Keid Geographic Location in The Known Worlds | World Anvil
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Keid is a binary star system with two red dwarf stars. Each star emits about 30% of the light of Earth, and they are about 500 AU apart. Keid 1 is slightly larger than Keid 2, and is considered the primary star.   Orbiting Keid 1 is two planets. One habitable planet, called Keid 1-b, orbits at a distance of 0.3 au. There is also two large planets that orbit both stars. One gas giant, and one ice giant.

Natural Resources

The Keid system is rich with gold, silver, nickel, and iron. Some mines are on the planet Keid 1-b, and many are in asteroid fields, and even on the moons of the larger planets.   The ice giant that orbits both stars has a moderate sized space station orbiting it. The station gets Helium-3 to be used as fuel for starships and acts as a starship repair and refueling station.
Alternative Name(s)
Omicron-2 Eridani, 40 Eridani
Star System
Included Locations

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