Common Rexan Language in The Fourth Age of Tel | World Anvil

Common Rexan

Common Rexan, often refered to as "Common," was the colloquial form of the Rexan language as it was spoken during the latter period of the Rexan Empire. It served as lingua franca within western Ione and Aerisca Borealis as it was the shared tongue of the many nations that have arose after the fall of the Empire, including Rhenia, the Eknon Empire, the Aeriscan League.

Writing System

Common Rexan uses the Rexan alphabet as its writing system.

Geographical Distribution

Common Rexan is spoken throughout the territories of the former Rexan Empire, which occupied the majority of Ione and Aerisca Borealis, as well as beyond.


  • Consonant inventory: b d f g h j k kʷ l m n p r s t β
  • Vowel inventory: a au̯ e i o u ɔ ɛ ɪ ʊ
  • Diphthongs: au̯
  • Syllable structure: (C)(C)(C)V(C)
  • Stress pattern: Penultimate — stress is on the second last syllable
  • Word initial consonants: b br d f fl fr g gl gr j k kl kr kʷ l m n p pl pr r s sk sp st t tr β
  • Mid-word consonants: b bl br bs bt d dd dkʷ dm dβ f ff g gg gm gn gr h j k kk kkʷ kr ks ksk ksp kspl kssp kst kstr kt kʷ l lg lk ll ln lp ls lt ltr lβ m mb mkʷ mm mn mp mpl mpr mβ n nd nf nfl nfr ng ngr nk nkl nkr nkʷ nl nn ns nskr nsp nst nstr nt ntr nβ p pl pp ppl ppr pr ps pt r rb rd rf rg rk rkʷ rm rn rp rr rs rsp rt rβ s sd sk skʷ sm sp ss st stkʷ str t tkʷ tr ts tt ttr β
  • Word final consonants: b d k ks l m n nk ns nt ps r rs s st t
Sound changes (in order of application):
  • kʷ → k / {u,ʊ,o,ɔ}_
  • n → ∅ / _[+fricative]
  • nkt → ŋt
  • ks → s / _#
  • ks → s / C_
  • ks → s / _C
  • b → β / V_V
  • d → ð / V_V
  • g → ɣ / V_V
  • gn → ɣn
  • j → ɟ / #_
  • j → ɟ / V_V
  • [ɛ -stress] → e
  • [ɔ -stress] → o
  • [e +stress] → eː
  • [a +stress] → aː
  • [i +stress] → iː
  • [u +stress] → uː
  • [o +stress] → oː
  • [ɛ +stress] → ɛː
  • [ɔ +stress] → ɔː
  • i → j / C_V
  • u → w / C_V
  • w → β / !k_
  • kj → c
  • nj → ɲ
  • lj → ʎ
  • tj → ʦʲ
  • ll → ɭɭ
Spelling rules:
ji / !#_



  Nouns have three cases:
  • Nominative is the doer of a verb: dog bites man.
  • Accusative is the done-to of a verb: man bites dog.
  • Genitive is the possessor of something: dog’s tail hits man.
  Declensions I and II


NominativeNo affix filiús /ˈfiljʊs/ Change all ʊs to i /_# filii /ˈfilji/
AccusativeChange all ʊs to u /_# filiu /ˈfilju/ Change all ʊs to os /_# filios /ˈfiljos/
GenitiveChange all ʊs to o /_# filio /ˈfiljo/ Change all ʊs to ɔru /_# filiis /fiˈljis/


NominativeNo affix femína /feˈmɪna/ Change all a to e /_# femínas /feˈmɪnas/
AccusativeNo affix femína /feˈmɪna/ Change all a to as /_# femínas /feˈmɪnas/
GenitiveChange all a to e /_# femíne /feˈmɪne/ Change all a to ɔru /_# femínis /ˌfemɪˈnis/
    Declension III


NominativeNo affix patre /ˈpatre/ Change all e to i /_# patri /ˈpatri/
AccusativeNo affix patre /ˈpatre/ Suffix -s patres /ˈpatres/
GenitiveChange all e to i /_# patri /ˈpatri/ Change all e to ɔru /_# patróru /paˈtrɔru/


NominativeNo affix matre /ˈmatre/ Suffix -s matres /ˈmatres/
AccusativeNo affix matre /ˈmatre/ Suffix -s matres /ˈmatres/
GenitiveChange all e to i /_# matri /ˈmatri/ Change all e to ɔru /_# matróru /maˈtrɔru/


Masculine definiteFeminine definiteMasculine indefiniteFeminine indefinite
Singularle /le/ the la /la/ the unu /ˈunu/ a una /ˈuna/ a
Pluralli /li/ the las /las/ the da /da/ some da /da/ some


1st singularmu /mu/ my (masc.) ma /ma/ my (fem.)
2nd singulartu /tu/ your (masc.) ta /ta/ your (fem.)
3rd singularsu /su/ his sa /sa/ her
1st pluralnós /nɔs/ our (masc.) nós /nɔs/ our (pl. fem.)
2nd pluralvós /vɔs/ your (pl. masc.) vós /vɔs/ your (pl. fem.)
3rd plurallis /lis/ their (pl. masc.) lis /lis/ their(pl. fem.)


