Folk Magic Spell in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Folk Magic

Folk magic is the name for the kinds of magic created and empowered via the workings of the Egregoric Force. It arises out of the beliefs of a particular group or culture, and allows for certain practices to have supernatural influence on the world. It is most effective when dealing with other supernatural elements, and least effective at influencing the physical world. One example of folk magic is the use of iron bells to break the glamour of the Fae - this is practiced primarily among the Fir Fáinne, and only in their communities is the local environment primed to implement this effect.

Folk Magic and Magic Items

Folk Magic can imbue an object with magical abilities, but only within the region where the folk belief is prevalent. Universal magic items can be created, but only via the intervention of a magic user (mortal or godly), or via an object that is itself the focus of a belief structure and empowered by the Egregoric Force. These objects are legendary, and most become the physical embodiments of spirits.


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