Flamecopper Material in The Magic Multiverse | World Anvil
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If one were to look very carefully at the decorations of the homes of the Fire Princes - if one were ever so terribly unlucky to be anywhere near them - there might be a reddish-orange metallic sheen to some of the furnishings. This is Flamecopper, a rare mineral which only has two major mines in the entirety of the Tortuous Fire. Don't grab onto it, though, if you plan on keeping the hand that touches it.  

Mining and Refining

Grakhnanul and Poravnul are the only two places where Flamecopper can be found close enough to the surface to be mined. The material comes out of the ground in ores that might be mixed with other metals like black iron or even the occasional precious gem. This means it has to be refined to be purified, and only the extreme heat of the Kettle or a similar refinery can separate out the minerals. The product of this is pure Flamecopper, which is very malleable when heated and can be made into whatever it is needed for. Since the Kettle also handles this process, all trade in Flamecopper has to go through Grakhnanul before being distributed to where it is needed.  

Decoration and Weaponry

Flamecopper has two major uses. Up until recently, it was purely used for decoration, as only the Fire Princes or other Noble Dæmons could possibly hope to afford it. The reddish-orange colour of the metal and its malleability made it extremely popular for gilding items like furniture, making murals and other decorative aspects.   A recent discovery about its ability to be extremely sharp when carved into a point (as well as its effect on humanoids - see sidebar) means that Fire Princes have begun using it as a material for the creation of weapons. While few in number right now, some of the Princes' elite guards have been seen with Flamecopper spears, swords and battleaxes. It's assumed that the Princes themselves also have Flamecopper weapons in their personal arsenals, although no one is allowed to know if that is the case.
Very expensive
Reddish-orange, like the colour of red-hot coals
Related Locations

Effects on Sophonts

The reason that the Fire Princes have begun to take a closer look at Flamecopper is because of the effects it has on humanoid races from other dimensions. Flamecopper appears to be a distilled form of whatever energy keeps the plane at such a hot temperature and so hostile to other forms of life. Because of this, the denizens of other dimension who touch Flamecopper receive terrible disfiguring burns on whatever part of their skin touches the metal. Dæmons appear unaffected by Flamecopper.
All images in this article were made by me, EmperorCharlesII, unless otherwise credited.

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