Sedi Character in The Legend of Elemental | World Anvil
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Chalice Maiden Sedi (a.k.a. Little Kipper)

"Dry your tears little one. I will not abandon you."   "Promise?"   "On my life."  
  • The Veilwalker and Sedi, upon their first meeting.
  • Physical Description

    General Physical Condition

    Sedi is a tiny but healthy individual who is constantly admonished for not eating enough.

    Physical quirks

    Sedi is right handed and tends to stand with her head ever so slightly canted to her right.

    Special abilities

    Despite her age, Sedi is a Tier III magic caster attuned to the Light Water Element.

    Apparel & Accessories

    Sedi wears a simple robe of deep blue that matches her eyes and wears a hairpin made of obsidian and silver.

    Specialized Equipment

    Though unarmed, Sedi wears a strange necklace engraved with an image of Nautilus, first daughter of Apathy. This may have been a gift.

    Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Sedi was found at the tender age of eight by the Veilwalker, and has since accompanied the immortal warrior on all of his wanderings. By her recount, she was abandoned for some unknown reason. Since that day, she has traveled the world with her guardian, searching for her family in-between quests.


    She was taught everything she knows by her extraordinarily capable guardian.


    Sedi is a Chalice Maiden of the Seamaiden order, a missionary tasked with the healing and aid of any she might meet in her travels.

    Mental Trauma

    Sedi cannot bear the thought of being abandoned and takes great comfort in the Veilwalker's immortality.

    Intellectual Characteristics

    Sedi is a very practical woman, leaving higher thought to those with the time to spare.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Almost a zealot when it comes to kindness, Sedi cannot and will not refuse a request for help. Her rashness has seen her rush into danger to help the injured, making the Veilwalker a valued guardian.


    Vincent is like a father to Sedi, yet she loves him in a more intimate way. His immortality throws a wrench into the normal conception of their age gap, meaning that this taboo is accepted in the Willborn Empire and Nation of Free Winds, but to a lesser degree in the Covenant of Sol.

    Personality Characteristics


    Sedi has made it her life's goal to help those in need, but specifically hopes to find a way to sooth the immortal curse placed upon her protector and best friend.

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

    Sedi is extremely skilled at starting fires, but can't cook without a proper stove.

    Likes & Dislikes

    Sedi has a passion for food from her homeland. She hates brushing both her hair and her teeth.

    Virtues & Personality perks

    Sedi does not hold grudges and forgives quickly.

    Vices & Personality flaws

    Sedi forgets constantly to look after herself, leaving her own well-being up to the winds. She is also trusting to a fault.

    Personality Quirks

    Sedi squeaks when frightened or startled.


    While aware enough to keep herself mostly clean, Sedi constantly forgets to perform personal maintenance.


    Social Aptitude

    Sedi is not well adapted to people and can come across as awkward at best.


    Sedi tends to speak more and more rapidly the more nervous she gets.


    In order not to offend anyone, Sedi speaks very softly.



    Treasured Friend (Vital)

    Towards The Veilwalker



    The Veilwalker

    Guardian (Vital)

    Towards Sedi



    Nicknames & Petnames

    Sedi refers to the Veilwalker as Vin

    Commonalities & Shared Interests

    Both of them enjoy wandering and are each other's only real friend.

    Legal Status

    Party Members

    Wealth & Financial state

    Sedi owns the clothing on her back and not much else.

    The girlish and tiny companion of the Veilwalker. She seems weak and only good for her healing abilities.

    Current Location
    Cinder's Rest
    View Character Profile
    Neutral Good
    Year of Birth
    37774 AM 24 Years old
    Blue like the depths
    Golden locks that fall haphazardly down to her shoulders.
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    the bronzed tan of her people
    Aligned Organization


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