The Seal of the Three-Headed Ettin Item in The Kantas Expanse | World Anvil
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The Seal of the Three-Headed Ettin

A marketing idea of moderate merit, one of the proprietors of the The Three-Headed Ettin, Coll, decided that the way to keep the quests flowing in to the Ettin in the face of the rise of Port Ffirst as a destination for adventurers was to ensure that local people could send in job requests more easily.   A small wax seal, a simple wooden affair with the classic three-headed logo attached, was sent to all of the nobles, merchants, shopkeepers and farmers in the region around Daring Heights, and a few more were dispatched to other notable (read: gossipy) citizens as they would surely pass it on to the right place. Any letter affixed with that seal would be delivered straight to the Ettin by the ever-efficient Wendy Eldottir, all postage costs pre-paid by arrangement between Coll and Wendy. This way, it would be the work of moments for people to write a quick request on a scrap of paper, roll it up, seal it with the sign of the Ettin and an adventuring party would roll up to the house, manor, wooded clearing or wherever within the week, ready to perform whatever honourable or demeaning task they were set for the right coin.   The design of the seal is taken from the sign for the tavern itself, though it has been refined from the messy original down to a simple depiction of three orgoid heads atop a massive pair of shoulders. Each head is subtly different, though in the wax imprint it's difficult to make out.   Trade in the Ettin has kept steady, even with the flourishing of the Flourishing Hook and similar establishments in the eastern port town, and a number of notices on the Rumour Mill now come in with this seal. Whether this was worth the significant cost of ordering 100 wax seals and paying postage with Wendy every month is yet to be seen. On top of this, Coll keeps getting random other pieces of mail sent to the Ettin as people use this seal on whatever packages or letters they are sending out, not realising that the seal also implies a different destination.


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