Duke Jacque De Renard Character in The Great Tree | World Anvil

Duke Jacque De Renard

Current Ruler of Port De Renard. Considered to be an acceptable leader of the city as he holds the same attitudes as Baron of Glaion Lucas Berthelot, he sees himself as the vector in which the economy of the city should be guided. He has fostered the welcoming atmosphere the city exudes in boisterous clouds.  
His Chancellor, Lafayette, who is acting General of the Galus naval forces in the Southern tip of the Peninsula. The duo have become an effective force for the protection of the City and the Kingdom Greater. The War of the Caliphate between the Federation and the Ramac never reached the shore of Galus due to Lafeyette's tactics and brutal efficiency.  
Jacque is in his own struggles however, as he and Lucas engage in an Economic war between their two Vineyards. As each one seeks to find holes in the market and undercut their business strategies. In a recent turn of events Jacque bought out a contract that Lucas had been seeking from Jaque de Lafae for his vineyard to hold a larger presence in Port De Renard's Market.  
The two have been duking it out for years as the situation has played out. Jacque with his acquisition of Jaque de Lafae Vineyard had brought him a larger footprint inside Glaion, much to Lucas's Chagrin. The two vineyards being Chateau de la Vigne belonging to Jacque and Chateau Carvincia belonging to Lucas.  
Jacque as a ruler has been fairly uneventful in terms of his Family's legacy. General Lafeyette spared him most of the work in the Califi-Federo War. Where Jacque spent much more of his time propping up the Merchant's Guild to assist with the governmental tasks. He has also dolled out massive bread doles to the citizens as they struggled through the war.  
Eventually, he even allowed the mass migration of Lamia to the city, as they fled from the Bhathic desert region under the ruthless hammer of the Ramacian Caliphate. This led the city to enjoy a cultural revival of the East in the city where various different textiles and music were shared amongst the populace.
Current Residence
Port de Renard
Dark Green
Long Slicked back, sandy Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Olive Skinned
Sorority of Azu, Bishops of Xelex


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