The Warrens Building / Landmark in The Grand Duchy of Oberlan | World Anvil
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The Warrens

A short trot across the road from The Silver Dragon Inn, you head for the entrance in the shelter of a once grand portico. Through open doors you step into a darkened hallway, cramped, crowded and noisy, it is impossible not be jostled in the milling mass of humanity that fills the long corridor. It appears that a small market has been squeezed into the confines of what was once the entrance hall of a grand townhouse some decades past.   A crude trestle table by the doorway is covered with a rich assortment of knives. There are broad bladed skinning knives, finely balanced throwing knives, sharp stilettos, spring bladed flick knives and disguised knives to resemble quills, ink pens, hair bands, scroll cases and the like. Two cocky youths are testing the weight of an ivory handled sheath knife while the merchant cajoles them into a purchase with all the energy he can muster.   Nearby, a swaggering bravo, full of bluster, is talking up his recent exploits. A skeptical audience of young cutpurses are pretending to listen, more than one of them is eyeing his belt pouch with something akin to lust. Amongst the throng you recognise more than one face from the Silver Dragon Inn. The strong smell of coffee masks the familiar odours of stale sweat, damp rot and tobacco. A one armed mingol is brewing a fresh pot over hot coals, inviting passing trade to sample a cup for a few coppers. Beyond a curtained doorway you spy a group of middle-aged men gathered at a table as each of them draws upon a long clay pipe that prove so popular among the lower orders.   - Situated opposite the Silver Dragon. - Is a marketplace for illegal/stolen goods. It comes alive at night times - There is a locksmith known as Therald inside. - Caretaker called Grout. - Kullen Irontooth goes here. - There is a powder seller known as Devila inside.
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