Julian's "Fortress" Building / Landmark in The Glasslands | World Anvil
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Julian's "Fortress"

Purpose / Function


Julian's parents made him live here after he refused to get his own house as an adult.  


Julian Glen and Donovan Mercer lived here after Hurricane Richard started and the pair realized it would be easier to maintain than Julian's parents' house.



The pair of drunks threw tarps over the top of the garage and tied them down to the ground with rope tied to steel stakes. The windows have bars welded onto them, and the side sliding door had been welded shut, making the front door the only way in or out. Wood spikes, roughly imitating medieval anti-cavalry traps, are haphazardly stabbed into the ground around the outside of the garage,


The garage is a basic rectangular wood building with an angled roof. The side facing the road has a large sliding door. Inside, 1/3 of the building is dedicated to parking a vehicle and a small workspace, while the remaining 2/3s are living space, including a kitchen/living room, bedroom and bathroom with plumbing.



Julian's parents kicked him out of the main house a few years before Hurricane Richard, and he moved into their garage.  


Julian and Donovan continued to live here after Hurricane Richard, stocking it full of beer, weed and food.
Founding Date
c. 1980s (pre-Storm), January 1SY (post-Storm)
Alternative Names
Julian's Garage
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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