Chateau de la Vigne Building / Landmark in The Great Tree | World Anvil

Chateau de la Vigne

Purpose / Function

The Vineyard serves a dual purpose, as it is also the Duke's home. The Vineyard allows him to produce the wine for his Company under the same name of the Vineyard. The plantation boasts a multitude of grape varietals such as Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, a richly unique Chardonnay that has a very high oil content. These take up most of the Estate as the Duke showcases his family's legacy in the winemaking industry.  
The lower five terraces of the Vineyard are dedicated to the production of herbaceous plants that he will sometimes infuse into the wines he produces as a limited edition to his vast collection of vintages. While he also does grow food crops on the farm, he donates all of his production to assist with the less fortunate of the city. He has somewhat Pomposly declared this date as a holiday for Port De Renard.  
The Estate also boasts a large series of wine presses as well as a man made cavern below the main Villa for storage and fermentation. The cavern has an extremely limited access, limited to only his Master sommelier, as well as his Majordomo who oversees the production and day to day affairs of the Vineyard. The Final person allowed in the Cavern Beyond himself is Baron of Glaion Lucas Berthelot. He did this in a show of spirited competition as he wanted to show Lucas what he was actually up against.  
The Main Villa of the estate is strictly for Jacque's residence and diplomatic affairs. Refusing to make any trade agreements in his own home, that business is done inside the Palace in the middle of Port De Renard.


The Villa is constructed in a Venetian Style, with heavily altered marble columns. A rich array of sculptures decorate the courtyards. Every path of the Vineyard is covered in trellis and Arches that allow various Morning Glories and Glowbells to flourish.


While not known to the public, The Duke has a personal coterie of Sightless hunters protecting the Estate. If one were to ever find that particular piece of information out, well, they don't live long enough to tell it to anyone.
Founding Date
Parent Location


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