Camillian Ethnicity in The Ground | World Anvil
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Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Aelesia, Aerlilia, Alice, Calese, Cara, Carline, Carlira, Chelsea, Cordelia, Cordesia, Danae, Darlisia, Elallae, Emman, Eva, Eve, Frera, Freya, Gallae, Gardelsea, Gelinae, Genevieve, Laura, Lucy, Luevra, Lurline, Lusaya, Lydia, Lyline, Rodia, Rosalie, Rose

Masculine names

Alissandro, Camardon, Cameron, Camon, Carlaimo, Carlos, Jaime, Jaimos, Jerte, Jiano, Juliano, Julandro, Julon, Jo, Leonardo, Leoneron, Leono, Lere, Louis, Roberto, Roberos

Family names

Bene, Cane, Wynte


Culture and cultural heritage


Shared customary codes and values

Family and Kinship

Family and kinship ties are paramount in Camillian society, with strong bonds of loyalty and support among family members. Camillians prioritize the welfare and prosperity of their families, often making decisions with the collective good of the family in mind.

Duty and Responsibility

Camillians place great importance on fulfilling one's duty and responsibilities, whether they be familial, societal, or professional. They believe in honoring commitments and obligations, recognizing that each individual has a role to play in contributing to the well-being of the community.

Honor and Integrity

Honor and integrity are esteemed virtues in Camillian society, with individuals expected to uphold their word and act with honesty, fairness, and moral uprightness in all aspects of life. They believe in maintaining a strong sense of personal honor and integrity, as it reflects on their character and reputation within the community.

Environmental Stewardship

Camillians have a deep respect for the natural world and prioritize environmental stewardship and conservation. They believe in living in harmony with nature, minimizing their impact on the environment, and safeguarding natural resources for future generations.

Education and Lifelong Learning

Education is highly valued in Camillian society, with a strong emphasis on lifelong learning and intellectual curiosity. Camillians believe in the power of knowledge to empower individuals and enrich communities, promoting education as a pathway to personal and societal advancement.

Common Etiquette rules

Politeness and Courtesy

Politeness and courtesy are integral to Camillian interactions, with individuals expected to speak and act with kindness and consideration towards others. Simple gestures such as saying "please" and "thank you," holding doors open for others, and offering assistance when needed are considered basic acts of courtesy.

Public Behavior

Camillians maintain a level of decorum and restraint in public settings, avoiding loud or disruptive behavior that may disturb others. They respect personal space and privacy, refraining from intruding on others' conversations or activities without invitation.

Environmental Respect

With a strong emphasis on environmental stewardship, Camillians show respect for their natural surroundings by avoiding littering, conserving resources, and minimizing their impact on the environment in everyday actions.

Table Manners

Camillians value proper table manners and dining etiquette, especially in formal settings or when dining with guests. This includes using utensils appropriately, chewing with your mouth closed, and refraining from speaking with food in your mouth. Camillians also appreciate punctuality when attending meals or social gatherings.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Floral Symbolism

Flowers hold great symbolic significance in Camillian culture, with different types of flowers and floral arrangements carrying specific meanings. Camillians exchange flowers to express various sentiments such as love, friendship, gratitude, and condolences. Floral motifs are also commonly incorporated into traditional attire, artwork, and decorative items.

Canal Boat Processions

Canal boat processions are a traditional form of celebration in Camillian culture, where elaborately decorated boats navigate the waterways of the canal cities, accompanied by music, dance, and cheering crowds. These processions mark special occasions such as religious festivals, community milestones, or cultural celebrations, serving as a festive display of Camillian heritage and pride.

Honor Duels

In certain contexts, honor duels may be held to resolve disputes or defend one's reputation in Simekian society. These duels, governed by strict rules and protocols, are seen as a means of upholding personal honor and integrity within the community.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Following the birth of a child in Camillian culture, a cherished tradition unfolds as the new mother embarks on a 20-day period of rest and bonding with her newborn. Supported by her husband, who takes time off from other duties, the family creates a nurturing environment where the mother and baby can bond, fostering a strong foundation of love and connection from the earliest days of life.

During this sacred time, friends and family members participate in the celebration by visiting the new mother and her baby, offering heartfelt congratulations and well-wishes. As tokens of their love and blessings, guests bring symbolic flowers representing positive attributes such as intelligence or beauty, infusing the home with the fragrance of joy and camaraderie. These visits create a sense of community and shared celebration, embodying the spirit of togetherness and support that defines Camillian culture.

Coming of Age Rites

Presentation to Society

In Camillian culture, the Presentation to Society marks a significant milestone in a young person's life as they transition from adolescence to adulthood. This ceremonial event is a lavish affair that symbolizes the young individual's readiness to take on the responsibilities of adulthood and contribute to their community.

