The Seaborn Ethnicity in The Legend of Elemental | World Anvil
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The Seaborn

The people of the Deep

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Women are often named for aspects of the sea or phenomenon that occur within it.  

Popular Names


Masculine names

Men are often named for creatures of the deep or disasters that it might bring.  

Popular Names


Unisex names

The Seaborn do not have unisex names.

Family names

The Seaborn do not recognize family names. All are children of the sea.


Major language groups and dialects

While the majority of the population speaks the western dialect of Common, many of the Seaborn also know Merspeak and the language of the Deep.

Culture and cultural heritage

The Seaborn are sailors at heart, masters of the ocean. This has given them a deep respect for the tides of fate and chance. As such, the Seaborn are somewhat superstitious and take very little for granted.

Shared customary codes and values

The Seaborn believe in aiding others and sharing resources above all else. They are a generous people and pride themselves on being slow to anger.

Common Etiquette rules

The Seaborn greet each other with bows and part ways with an ancient saying; "Luck of the Sea be with you." friends can be less formal and often greet with light kisses to the brow.

Common Dress code

The Seaborn prefer waterproof fabrics made of sealskin or other natural materials. The men often do not wear shirts, even if they have a jacket. The women wear knee length or longer skirts designed to look like the tails of fish and tops that expose their bellies but cover everything else down to their wrists.

Art & Architecture

Seashell artwork is common among the Seaborn. Though grand buildings are left to the Ironborn, the Seaborn produce incredible paintings and similar works of art.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The seaborn will always thank a creature for its life when it is taken. They share this custom with the Skyborn, a tradition that may be linked back to the destruction of their homelands and the great loss of life. There is also a small festival held each time a ship returns from a harrowing journey.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Newborns are dipped in water from the sea, a symbol of their true mother.

Coming of Age Rites

New adults are expected to go on a mission of mercy to another land, the more strenuous the better.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The dead are sent out to sea on small boats, which are not set on fire, but are instead punctured and sink, eventually returning them to the sea.

Common Taboos

It is considered unethical to kill for sport and Necromancy is hated and feared.

Common Myths and Legends

Rark, who slew the Great Serpent that plagued Trader's Dream.   Sweed, the greatest healer of all time.   Surifina of the Deep, the woman who secured the alliance between humanity and the merpeople.

Historical figures

Brinsal, first mother of the Seamaidens   Hammir, who sailed the lead ship and led his people across Apathy's Wrath.


Beauty Ideals

Shapely forms and flowing hair are highly praised among the Seaborn. Colorful eyes are considered an extremely attractive trait.

Gender Ideals

Women are held in high regard in this society, like the body of a fish while the men are the scales and teeth. Both genders are expected to be strong and gentle, though men are often the builders and defenders of the home while the women go out and minister to the woes of the world.

Courtship Ideals

The women are expected to take the first move and select a man who is reliable enough to protect her offspring. After that, it is a matter of the woman proving her faith while the man proves his reliability.

Relationship Ideals

Faith and respect are critical components of the Seaborn marriage. Both spouses must trust each other implicitly. Children are taught to be gentle and soft-spoken, respectful of their elders.

Major organizations

The Seamaidens
Related Organizations
Related Locations


Ability Score Increase +1 Wisdom +Intelligence
Size Medium

Of the Deep: Seaborn can speak to sea creatures within a ten foot radius telepathically.   Great Lungs: Seaborn can hold their breath for up to an hour.   With the Flow: Seaborn have advantage on spell concentration checks.

Languages. Common


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