Shellback Settlement in The March | World Anvil
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The floating trade nexus known as Shellback is a seemingly impossible place. Somehow easily found in the midst of an ocean that defines change, this city has grown from a small collection of tethered together ships gathered by an aged Dragon Turtle, into a bustling port and pirate town. Ostensibly lawless, Shellback holds together through necessity and convenience. Few are willing to make waves (literally or figuratively) here, for risk of breaking the town's neutrality, and making too many enemies. When some have dared go far enough to risk Shellback's state, Paytar the Dragon Turtle ("Pete" to the people of Shellback) has risen from the waves to deal with the threat. With this relative stability, Shellback has become the major midway port for ships traversing the Mayar.   Shellback is still a collection of ships and floating buildings, held together by rigging, gangplanks, and floating walkways. The ships use artifice anchors to stay in place, but the nature of the town means that making a map is practically useless. Many plank urchins make their living as guides, or by luring the odd customer to paying predators.


The town is divided into districts, but even these are constantly in flux. The primary stable districts are the Floating Bazaar - where shops are always open and most merchants pull in, the Khan - the first shipwreck that the town formed around and the de facto city hall, Cross Bones - the pirate section, and the Crown Plank - where four ships of the Yorlish navy have settled and are attempting to forge a stable section.
Alternative Name(s)
The Floating City, Turtletown
Large town
Roughly 3000
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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