1st singular2nd singular3rd singular masculine3rd singular feminine1st plural2nd plural3rd plural masculine3rd plural feminine
Nominativeégo /ˈɛgo/ [ˈɛɣo] I tú /tʊ/ you (sing.) ílle /ˈɪlle/ he ílla /ˈɪlla/ she nós /nɔs/ we vós /βɔs/ you (pl.) ílle /ˈɪlle/ they (masc.) ílle /ˈɪlle/ they (fem.)
Accusativemé /mɛ/ me té /tɛ/ you (sing.) íllu /ˈɪllu/ him ílla /ˈɪlla/ her nós /nɔs/ us vós /βɔs/ you (pl.) íllos /ˈɪllos/ them (masc.) íllas /ˈɪllas/ them (fem.)
Genitivemí /mɪ/ mine tí /tɪ/ yours ílli /ˈɪlli/ his ílli /ˈɪlli/ hers nóvís /ˈnɔβɪs/ ours vóvís /ˈβɔβɪs/ yours (pl.) íllis /ˈɪllis/ theirs (masc.) íllis /ˈɪllis/ theirs (fem.)
    Relative and Interrogative
Nominativequi /kʷi/ who/which/what/that
Accusativequén /kʷɛn/ whom/which/what/that
Genitivecui /ˈkui/ [kwi] whose


