Cutpurse Alley Building / Landmark in The Grand Duchy of Oberlan | World Anvil
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Cutpurse Alley

A dusty thoroughfare populated by simple labourers and teir families, or so it appears at first glance. It was once a road of some quality, judging by the once great houses that line the street, most of which are now crumbling ruins of what they once were. Rather than the compacted gravel or dirt common in the area this road was cobbled with fine smooth stones. Now, they are patchy, broken and uneven with puddles of stagnant water gathering in the dips. The ground floor of the buildings are mainly taken with simple trades and plain merchant shops. Stalls are propped up in the street selling cheap cuts of meat, bread, cheese and small beer, simple clothing.   A crowd of children gather outside a popular bakery called the Buttered Loaf where the owner distributes stale rolls and day old rock cakes for a copper or two. Above the shops are teeming tenements filled with the sounds of cooking, arguments, children playing and drunken song that spills out onto the street through open windows. Washing lines heavy with drying clothes are strung across the street like banners for a parade. Jutting balconies and precarious roof bridges also span the gap between the buildings. On and around them are numerous statues clinging to the corners of the buildings and the rooftops. These stone gargoyles are dark with soot and clad in moss and lichen.   he location of the Thieves' Guildhall, amongst other places of ill-repute.
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