PLAYER'S CHEATSHEET in The Infosphere | World Anvil
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Each full night of rest = heals 1 Wound and all Strain.
Each full week of rest = Resilience check to recover from 1 Critical Injury. Failure heals 1 Wound instead. Can spend t if successful to heal +1 Critical Injury.


(Once per Session) May make a Medicine check to heal. If Type: Robotic, use Mechanics instead.
Effect Difficulty
Target's Wounds are below ½ WT d
Target's Wounds are above ½ WT dd
Target's Wounds are above total WT ddd
Target is self (ignore if Type: Robotic) +dd
No appropriate tools +bb
Spend s = -1 Wound, spend a = -1 Strain.


Distance Effect (minus Soak)
(Coordination dd)
+10 Damage, +10 Strain
(s = -1 Wound suffered, a = -1 Strain suffered)
Medium +30 Damage, +20 Strain
Long Maximum Wounds, Critical Injury +50, +30 Strain
Extreme Maximum Wounds, Critical Injury +75, +40 Strain


Type Effect
Mist, dim light, high grass +b
Fog, thick grass, darkness, foliage +bb
Heavy fog, thick smoke, dense foliage +bbb

Holding Breath

Number of Rounds = Brawn + Resilience skill level, then...


+3 Strain per Round. Once Incapacitated, +1 Critical Injury per Round.


+3 Wounds per Round, Once Incapacitated, +1 Critical Injury per Round.


Difficult Terrain: x2 Manoeuvers to move.
Impassible Terrain: Special equipment required.


Affects Brawn (not Resilience) & Coordination checks.
If gravity is stronger/heavier than normal: +b (1 to 3)
If gravity is weaker/lighter than normal: +b (1 to 3)
Zero-gravity: No change to checks, x2 Manoeuvers to move.

Fires, Acids, Corrosive Atmospheres

Example Wounds per Round
Campfires, mildly caustic substances, ash-filled air. 1-2
Flammable liquids, industrial acids, chemically-contaminated air 3-5
Welding torches, weaponised acids, ammonia, chlorinated air 6-9
Lava, blast furnaces, air filled with unbreathable gases 10+
  • Use Cool if you know a fight is coming. Use Vigilance if you are surprised.
  • The number of s & a determines the initiative slots for each team. Players fill in the initiative slots as they go - a character may only use 1 slot per Round.
  • t = Free Manoeuver just before initiative begins.
  • Surprise: If ambushing, each ambushing character picks a target and makes a Stealth (or similar) vs Vigilance (or similar) check. If successful, they make a free Attack before combat starts.
    If the target is so much as wary of them, it is a Cool v Vigilance initiative check.
Description Difficulty Trauma example Trauma effect
Startled d Obsession Extra expenditure options
  • hh: +b to the character's social checks for the remainder of the Encounter.
  • d: +d to the character's social checks for the remainder of the Encounter.
Afraid dd Phobia Character gains an additional Fear Motivation.
Very Afraid ddd Delusion Extra expenditure options
  • hh: +b to the character's Perception & Willpower checks for the remainder of the Encounter.
  • d: +d to the character's Perception & Willpower checks for the remainder of the Encounter.
Mortally Afraid dddd Neurosis Whenever this character suffers Strain, they suffer +1 Strain.
Utterly Terrified ddddd Broken Mind This Character's ST is halved (round up).

Suggested Fear check expenditure

Not a restrictive list, more of a list of suggestions and to show the relative power levels of a, h, t & d.

s/fSteady NervesAversion: Disorientated +1, Strain +1
aStand With Me!: Allies within Medium Range receive +b to this Fear check.Brave Face: Suffer -1 Strain from check.
hAdrenaline Rush: +b to next check but suffer +3 Strain.Flee!: This character must spend all available Manoeuvers trying to escape the cause of the Fear.
hhhhh/d-Gain a Trauma
t/dt: Fearless!: Automatically succeed Fear checks from this source (except if source is a Fear) for the rest of this Encounter.
tt: Closure: (If source is a Fear of this character, and Fear check is less Difficulty than the Fear Motivation) This Fear is removed
d Absolute Terror: This character is Immobilised+Staggered until they pass the check.
  Encumbrance is important in this game! Players should track it themselves.
  • Apparel (when worn) has its Encumbrance reduced by 3.
  • For each point over the Encumbrance Threshold, +b to all checks except Knowledge & Piloting.
  • If a character is overencumbered equal to or greater than their Brawn, no free Manoeuver.