Preparations for the Presentation to Society begin months in advance, with meticulous planning and attention to detail. The celebration typically takes place in a grand venue, adorned with elaborate decorations and floral arrangements, reflecting the significance of the occasion. The honoree, dressed in elegant attire befitting the occasion, is the focal point of the event, radiating confidence and poise as they step into the spotlight.

During the ceremony, the honoree is formally introduced to society, surrounded by family members, friends, and esteemed guests. They make a grand entrance accompanied by vibrant salsa music, infusing the atmosphere with energy and excitement. Speeches, performances, and presentations may be made in honor of the honoree, highlighting their achievements, aspirations, and the values they embody.

One of the highlights of the Presentation to Society is the traditional salsa dance, where the honoree takes to the dance floor with their chosen partner. This dynamic and rhythmic dance symbolizes the honoree's readiness to embrace the joys and challenges of adulthood, moving with grace and passion as they celebrate their coming of age.

Throughout the celebration, guests are treated to sumptuous cuisine, lively entertainment, and heartfelt moments of camaraderie and joy. The Presentation to Society is not only a celebration of the individual honoree but also a reflection of the rich cultural heritage and values of the Camillian people, uniting generations in a shared experience of tradition, elegance, and celebration.

Funerary and Memorial customs

In Camillian culture, funerary rites are solemn yet deeply meaningful ceremonies that pay tribute to the departed and honor their journey into the afterlife. Instead of traditional black or grey attire, Camillians wear white to funerals, symbolizing the purity and transcendence of the soul as it moves on to the next realm.

The funerary process begins with the cleansing of the body, a ritual act of purification and reverence. The cleansed body is then placed on a small boat in the center of a Mourning Hall, surrounded by mourners who gather to pay their respects. Mourners adhere to a strict silence while within the Mourning Hall, honoring the solemnity of the occasion and allowing for moments of reflection and contemplation. Throughout the day, Camillians take turns placing symbolic flowers in the boat with the body, each flower representing a cherished memory or sentiment for the departed.

As the day draws to a close, the boat is gently pushed out to sea, carrying the body of the departed on its final journey. At this solemn moment, archers step forward and use flaming arrows to set the boat alight, symbolizing the release of the soul and its ascension into the realm of the dead.


Marriage Customs

The Camillian marriage ceremony is a cherished tradition that celebrates the union of two souls in love, surrounded by family, friends, and the blessings of the community. As the ceremony begins, the bridal party, including bridesmaids and groomsmen, accompanies the couple to the altar, symbolizing their support and commitment to the union.

The bride holds a symbolic bouquet, carefully crafted with flowers that hold special meaning for the couple. Each flower represents a cherished virtue or aspiration, symbolizing the blessings and love they share. The groom presents the bride with a ring, a circle of precious metal symbolizing the eternal nature of their love and commitment. With this ring, he pledges his faithfulness and devotion to her for all time. The bride, in turn, places a ring on the groom's finger, sealing their bond and promising to stand by him through all of life's joys and challenges. Their words are a testament to the depth of their commitment and the promise of a lifetime of love and partnership. As they seal their vows with a kiss, the room erupts in joyous cheers and applause, marking the beginning of their journey together as husband and wife.

As the ceremony draws to a close, the bride, with grace and reverence, takes turns giving a flower to each of her bridesmaids. Each flower is carefully chosen for its symbolism, reflecting the unique qualities and virtues of the recipient. With each flower, the bride expresses her gratitude and love for her bridesmaids, symbolizing the shared journey they have embarked upon together.

With the exchange of flowers complete, the newlyweds are greeted with joyous cheers and applause from their loved ones. The celebration continues with a lavish feast, where guests gather to toast the happiness and prosperity of the newly married couple. Music, dance, and laughter fill the air as the Camillian marriage ceremony concludes with a joyous celebration of love, unity, and shared dreams.

Common Taboos

Disregarding Nature

Camillians have a profound respect for the natural world and view it as sacred. They believe in living in harmony with nature and strive to protect and preserve the environment. Disregarding nature, whether through reckless exploitation of natural resources, pollution, or destruction of habitats, is seen as a violation of this sacred bond and is strongly condemned in Camillian society.

Breaking Promises

Honoring one's word is considered a matter of personal integrity and trustworthiness among Camillians. When someone makes a promise or commitment, it is expected to be kept, as breaking promises undermines trust and damages relationships. Whether it's a solemn vow made in marriage or a simple agreement between friends, failing to uphold one's promises is viewed as dishonorable and disrespectful.

