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Aedan MacLachlan

King of Rheged

King Aiden MacLachlan, burdened by the weight of his responsibilities, often finds his role as ruler overwhelming. Seeking solace and respite from his anxieties and haunting nightmares, he has turned to the numbing embrace of drink. The pressures of leading a kingdom in a land of turmoil have taken a toll on his spirit, driving him to seek temporary relief within the depths of his goblet.

Aiden's reliance on alcohol as a coping mechanism has become a closely guarded secret within the walls of the royal court. Few are privy to the true extent of his struggles, as he maintains a façade of strength and composure in public. However, those who serve him intimately witness the toll it takes on his well-being and the internal battles he fights.

In his darkest moments, Aiden questions his ability to lead with clarity and conviction. The haunting nightmares that plague his sleep only serve to reinforce his doubts and exacerbate his need for escape. Yet, even in the depths of his struggles, Aiden remains determined to fulfill his duty and protect the kingdom of Rheged.

Amidst his personal battles, Aiden seeks support from trusted confidants and advisors, relying on their guidance and counsel to navigate the intricate webs of politics and governance. They work tirelessly to assist their troubled king, providing a steady hand and offering strategies to manage the kingdom's affairs while protecting Aiden's reputation and the stability of Rheged.

As Aiden grapples with his inner demons, the people of Rheged remain unaware of their king's personal struggles. To them, he is still the figurehead of their nation, making appearances at public events, addressing their concerns, and providing a symbol of unity. Behind the scenes, a select few work tirelessly to ensure that the kingdom functions smoothly despite their king's private battles.

In this complex dynamic, the future of Rheged hangs in the balance. Aiden's struggle to find inner peace and regain control over his anxieties will shape not only his own destiny but also the fate of the kingdom he holds dear. It remains to be seen whether he will conquer his personal demons and rise above the shadows that haunt him, or if his internal struggles will ultimately consume the legacy of King Aiden MacLachlan.


Aedan MacLachlan

Cousin (Important)

Towards Aodh MacLachlan



Aodh MacLachlan

Cousin (Vital)

Towards Aedan MacLachlan




Aodh is the cousin to King Aedan MacLachlan, and heir to the throne of Rheged.

Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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