Personal Combat & Social Encounters

At the end of combat, make a Cool check without Difficulty to recover Strain!


Each distance, except Engaged, is roughly double the size of the next smaller size..       
Move steps
Engaged to Short
Short to Engaged
Close enough to reach out and touch.
Able to whisper discreetly.
Short to Medium
Medium to Long
Unskilled gunmen can easily hit a target with any weapon. Almost point-blank range.
Can talk easily without raised voices.
Medium to Long
Long to Medium
Maximum range for most pistols. Average gunfight range.
Shout to be heard.
Long to Extreme
Extreme to Long
Long Range: Maximum range for most rifles.
Yell loudly to be heard, sometimes understood.
Extreme Range: Sniper rifle and vehicle weaponry.
Can barely hear if yelling.
Move: Walk, run, etc to a point within Short Range, including into cover.
(Max Def = 4)Cover: +1 rDef. If especially large cover (ask GM), +2 rDef or even +Soak. Sometimes cover only protects from some directions.
Prone: Stand up (from seated or prone) or move to prone. If prone, outgoing Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy) and Gunnery combat checks receive +b and Melee or Brawn receive +b. Incoming are the opposite.


Can be used with Brawl, Melee, Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy) or Gunnery - not M/T/CM
Normal Aim: +b to next combat check. +bb if 2 consecutive Maneouvers spent aiming.
Called Shot: +bb to next combat check, but targets a specific item/location. -b if 2 consecutive Maneouvers spent aiming.
Aim is broken if this character: Moves, takes Damage above Soak.

Guarded Stance

+1 mDef, +b to this character's combat checks. Lasts until start of next Turn.


If character providing assist has no Ranks in that Skill, +b. If they do, Upgrade equal to Skill.

Manage Equipment

Pick up/equip item, withdraw item from storage, put into storage, swap equipped item for one in storage (Incidental to drop an item).


Interact with environment, mount/dismount vehicle (including turrets)
Staggered: Cannot perform Actions until condition removed.
Immobilised: Cannot perform Manoeuvers until condition removed.
Disorientated: +b to all checks. Additional Disorientations add duration, up to 5.
Improvised Weapons

Improvised Weapons

(Improvised Weapons)
Anything that can be picked up and swung at the enemy, plus a few odds and ends.

Improvised (Small)MBwn+1+h5E1N/A00Limited Ammo 2; Destroyed with hh; Quiet (Q); Fragile
Improvised (Medium)MBwn+2+h5E3N/A00Limited Ammo 5; Destroyed with hh; Quiet (Q); Two-handed; Versatile; Fragile
Improvised (Large)MBwn+3+h5E4N/A00Destroyed with hh; Quiet (Q); Cumbersome 3; Two-handed; Fragile
WelderM53E4$10030d = Crit on wielder; Breach 1; Decay 1; High Maintenance; Limited Ammo 3; Cumbersome 3; Factory; Fragile
Fire Extinguiser
If using as a Melee weapon, see 'Improvised (medium)'
R:L0-E3$10020Blinding; Reach; Autofire; Blast 0; Burn 1; Two-handed; Lead; Magical; Limited Ammo 1; Fragile; Factory
Industrial CircSawMBwn+12
(min 50)
E4$10030d = Crit on wielder; Inaccurate 2; Pierce 2; aaa = Decay (Coordination Barbed 2; Two-handed; High Maintainence; Fragile; Cumbersome 2; Unwieldy 2; Factory

Action: Combat Check

Attack (a.k.a. "combat check")