Gossiping or Spreading Rumors

Camillians place a high value on maintaining harmony and unity within their communities. Gossip and rumors have the potential to sow discord, create divisions, and harm relationships. Therefore, engaging in gossip or spreading unfounded rumors is considered a breach of trust and integrity. Camillians strive to communicate openly and honestly with each other, avoiding the temptation to indulge in idle chatter or malicious gossip.

Showing Public Displays of Affection

While affection and intimacy are valued within the confines of marriage or close relationships, Camillians are generally reserved when it comes to displaying physical affection in public settings. Public displays of affection, such as kissing or embracing, are viewed as private expressions of love and are not considered appropriate for public consumption. Camillians prefer to maintain a sense of decorum and propriety in public, reserving intimate gestures for more private settings.


Beauty Ideals

Healthy Glow

A healthy, radiant complexion is highly prized among Camillians. Clear, luminous skin that reflects vitality and well-being is considered a hallmark of beauty, suggesting a balanced lifestyle and inner harmony.

Natural Elements

Given Camille's symbolic association with flowers and nature, beauty ideals may also encompass elements inspired by the natural world. Soft, flowing hairstyles, delicate floral accents, and earthy, organic textures may all contribute to the idealized Camillian aesthetic.

Graceful Posture

Camillians value poise and grace in their beauty ideals, appreciating individuals who carry themselves with elegance and confidence. Graceful posture and fluid movements are admired traits that contribute to overall attractiveness.

Natural Elegance

Camillians appreciate a sense of natural elegance and grace in their beauty standards. They admire features that exude refinement and sophistication without appearing overly contrived or artificial.

Gender Ideals

Equal Opportunities

Camillians believe in providing equal opportunities and rights for individuals of all genders. Both men and women are encouraged to pursue their passions and aspirations, whether in education, career, or personal interests, without discrimination or prejudice.

Shared Responsibilities

In Camillian households, there is a recognition of the importance of shared responsibilities between partners. While certain tasks may still be divided along traditional lines, such as breadwinning versus homemaking, there is an expectation that both partners contribute to the well-being of the family and share in decision-making processes.

Courtship Ideals

For The Wealthy


Courtship for nobility in Camille often begins with the involvement of families in arranging marriages. Parents play a significant role in selecting suitable partners for their children, taking into account factors such as social status, family reputation, and compatibility of values.


Wealthy Camillians host lavish parties to introduce eligible bachelors from around the world to their daughters. These events serve as opportunities for potential suitors to impress the family and the bride.


Interested men must demonstrate their suitability and worthiness to the family and the bride through acts of charm, wit, and accomplishment.


The bride ultimately selects one of the suitors to marry, based on factors such as social standing, compatibility, and personal preference.


Wealthy male Camillians become eligible to attend these parties upon coming of age, allowing them to participate in the courtship process and vie for the hand of a wealthy bride.


for the poor

Simple Gestures of Affection

While they may not have the means for extravagant displays of affection, poorer Camillians express their love and affection through simple gestures and acts of kindness. These may include small gifts, thoughtful gestures, or acts of service that demonstrate care and consideration for their partner's well-being.

Shared Activities

Shared activities play a central role in courtship among poorer Camillians, providing opportunities for bonding, connection, and romance. Whether it's leisurely boat rides along the tranquil canals or romantic strolls through the charming streets of their cities, couples cherish moments of togetherness as they explore the beauty of their surroundings.

Family Approval

Family approval and support play a significant role in courtship among poorer Camillians. Potential partners are often evaluated based on their compatibility with the family and their ability to integrate into the broader familial network, as family bonds are central to their social and emotional support systems.

Relationship Ideals

Emotional Support

Camillians place great importance on providing emotional support and comfort to their partners during both good times and bad. They strive to be a source of strength and encouragement, offering empathy, understanding, and unconditional love to help their partners navigate life's challenges and triumphs.

Quality Time Together

Camillian relationships prioritize quality time spent together, whether it's engaging in shared activities, enjoying quiet moments of intimacy, or simply being present with one another. They cherish the opportunity to deepen their connection and create lasting memories through meaningful experiences shared as a couple.

Mutual Respect

Camillians believe in treating their partners with utmost respect and dignity, valuing their opinions, feelings, and autonomy. They recognize the importance of mutual respect as the foundation of a healthy and fulfilling relationship, where both partners feel heard, understood, and valued.

Commitment and Loyalty

Commitment and loyalty are fundamental values in Camillian relationships, with partners dedicated to each other's well-being and happiness for the long term. They prioritize the sanctity of their relationship and remain faithful and devoted to each other through the ups and downs of life.

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