Scorpion, Monstrous Species in The Fourth Age of Tel | World Anvil

Scorpion, Monstrous

Hark! In both the sun-baked wastes and cavernous glooms of Tel, where shadows slither and terrors lurk, dwelleth a vermin of monstrous aspect. The name of this creature in our common tongue, is Scorpione Monstre, however in the barbarous tongues, it is more commonly known to the Ashemites, Nar, and Kharadians as the Akran and to the Khemians as the Chle.

Imagine, gentle reader, a scorpion exceeding the size of a sturdy mule, nay, a nimble palfrey, all bristling chitin and venom, striding forth on eight iron legs and wielding a barbed tail as long as a man's spear that ends with a venomous stinger. These are no common pests, but terrors incarnate, prowling the moonslit sands and echoing caverns, their hunger an ever-present threat. In these desolate realms, fear reigneth supreme, for the monster scorpion knows no mercy, its venomous sting delivering death as swift as the desert wind. Any creature smaller than its enormous size, be it beast or man, becomes its quarry, prey claimed in the night with a snap of pincers and a gush of deadly ichor. So always walk wary lest thou becomest another offering laid upon the altar of the scorpion's hunger.

Basic Information


The monstrous scorpion bith a creature spun from nightmares. Its very form whispereth of ancient horrors, cloaked in a carapace of ebon that catches the faintest glimmer like a broken shard of obsidian. Legs as black as sin, tipped with pincers like cruel javelins, propel it across the cavern floor with an unnerving sound that set teeth on edge and chilleth the marrow.

Its segmented tail, black as pitch and as deadly as a serpent's strike, remaineth constantly arched above it to strike its hapless prey. Upon its tip resteth a venomous stinger, a needle dipped in oblivion, ready to unleash a cocktail of agony and demise. Even its scent speaketh of death, a bitter tang that hangeth heavy in the air, a grim herald of the scorpion's presence.

This is no creature of flesh and bone, but a denizen of nightmares, woven from the darkness itself. Should thou find thine self lost in the monsterous scorpion's domain, heedeth the whispers of the shadows and the chilling symphony of its scuttling, for one wrong step, one misspoken word, could summon forth its wrath and paint thy name upon the canvas of oblivion.

Dietary Needs and Habits

This fiend of the dark seeketh naught but flesh, its obsidian carapace glinting with malice as it stalketh its prey. Armed with pincers like wicked daggers and a venomous sting that dripeth with death, the monster scorpion striketh swift and merciless.

Woe to the creature that crosseth its path, for once the monster scorpion claimeth its kill, a grisly ritual unfolds. With every shuddering step, the beast drags its victim's carcass back to its lair, a shadowed den reeking of decay and despair. Within this macabre chamber, it performs its final, unholy act. The Kharadim, wise folk of the desert mountains, speak of a chilling spectacle: the scorpion spews forth a potent acid, a caustic tide that melts and softens its unfortunate feast. Thus, with agonizing slowness, it devours its kill, its toothless maw slowly grinding the softened flesh into gruel from which it sups.

This monstrous gluttony defies reason. A monster scorpion can consume enough in a single sitting to sustain itself for nearly a year! Yet, with a cruel twist of fate, this creature of the abyss remains ever hungry, driven by an insatiable urge to kill even when its belly is full.

Perhaps, in this paradox, lies the true horror of the monster scorpion. Not only is it a fierce predator, but its hunger is a bottomless pit, a darkness that devoureth not just flesh, but any hope of escape from its domain. Be most cautious, in the sunless depths or in the desert night, the monster scorpion lurks, a harbinger of death cloaked in an eternal hunger.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Lo, the monstrous scorpion, a creature of shadow and silence, stalketh the arid sands of Tel, a land woven from myth and peril. Like a phantom born of the desert's breath, it slumbereth beneath dunes of ochre and sienna only to emerge underneath the moons' twin light. Though legends paint the it solely as a creature of the desert wastes, its reach extendeth far beyond the dunes. Deep within the earth, in caverns where Aelos' light is but a forgotten rumor, the scorpion thriveth. Here, in the embrace of eternal night, it becometh a lord of the shadows, its obsidian form blending seamlessly with the inky depths.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Though darkness be its cloak and shadows its comfort, the monster scorpion doth possess a paradox most curious: several eyes like jet, both in front and on top of its head, keenest amongst the crawling things, that pierce the gloom like daggers forged in starlight. Yet within the shadows, another sense doth guide the beast. From its limbs, like quills dipped in ink, extend hairy feelers, long and quivering. This pelt, woven from nightmares and whispers, map the world unseen, catching the hushed tremor of passing prey or of the approaching storm. No whisper on the wind, no footfall on the rock, escapeth its vigilant touch. Thus it navigates the abyss, a phantom lord of the dark, its touch a harbinger of doom for those unfortunate enough to be lost in its domain.

6 years
Average Height
10 hands
Average Weight
500 to 600 lbs
Average Length
  • 5 to 6 feet, excluding tail
  • 8 to 9 feet, including tail
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by Lleij Schwartz