Usually an Action to attack, but there are some exceptions.                        
Attack type & Range
Engaged Range
If wielding a Ranged (Heavy) weapon
If wielding a Gunnery weapon
Can't attack
Short Range d
Medium Range dd
Long Range ddd
Extreme Range dddd
Strategic Range ddddd
If 2+ Sizes larger -d per size until (-)
If 2+ Sizes smaller +d per size
Ally is in Engaged Range of target Upgrade Difficulty once
After making a R:L, R:H or Gunnery check Target receives +b to Melee or Brawl combat checks targeting this character.
  1. Target was Wounded with a Brawl/Melee check last Round
  2. Target remains within Engaged Range
  3. Target makes a non-Brawl/Melee check
Brawl or Melee checks at Engaged Range:


No free hand +b
Unable to speak +b
Heavy armour, a physical shield, restrictive outfits. +b
Target protected by Forcefield. +b
Circumstances that interfere with focus. Upgrade Difficulty
Casting a Macro or Program against an organic target wearing no personal technology. +b
Target protected by Barrier +b
Circumstances that interfere with electronic devices. Upgrade Difficulty
If target goes over WT: If a target is a Minion or Rival type, they die/are unconscious.
If the target is a Nemesis, they suffer a Critical Injury and are incapacitated.
Actions (Combat Encounter)
Criticals: (Remember to make the Crit roll at the end of the Turn!) If an Attack deals Wounds, can spend t or a to inflict a Critical Injury. Only 1 Critical Injury per Turn (triggering extra Crits = +10 to the roll).
Minions and Rivals are insta-killed, Nemesis roll on chart and put +10 to their own modifier (adds up over Sessions). Decrease this by healing Critical Injuries.
Dual Wielding

Dual+ Wielding:

  1. Identify Characteristic & Skill used with each weapon. Use the lower of each.
  2. Identify potential Difficulty if attacking individually with each weapon. Use the harder Difficulty, +d.
    If using two different weapons, +b
  3. Declare primary weapon, and roll check. s = primary weapon hits, spend aa/t to hit with second, third, etc... weapon.

Guide to Social Encounters
  1. Note down the amount remaining between your current Strain and Strain Threshold. This is the Strain Threshold you have available during the Social Encounter.
  2. At start of Encounter: Declare your Goal to the GM. This does not mean that the target knows the Goal.
  3. (Optional) Compromise: If an opposing leader (or PC) exceeds half of their Strain Threshold, they can offer a compromise - usually meeting both Goals halfway. This is not a skill check.
  4. Capitulation: If all the opposing creatures have more Strain than their Strain Threshold, the Goal is achieved.
  5. Return your Strain and Strain Threshold to the levels noted down before the Social Encounter.
Actions (Social Encounter)

Social Attacks

Action: Use social skill checks modified with the table below (in place of attacking with a weapon).
Action (Discern Motivations): Perception vs Cool (Once per Target, as a rough guide limited to Twice per Encounter).
Success: Learn a target's Motivation Facet.
Failure: +2 Strain
  • Success: +1 Strain on target, and +1 Strain per uncancelled s
  • Failure: +2 Strain to self
Motivation Facet Effect
Aligning with target's Strength or Flaw +b
Aligning with target's Desire or Fear +bb
Conflicting against target's Strength or Flaw +b
Conflicting against target's Desire or Fear +bb

Expenditure Tables

PC Motivation facets

PC Motivation Facets

TyrfingThe CycleComplete understanding of The CycleAsphyxiation in the VoidDeterminedWomen
Zanderbey CrowsYaraesaFamilySwarm returningGoal orientatedRejection
JulakeshDamoritoshRighting wrongs done as part of the VeskariumCaught by VeskariumMoralPoor judge of character
PC ExLangs

PC Extra Languages

CharacterLanguages (Common is assumed - consider a +b rule)
TyrfingCastrovelian; Druw'th; Kasathan
ZanderbeyDraconic; Golaric; Druw'th
JulakeshKasathan; Sylvan; Veskit
(General) Combat

Suggested Combat Encounter expenditure

Not a restrictive list, more of a list of suggestions and to show the relative power levels of a, h, t & d.

