Shadow Tech Organization in The Laconic | World Anvil
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Shadow Tech

Be advised: The following information is classified. Authorized Kaylone military personnel only. Viewing of the following documents by unauthorized personnel is considered treason against the Kaylone Empire and is punishable by death.


Shadow Tech operates in a structure similar to most intelligence agencies. At the top is the Director and board of advisors. The identity of the board members is highly classified in order to protect the organization. Below the board are the officers which lead the Task forces in field operations. Task forces are made up of three agents and a commanding officer.


Shadow Tech operates at the highest levels of secrecy. Very little information about their operations is available to the general public however tales from other organizations alleged interactions with Shadow Tech have caused the very mention of them to inspire a sense of dread. They’re name is synonymous with omniscience and  the phrase “Shadow Tech is watching.” is whispered in every dark corner of the galaxy.

Public Agenda

Officially Shadow Tech operates to detect threats to the Empire before they become an immediate danger. However the methods employed to that end are often not made public.


Javos Quell    Gamin Menich    Satin Basilone   Laos Flannal


"When the Kaylone Empire surrendered to the Alliance in 2265 Shadow Tech was one of the first organizations to to be dissolved. Many high ranking Shadow Tech officials such as Director Javos Quell, Cheif of counter intelligence Satin Basilone, and propagandist Laos Flannal were able to see the writing on the wall and disappeared before the end of the war. In response the FIA secretly launched Operation Floodlight in an effort to hunt down and terminate former Shadow Tech officers. Operatives from the SAC known as "Shadow Hunters" were deployed to carry out the assassination of these targets. The operation was declared a success in 2269 after Javos Quell was assassinated by former CEC Adam Weekes." - Keesh Ra, Amo Ra, Yovut Ra: A history of Kaylone Intelligence, by Mala Kemp

Keesh ra. Amo ra. Yovut ra. (See all. Hear all. Know all.)

Military, Intelligence
Alternative Names
Hamrich Tech (Kaylone translation)
Head of Government
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Notable Members
Related Species


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