  Conjugation I
1st singular2nd singular3rd singular1st plural2nd plural3rd plural
PresentChange all are to o /_# sto /sto/ I stand Change all are to as /_# stas /stas/ you stand Change all are to at /_# stat /stat/ he/she/it stands Change all are to amos /_# stamos /ˈstamos/ we stand Change all are to ates /_# states /ˈstates/ you stand Change all are to ant /_# stant /stant/ they stand
ImperfectChange all are to aβa /_# stava /ˈstaβa/ I was standing Change all are to aβas /_# stavas /ˈstaβas/ you were standing Change all are to aβat /_# stavat /ˈstaβat/ he/she/it was standing Change all are to aβamos /_# stavamos /staˈβamos/ we were standing Change all are to aβates /_# stavates /staˈβates/ you were standing Change all are to aβant /_# stavant /ˈstaβant/ they were standing
PreteriteChange all are to au̯i /_# staui /ˈstau̯i/ I stood Change all are to au̯sti /_# stausti /ˈstau̯sti/ you stood Change all are to au̯t /_# staut /stau̯t/ he/she/it stood Change all are to amos /_# stamos /ˈstamos/ we stood Change all are to astes /_# stastes /ˈstastes/ you stood Change all are to aront /_# staront /ˈstaront/ they stood
PluperfectChange all are to ara /_# stara /ˈstara/ I had stood Change all are to aras /_# staras /ˈstaras/ you had stood Change all are to arat /_# starat /ˈstarat/ he/she/it had stood Change all are to aramos /_# staramos /staˈramos/ we had stood Change all are to arates /_# starates /staˈrates/ you had stood Change all are to arant /_# starant /ˈstarant/ they had stood
Future perfectChange all are to aro /_# staro /ˈstaro/ I will have stood Change all are to ares /_# stares /ˈstares/ you will have stood Change all are to aret /_# staret /ˈstaret/ he/she/it will have stood Change all are to aremos /_# staremos /staˈremos/ we will have stood Change all are to aretes /_# staretes /staˈretes/ you will have stood Change all are to arent /_# starent /ˈstarent/ they will have stood
    Conjugation II
1st singular2nd singular3rd singular1st plural2nd plural3rd plural
PresentChange all ere to o /_# disco /ˈdisko/ I learn Change all ere to es /_# disces /ˈdiskes/ you learn Change all ere to et /_# discet /ˈdisket/ he/she/it learns Change all ere to ɛmos /_# discémos /disˈkɛmos/ we learn Change all ere to ɛtes /_# discétes /disˈkɛtes/ you learn Change all ere to ent /_# discent /ˈdiskent/ they learn
ImperfectChange all ere to ɛβa /_# discéva /disˈkɛβa/ I was learning Change all ere to ɛβas /_# discévas /disˈkɛβas/ you were learning Change all ere to ɛβat /_# discévat /disˈkɛβat/ he/she/it was learning Change all ere to ɛβamos /_# discévamos /ˌdiskɛˈβamos/ [ˌdiskeˈβamos] we were learning Change all ere to ɛβates /_# discévates /ˌdiskɛˈβates/ [ˌdiskeˈβates] you were learning Change all ere to ɛβant /_# discévant /disˈkɛβant/ they were learning
PreteriteChange all ere to ɪ /_# discí /ˈdiskɪ/ I learnt Change all ere to ɪsti /_# discísti /disˈkɪsti/ you learnt Change all ere to ɛt /_# discét /ˈdiskɛt/ [ˈdisket] he/she/it learnt Change all ere to ɛmos /_# discémos /disˈkɛmos/ we learnt Change all ere to ɛstes /_# discéstes /disˈkɛstes/ you learnt Change all ere to ɛront /_# discéront /disˈkɛront/ they learnt
PluperfectChange all ere to ɛra /_# discéra /disˈkɛra/ I had learnt Change all ere to ɛras /_# discéras /disˈkɛras/ you had learnt Change all ere to ɛrat /_# discérat /disˈkɛrat/ he/she/it had learnt Change all ere to ɛramos /_# discéramos /ˌdiskɛˈramos/ [ˌdiskeˈramos] we had learnt Change all ere to ɛrates /_# discérates /ˌdiskɛˈrates/ [ˌdiskeˈrates] you had learnt Change all ere to ɛrant /_# discérant /disˈkɛrant/ they had learnt
Future perfectChange all ere to ɛro /_# discéro /disˈkɛro/ I will have learnt Change all ere to ɛres /_# discéres /disˈkɛres/ you will have learnt Change all ere to ɛret /_# discéret /disˈkɛret/ he/she/it will have learnt Change all ere to ɛremos /_# discéremos /ˌdiskɛˈremos/ [ˌdiskeˈremos] we will have learnt Change all ere to ɛretes /_# discéretes /ˌdiskɛˈretes/ [ˌdiskeˈretes] you will have learnt Change all ere to ɛrent /_# discérent /disˈkɛrent/ they will have learnt
    Conjugation III
1st singular2nd singular3rd singular1st plural2nd plural3rd plural
PresentChange all ɪre to jo /_# vídio /ˈβɪdjo/ I see Change all ɪre to is /_# vídis /ˈβɪdis/ [ˈβɪðis] you see Change all ɪre to it /_# vídit /ˈβɪdit/ [ˈβɪðit] he/she/it sees Change all ɪre to ɪmos /_# vídímos /βɪˈdɪmos/ [βɪˈðɪmos] we see Change all ɪre to ɪtes /_# vídítes /βɪˈdɪtes/ [βɪˈðɪtes] you see Change all ɪre to iont /_# vídiont /βɪˈdiont/ [ˈβɪðjont] they see
ImperfectChange all ɪre to jɛβa /_# vídiéva /βɪˈdjɛβa/ I was seeing Change all ɪre to iɛβas /_# vídiévas /ˌβɪdiˈɛβas/ [βɪˈðjɛβas] you were seeing Change all ɪre to iɛβat /_# vídiévat /ˌβɪdiˈɛβat/ [βɪˈðjɛβat] he/she/it was seeing Change all ɪre to iɛβamos /_# vídiévamos /βɪˌdiɛˈβamos/ [ˌβɪðjeˈβamos] we were seeing Change all ɪre to iɛβates /_# vídiévates /βɪˌdiɛˈβates/ [ˌβɪðjeˈβates] you were seeing Change all ɪre to iɛβant /_# vídiévant /ˌβɪdiˈɛβant/ [βɪˈðjɛβant] they were seeing
PreteriteChange all ɪre to i /_# vídi /ˈβɪdi/ [ˈβɪði] I saw Change all ɪre to ɪsti /_# vídísti /βɪˈdɪsti/ [βɪˈðɪsti] you saw Change all ɪre to it /_# vídit /ˈβɪdit/ [ˈβɪðit] he/she/it saw Change all ɪre to ɪmos /_# vídímos /βɪˈdɪmos/ [βɪˈðɪmos] we saw Change all ɪre to ɪstes /_# vídístes /βɪˈdɪstes/ [βɪˈðɪstes] you saw Change all ɪre to ɪront /_# vídíront /βɪˈdɪront/ [βɪˈðɪront] they saw
PluperfectChange all ɪre to ɪra /_# vídíra /βɪˈdɪra/ [βɪˈðɪra] I had seen Change all ɪre to ɪras /_# vídíras /βɪˈdɪras/ [βɪˈðɪras] you had seen Change all ɪre to ɪrat /_# vídírat /βɪˈdɪrat/ [βɪˈðɪrat] he/she/it had seen Change all ɪre to ɪramos /_# vídíramos /ˌβɪdɪˈramos/ [ˌβɪðɪˈramos] we had seen Change all ɪre to ɪrates /_# vídírates /ˌβɪdɪˈrates/ [ˌβɪðɪˈrates] you had seen Change all ɪre to ɪrant /_# vídírant /βɪˈdɪrant/ [βɪˈðɪrant] they had seen
Future perfectChange all ɪre to ɪro /_# vídíro /βɪˈdɪro/ [βɪˈðɪro] I will have seen Change all ɪre to ɪres /_# vídíres /βɪˈdɪres/ [βɪˈðɪres] you will have seen Change all ɪre to ɪret /_# vídíret /βɪˈdɪret/ [βɪˈðɪret] he/she/it will have seen Change all ɪre to ɪremos /_# vídíremos /ˌβɪdɪˈremos/ [ˌβɪðɪˈremos] we will have seen Change all ɪre to ɪretes /_# vídíretes /ˌβɪdɪˈretes/ [ˌβɪðɪˈretes] you will have seen Change all ɪre to ɪrent /_# vídírent /βɪˈdɪrent/ [βɪˈðɪrent] they will have seen
    Verb 'To be'
1st singular2nd singular3rd singular1st plural2nd plural3rd plural
Presentsú /sʊ/ I am és /ɛs/ you are ét /ɛt/ he/she/it is sús /sʊs/ we are éstis /ˈɛstis/ you are sút /sʊt/ they are
Imperfectéram /ˈɛram/ I was being éras /ˈɛras/ you were being érat /ˈɛrat/ he/she/it were being éramus /ɛˈramus/ [eˈramus] we were being ératis /ɛˈratis/ [eˈratis] you were being érant /ˈɛrant/ they were being
Preteritefu /fu/ I was fusti /ˈfusti/ you were fut /fut/ he/she/it was fumus /ˈfumus/ we were fistis /ˈfistis/ you were ferunt /ˈferunt/ they were
Pluperfectféram /ˈfɛram/ I had been féras /ˈfɛras/ you had been férat /ˈfɛrat/ he/she/it had been féramus /fɛˈramus/ [feˈramus] we had been fératis /fɛˈratis/ [feˈratis] you had been férant /ˈfɛrant/ they had been
Future perfectfuéro /fuˈɛro/ [ˈfβɛro] I will have been im /im/ you will have been férit /ˈfɛrit/ he/she/it will have been férimus /fɛˈrimus/ [feˈrimus] we will have been féritis /fɛˈritis/ [feˈritis] you will have been férint /ˈfɛrint/ they will have been