  • -1 Strain (may be triggered once).
  • +b to the next allied check.
  • Notice an important point in the conflict.
  • Activate an item Quality or trigger Critical.
    Likely to cost multiple a
  • Perform an immediate free Manoeuver.
    May not exceed '2 Manoeuvers per Turn' limit
  • +b to target's next check.
  • +b to any allies (or your own) next check.
  • Negate target's Defence until end of current Round.
  • Ignore penalising environmental effects until end of next Turn.
  • +1 rDef OR mDef until end of next Turn.
  • Target drops held item.
  • Initiative roll only: Free Manoeuver before combat.
  • Upgrade the Difficulty of the target's next check.
  • Upgrade the Ability of any ally's (or your own) next check.
  • Do something vital!
  • Destroy environmental cover permanently.
  • Activate Sunder Quality, even if your weapon doesn't have it.
  • +1 Strain (may be triggered once).
  • Lose the benefits of a prior Maneouver. The target may perform the Maneouver again as soon as they are able.
  • Target may make a Maneouver after this check is resolved as an Out-of-Turn Incidental.
  • +b to target's next check.
  • This character (or their ally) suffers +b to their next check.
    (This character's choice)
  • This character falls prone.
  • Accidentally grants any enemy a significant advantage for the remainder of the Encounter.
  • If combat check fails, and ally is in Engaged Range of target: Attack strikes ally.
  • Weapon becomes Out-of-Ammo.
    Can't be used on items with Limited Ammo.
  • The current/most recently used item is damaged one step.
  • Upgrade Difficulty of an ally's next check
    (Target's choice)
(General) Social

Suggested Social Encounter expenditure

Not a restrictive list, more of a list of suggestions and to show the relative power levels of a, h, t & d.

  • -1 Strain (may be triggered once).
  • +b to the next allied check.
  • Notice an important point in the conflict.
  • Learn the Strength or Flaw of the target.
  • +b to target's next check.
  • +b to any allies (or your own) next check.
  • Learn the Desire or Fear of your target.
  • Successfully conceal your true goal in the Encounter.
  • Your character learns the true goal of the target.
  • Learn any one Motivation facet of any character involved in the Encounter.
  • Upgrade the Difficulty of the target's next check.
  • Upgrade the Ability of any ally's (or your own) next check.
  • Do something vital!
  • +1 Strain (may be triggered once).
  • Become distracted/sidetracked.
  • Accidentally reveal a Strength or Flaw to target.
  • +b to target's next check.
  • This character (or their ally) suffers +b to their next check.
    (This character's choice)
  • Accidentally reveal Desire or Fear to target.
  • Accidentally reveal true goal to target.
  • Reveal Motivation facet of an ally.
    (Target's choice)
  • Learn a false Motivation facet of the target that this character believes to be true.
  • Upgrade Difficulty of an ally's next check
    (Target's choice)
  • Become so embroiled in irrelevant events that this character cannot do anything important next Round.

Additional suggested Magic expenditure

Not a restrictive list, more of a list of suggestions and to show the relative power levels of a, h, t & d.

  • The effort exhausts the character (+2 Strain or +1 Wound), acting character's choice.
  • +b to any further attempts to use Cantrips or Spells until the end of next Turn.
  • Concentration is wavering, suspending any maintained effects until the target makes another Concentration Maneouver.
    If target's Concentration is already wavering, it is broken instead.
  • Until the end of the Encounter, enemies add +b when using a Magic, Tech or Combat Mastery ability targeting this character.
  • Target's Concentration is broken.
  • If this check used a magical focus: The magical focus used is damaged one step.
  • The ability is slightly more powerful than expected, and another character of the GM's choice is affected by the ability as well.
  • The character overexerts themselves, and is unable to activate any Cantrips for the rest of the Encounter.
  • The character overexerts themselves and is unable to activate any Spells for the rest of the Encounter.
  • The GM selects the target of the ability. If the caster is an NPC, the targeted Player chooses who is targeted instead.
  • The character completely loses control of their abilities and suffers a Critical Injury. If they are using a magical focus, it is destroyed.

Additional suggested Tech expenditure

Not a restrictive list, more of a list of suggestions and to show the relative power levels of a, h, t & d.

