Laboratory Faragh Building / Landmark in The Impasse | World Anvil
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Laboratory Faragh

Designed By Josh Corgatelli
You briefly spot the building through the thick copse of trees that seems to have been intentionally planted in the front of the structure. Heavily guarded, it is a rough, unimpressive building of sandstone, stretching far into the distance and windowless, an easily defensible building from siege or prying eyes. "That is of the highest security," one of your escorts says to you sternly, noticing your glance at the strange structure, "pay that building no mind, in fact, its best you forget it even exists."

Purpose / Function

This Laboratory was designed to not exist, a variable black site for the Pewter Guild to test and examine experiments that the public may take offense to, even if the tests themselves use moral means. Guarded all hours of the day by elite members of the Chalice Warden garrison in Al Eridu, only Lakatys Jerys and a small handful of his most trusted scientists even know the location of this Laboratory and access is restricted to only a dozen members of the guild, not including the rest of the council.


When Azerdyne Al-Rashid took over as the head scientist in Laboratory Faragh, it took him almost no time to expand deep into the earth with dozens of chambers between his personal lab space and the primary work space on the surface. Each of these rooms serves a menial purpose but primarily Azerdyne rigs the rooms with traps and tests which hinder those whom he does not want from entering his personal work space.


Much the same as the rest of the architecture of the town in which this is nestled, this black site of sorts is composed on a simple four walls of sandstone, the roof flat with short crown ramparts along the top. The sandstone roof is held up my thick beams of a dark, coated wood which poke out nearly a foot at increments near the roof. To increase the air of secrecy surrounding the building and the confidentiality of the work contained within, there are no windows in the building, the only portal a simple metal door set into the front of the structure. A low wall, much the same as the one that surrounds the city itself, surrounds this building, a short sandstone barrier topped with a lattice of wood that has been woven with greenery.
Alternative Names
Blank Laboratory
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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