartekoa is held three days after Midsummer, on the day the goddess Ama the Mother is said to have manifested after her death by emerging from the Esneura, a subterranean lake with milky-white waters that is found in the largest chamber of the Dragoi Leizea.


Major language groups and dialects

Main Article: Hizkuntza

The language of the Uhartekoa is called Hizkuntza, and it is unrelated to any other language known in the Great Ring. One feature people usually remember about the language is that it tends towards alliterate constructs, especially in people's names.

Foods & Cuisine

Uhartekoa cuisine is known for embracing spicy flavors, and mixing hot spices with fruit or sweet pastries. A typical dish is an apple and pepper stew, which sometimes includes roasted meat as well. They prefer small portions of each dish, and an Uhartekoa meal will often have many small courses arranged around a theme.

Major organizations

Main Article: Kingdom of Herria

The Kingdom of Herria is the government of the Biluzik Archipelago, where nearly all of the Uhartekoa live. The Zai family has held the crown of Herria for so long that most Uhartekoa believe that there will never be another family on the throne.

Related Organizations
Languages spoken
Related Locations


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