  • The Replicator short-circuits, and causes the character to suffer +2 Strain or +1 Wound, Player's choice.
  • +b to any further attempts to use Macros until the end of next Turn.
  • Concentration is wavering, suspending any maintained effects until the target makes another Concentration Maneouver.
    If target's Concentration is already wavering, it is broken instead.
  • Until the end of the Encounter, enemies add +b when using a Magic, Tech or Combat Mastery ability targeting this character.
  • Target's Concentration is broken.
  • The character's replicator is damaged one step.
  • The ability is slightly more powerful than expected, and another character of the GM's choice is affected by the ability as well.
  • The character overexerts themselves, and is unable to activate any Macros for the rest of the Encounter.
  • The character overexerts themselves and is unable to activate any Programs for the rest of the Encounter.
  • The GM selects the target of the ability. If the caster is an NPC, the targeted Player chooses who is targeted instead.

Vehicle Combat

Guide to Vehicle Combat


  1. Initiative as normal
  2. Characters take Turns
  3. (Vehicles do not move according to speed and direction)


  • Choose an appropriate facing according to the direction of the hit.
  • If a collision is reduced to 0 or below, the Crit is nullified.
  • Particularly large vehicles might be able to ignore collisions with very small vehicles. However, larger vehicles tend to have a harder time avoiding larger asteroids or terrain features.

Minor Collision: Critical Hit, reduced by Defence * 10.
Major Collision: Critical Hit, reduced by Defence * 5.
Chase speed = Current Speed - Target Speed
If your distance does not exactly meet up with the measurements here, you overshoot your target by the difference.
Speed Effects
  • 1 Vehicle Manoeuver to move into Close Range of an object or non-hostile vehicle.
  • 2 Vehicle Manoeuvers to move into Close Range of a hostile vehicle.
  • 1 Vehicle Manoeuver to move into Close Range of a hostile vehicle.
  • 2 Vehicle Manoeuvers to move between Close & Medium Range.
  • As above
  • +20 to Critical Hit rolls due to collision.
  • Upgrade all Piloting checks once.
  • 1 Vehicle Manoeuver to move between Close & Medium Range.
  • 2 Vehicle Manoeuver to move between Close & Long Range.
  • +40 to Critical Hit rolls due to collision.
  • Upgrade all Piloting checks twice.
  • Upgrade any combat checks from this Vehicle or targeting it once.
  Actions & Manoeuvers (Pilot only)
Requirements Name Type Effect
Pilot Fly Manoeuver Move your vehicle one Range Band according to the speed table.
Pilot Accelerate
Manoeuver Increase or decrease your current speed by 1.
Pilot; Speed & Silhouette equal/greater than target. Escort Action May declare a non-hostile vehicle to be ‘escorted’ until the end of the pilot’s next Turn. Ships cannot be escorting and escorted at the same time.
Upgrade the first attack made against the escorted vehicle (+b per rank of Piloting).

The attacker may spend aa or t to hit the escorting ship (if the escorting ship is in range, and the weapon doesn't have the Limited quality).
Pilot; Silhouette 4 or less Punch It Action Suffer System Strain equal to (Silhouette minus Current Speed), but immediately accelerate to maximum Speed.
Pilot; Silhouette 4 or less Full Stop Action Suffer System Strain equal to Current Speed to instantly reduce Speed to 0.
Pilot; Silhouette 4 or less Evasive Maneuvers Manoeuver Upgrade the Difficulty of attacks against this vehicle once, but Upgrade the Difficulty of attacks made from this vehicle once.
Pilot; Silhouette 4 or less Stay on Target Manoeuver Downgrade the Difficulty of attacks made from this vehicle, but also Downgrade the Difficulty of attacks targeting this vehicle.
Pilot; Silhouette 4 or less; Speed 1+ Gain the Advantage Action Complicated! See "Gain the Advantage" dropdown
Actions & Manoeuvers (Copilot only)
Requirements Name Type Effect
Copilot Plot Course Action Navigation dd, Piloting ddd or Perception ddd check.
Spend s to -b for flying through hazards.
Copilot Copiloting Action Piloting dd check.
Spend s to -d (minimum d) the Pilot's next Piloting check.
Actions & Manoeuvers (Communications & Science)
Requirements Name Type Effect
Computer; within sensor range Target Lock Manoeuver Computers dd
Success = Ignore sensor range penalty for attacking, and the penalty to the Guided quality.
Computer; target within sensor range Jamming Action Computers dd check.
Success = Target can't use their communication systems. Computers dd (Action) to cancel Jamming.

