Gwāsa Organization in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Gwāsa (ɡwaːsa)

The Gwāsa is the primary academy of the Kitsunejin, located in the city of Eien on the island of Shima. It has the largest collection of texts in the Great Ring, and like the city of Eien, it claims a history that is older than the world itself. Most of the students at the Gwāsa are Kitsunejin, although they do welcome scholars from around the world, permitting them to read the resources in the Gwāsa's archives, excepting those contained in the Ninth Archive.

The teachers and librarians of the Gwāsa have connections with many other organizations across the Great Ring. They are closely connected to the priests of the Kokoro no Tomodachi, and store copies of all of their works within the First Archive. The librarians of the Ninth Archive are members of the O le Feagaiga; Kailo Moana, the founder of the O le Feagaiga, studied in several of the Archives, most notably the Sixth and the Seventh.

The Archives are an underground complex that is notorious for its labyrinthine design. Each of the nine archive has its own section, with miles of corridors and shelves. Visitors to the Archives are always accompanied by a guide, since navigating the endless tunnels is a skill that takes years to develop.

Above the Archives are the other facitilies of the Gwāsa. Most prominent among these is the Observatory. Starwatching is a popular activity among the Kitsunejin, and many students will take at least some classes in the Gwāsa's observatory, learning the patterns of the stars and the messages that they may convey. The Observatory also works with other institutions dedicated to the study of astronmy, including the keepers of the Tähtitieteilijä Lighthouse and the Royal Observatory in Aerendel.

There are also outposts of scholars from the Gwāsa found beyond the confines of the academy grounds. On the island of Dardanthos, a group of Gwāsa scholars have established themselves to study the mystery of Hyrie. There is also a special annex of the Ninth Archive located on the island of Buyan, which is inaccessible except when the moon is full. This annex is crucial in the study of The Silence, as Buyan's nature protects it from temporal and interdimensional influences.


The Gwāsa is structured around the Nine Archives, each of which contains a different selection of texts. The Nine Archives are as follows:
  • The First Archive: This section is dedicated to reference books and non-fiction (excluding histories and biographies).
  • The Second Archive: This is the cartographic section of the Gwāsa, and contains maps from this world and others.
  • The Third Archive: This is the section dedicated to history, biographies, and memoirs. Personal papers and letters are also stored here, including the letters of Miyagi Yumeko.
  • The Fourth Archive: The records of the gods and spirits are kept in the Fourth Archive, along with anything to do with the Clarati and other true magicians.
  • The Fifth Archive: The Fifth Archive is dedicated to Folk Magic, and all the forms it takes.
  • The Sixth Archive: This archive contains fiction including folklore, stories, and plays.
  • The Seventh Archive: The seventh archive is dedicated to myths and legends. How and where the librarians draw the line between folklore and myth is a subject of constant debate, and texts are frequently shifted between the Sixth and Seventh Archives.
  • The Eighth Archive: The Eighth archive contains music and poetry, and includes musical instruments along with the written recordings. Some say that the librarians of the Eighth archive even have a way to capture particular performances for posterity.
  • The Ninth Archive: This is the storehouse of secrets, and of knowledge to dangerous to share freely. Only the librarians of the Ninth Archive are typically permitted to study here, although there have been some exceptions over the centuries.
Educational, School/Academy
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May 7, 2024 17:50 by Joella Kay

The archives sound neat!

May 7, 2024 20:20

Thanks! I've got a bunch in my head about the Kitsunejin in this world that needs to get into articles, and this is the beginning of that.