God's Eye Odeza Character in The Great Tree | World Anvil

God's Eye Odeza

God's Eye (a.k.a. Shifter, Scout: Realm, Spotter)

Physical Description

Facial Features

Round childlike face with a soft complexion. She has bright emerald green eyes, and long lime green hair done down her back in a pleated braid.

Identifying Characteristics

Massive set of multichromatic butterfly wings.

Special abilities

An Unparalleled ability for portal and spacial manipulation. A particularly unique Talent for Air and sound. She was able to pioneer a new field of magic that allows the transfer of sound specifically. Leading to a very useful tool for the Federation  Military.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She started out as all Wayfares Guild  did, however she was recruited rather recommended by one of the courts. She had been operating out of the City of Huron, working as a chemist for the city. She had a thriving business, her shop was known for its quality of potions, tinctures, and tonics. She couldn't keep up with larger herbalists and distilleries, and eventually she was bought out by one of the subsidiary businesses in the employ of the Collage of Healing magic and surgery.   She was then picked up by the local court working in the same field. Though now she was adding her own magic to the mixtures. This gained renown as her products lasted longer, and reversed minor temporal issues caused by Collage's apprentices. This gained the attention of the Wayfarer guild operating in Huron at the time. When she was asked to demonstrate her abilities for the Guild representative in the presence of a resonator, she broke it. She was told that she has an unfathomably deep connection to time. She was recruited on the spot.   After only a few years with the Guild she quickly rose through the ranks. She passed through the Acolyte and Accepted ranks within the first 6 months. After she had achieved the rank of Enlightened she discovered a sensitivity to sound that very few wayfarers had ever had access too.   This ability had led to a few new spells being taught throughout the Guild's society. Example being that she was able to figure out long distances communication through the use of portal magic. She didn't need to actually open full portals and only allowed sound to travel between two points. This had proved to be a remarkably simple spell so that even new initiates could cast it.   This was then widely adopted by the Federation of Cities and led to a military superiority with the Zybtine Caliphate to the east. The Guild then discovered she was able to use her connection to sound to actually be able to use elemental magic, which had been the first in the most recent history. She often uses this to float rather than stand.   She was a God's Eye's in her fourth year with the guild. She had demonstrated an unparalleled level of understanding of the tenants of the Guild and her magic potential. A few other God's Eye's were summoned to evaluate her ability. While not much is known about this event as the Guild is extremely protective of their inner workings, we do that a historical event had happened.   The Fracture  is a widely known event in the western world. Though it is still speculation on the Zybtianian half of the continent. This event had began on a sunny, clear day on the southern shore of the Great Lake. A colossal boom had sounded off the entire continent. The source of the sound had never been disclosed to the public or to the major governing bodies of the Federation. Though the sky been split open, and the Guild did offer an explanation that follows; The fracture in the sky is a physical manifestation of our branch of the Great Tree, and that this rift was opened during the Trail. That this would have no effect on the general populace, only that it was a rare celestial event with little consequence.   This was the disclosure given to all. Though many religious entities operating in all the cities of the mainland continent all reported strange occurrences around this time. This has led to much debate over what this God's eye's Trail entailed and much criticism of the Guild in general.   After Odeza had become a God's Eye's she was given the task of maintaining a communications network across several dozen cities. To this day the network has never faltered, and continues to expand. She has largely been out of the public view and has kept up with her own ventures and research. Her involvement with The Fracture has largely been covered up by the Court of Huron, and the Guild has worked very hard to suppress information of the God's Eye's from being involved in the event as well.

Personality Characteristics


While her motivations go mostly unknown to those she doesn't explicitly tell, her main goal appears to be that of assisting the Guild with whatever it asks of her. Thoush she has been seen attempting to speak of a few various topics and a strange effect occures to her. She like all living entities in the world of the Great Tree are effected by Silenced Tongues . She has been seen Speaking to Gjorn Fourth king of Dwarves freely about the topic, though no one can understand the incomprehensible noise that they speak, as the curse still effects those who do not know. She has also been known to teach Ilgor of the Skullbrood Clan her brand of magic for portals. SHe appears to be loyal to both Gjorn and Ilgor specifically, though trying to get the information out of her is exceptionally difficult. 
Unknown, Early thirties
Bright Emerald Green, Large ovoid
Lime Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale tanned skin
5ft 0in


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