The Silver Dragon Inn Building / Landmark in The Grand Duchy of Oberlan | World Anvil
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The Silver Dragon Inn

The signage out the front depicts that of an enormous silver dragon and once inside the inn is no less vast. Known as one of the largest establishments in the Northside to grab a drink, the Silver Dragon is situated in a space between the docks and the market district. Due to this, and the welcoming and friendly landlord Braggi, there's rarely a moment of quiet in this bustling city tavern.   Whether it be the ice barbarians drinking loudly at the bar, the silent-types drinking quietly in the corner or the rich merchants passing through, all come to enjoy the hospitality of the Silver Dragon.   Whilst rarely two days go past without a fight breaking out across the bar, the enormous heavy-handed Blorgi is always on hand to act as a bouncer for the landlord.   - Braggi is the owner and barman. - Blorgi is the bouncer on the door. - The “Fatman” lives on the top floor.


  • Silver Dragon (First Floor)
Parent Location
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