Earth Unified Government Organization in The Known Worlds | World Anvil
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Earth Unified Government

By the end of the 22nd century the Earth was beginning to recover after finally halting climate change. Many countries no longer existed. Some had been abandoned as unlivable wastelands. Others were absorbed by countries they lost a war with. With the changes in what resources were available, and where they were, the world leaders realized that a cooperative world government was needed.   Nations that survived, or were formed during that time, then ran themselves similar to how they did before the dark times. Over the centuries various forms of world government were attempted, and failed. Once linkup happened, Earth realized that they needed to stabilize their society to try rise up and become a power in the known worlds.

Multiple layers

The earth government is separated into a few layers.   First is the regional government. Each area has a small council of 4-12 members depending on the size of the region. Each region is broken down into districts. With each district having an elected official.   These districts often cover a few hundred kilometers, and the areas are usually similar in some ways. For example an area known for lumber, or farming. Typically one or two large cities and several smaller towns will have one district representative.   The regional governments each send another elected official to the territorial government. There are 12 separate territorial governments that cover large areas. Such as North America, South America, Western Europe, and many others. There is a separate article on the Earth Geopolitical setup.   The top most layer is called the Council of Leaders. It consists of 12 members, one from each of the 12 territorial councils. Within the Council of Leaders they select a "speaker". This person has no more power than any other member of the council, however they are the person that can call order, or a initiate a recess if the council gets heated. The speaker is also the face of the council in news reels and press conferences.

Elected Officials

Anyone can run to be a district representative on regional council. The only requirements is that they are at least 21 years of age, and have resided in the district for at least 5 years. There is no "party" systems, people run based on a platform of what they want to bring to the council for their district.

Council Votes

For the council to approve a proposal, such as a new law, or a new government program requires a majority vote of at least 66%.


Any change to the laws that affect citizens directly involve a public vote after it's approved by the council. Changes such as interstellar trade agreements, or how they would handle certain corporations, and other governments do not usually get voted on by the council. Each region would have it's members vote for their district. Then the regional representative would vote based on how their region voted.
Government, Leadership
Government System
Power Structure
Controlled Territories

Articles under Earth Unified Government


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