Spend s to +d cancel Jamming.
Spend a to affect +1 Vehicle within range.
Communications systems; Language Dependent Controlled Fire Action Leadership ddd, or (requires 1+ ranks) Combat Mastery dd check.

Success = Next crew member to fire from this vehicle receives +b.
Spend ss to affect +1 crew member.
Spend aaa to deal +1 Strain/SS per hit per affected crew member.
Computer, within sensor range Scan Target Manoeuver Perception ddd check.
Success = Learn the base stats of the target vehicle, including number and consciousness levels of occupants, and a summary of cargo.
Suffer +dd to scan for hidden occupants or cargo.
Spend aa to learn current HT and SS.
If target is beyond sensor range, information is reduced:
  • Sensor Range +1: Number and base stats.
  • Sensor Range +2: Number and Silhouettes
  • Sensor Range +3: Existence
  • Sensor Range +4: Automatic failure
Computer, within sensor range Electronic Warfare Action Computers ddd check.
Success = Reduce target's defence (if shield, or electronic) in 1 defence zone by 1. Lasts until the start of this character's next Turn.
Spend aa to +1 System Strain.
Spend t to disable weapons equal to ranks in Computers until the start of next Round.
Computer; missiles within sensor range Spoof Missiles Manoeuver Computers dd check.
Success = +d to weapons with the Guided quality. Lasts until start of next Round.
Actions & Manoeuvers (Engineering)
Name Type Effect
Manual Repairs Action (Once per Encounter) Athletics ddd.
-1HT, provided it was acquired during this Encounter.
Spend s to -1 additional -1HT.
Damage Control Action Mechanics check. d if below half HT.
dd if above half HT.
ddd if above HT.
Spend s to -1 SS.
Actions & Manoeuvers (Gunner)
Requirements Name Type Effect
Attack Action Standard attack, usually with Gunnery skill. Difficulty is set by table below.
Aim Manoeuver See normal combat
Silhouette 5+; Speed 3 or less Blanket Barrage Action Select all weapons of a single type and single fire arc. They will count as firing this Turn. Minimum 3 weapons. Make a Gunnery dd check.
Success = Silhouette 2 or less vehicles Upgrade the Difficulty of combat checks against this vehicle once. Lasts until the start of next Round.
Spend aa to Upgrade the Difficulty again.
Spend hh on affected vehicles' Piloting checks to hit with half base damage of weapons used.
Spend d as above, but for full damage.
Silhouette 5+; Speed 3 or less Concentrated Barrage Action Choose a target Silhouette 5+. Select all weapons of a single type and single fire arc. They will count as firing this Turn. Minimum 3 weapons. Make a Gunnery combat check as normal.
Success = hit as normal. Spend a to hit again equal to number of weapons used.
Missiles within attack range Manoeuver Missile Flak Vigilance ddd check.
Success = +d to weapons with the Guided quality. Lasts until start of next Round.
Silhouette Difference Close & Short Range Medium Range Long & Extreme Range
4+ d d d
3 d d d
2 d dd d
1 dd dd d
0 dd dd d
-1 dd ddd dddd
-2 ddd dddd ddddd
-3 dddd ddddd Impossible
-4 ddddd Impossible Impossible
-5 or less Impossible Impossible Impossible

Additional Modifiers

  • Target is travelling at Speed 4+ and has 1+ Maneuverability rating: +b
  • Target is travelling at Speed 4+, at Close RNG and at Speed 3 or less: +d
  • Target is travelling at Speed 4+ and attacking weapon is rated for Medium+ Range: +d
  • Per Range Band outside of sensor RNG: +d
Critical tables
(Click on a picture to open it) 1d100
Critical Injuries table
Critical Injury table by FFG

(put Critical Hit table here)

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