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = If starts with vowel: Suffix -tɛr Else: Suffix -itɛr Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = If starts with vowel: Suffix -a Else: Suffix -ia Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = No affix Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = If starts with vowel: Suffix -jʊs Else: Suffix -iʊs Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = If starts with vowel: Suffix -kʊs Else: Suffix -ikʊs Noun to verb = No affix Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = No affix Tending to = If starts with vowel: Suffix -idʊs Else: Suffix -dʊs Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = Change all re to undus /_# Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g. know → knowledge) = No affix One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = If starts with vowel: Suffix -tor Else: Suffix -ator Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = If starts with vowel: Suffix -ria Else: Suffix -eria Diminutive = If starts with vowel: Suffix -lus Else: Suffix -ulus Augmentative = If starts with vowel: Suffix -ne Else: Suffix -one


Main word order: Subject Object Verb (Prepositional phrase). “Mary opened the door with a key” turns into Mary the door opened with a key. Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned after the noun. Adposition: postpositions



  Common Rexan has a base-10 number system: 1 - unús 2 - do 3 - trís 4 - quatór 5 - quingé 6 - séc 7 - sét 8 - óct 9 - nove 10 - déc 11 - déc et unu “ten and one” 100 - unu cent “one hundred” 101 - unu cent et unu “one hundred and one” 200 - do cent “two hundred” 1000 - unu millé “one thousand”


Stopp bt dk kʷ g
Lateral approximantl


Common Rexan has a tense-aspect system of five verb forms: Present, Imperfect, Preterite, Pluperfect, and Future Perfect. The Future Indicative tense is constructed periphrastically by use of the infinitve + abere ('to have') congujated for person and number; thus, Dimane íllos óccúrrere ambio. ('I will meet them tomorrow.')

Natively known as: Rexana Vulgare /rekˈsana βulˈgare/

Example Text
Óvinús, ci lané non avid, cavallis vidéd; unús carró grave tragente, unús ónéri magnó pórtante, é unús umanó pórtante rapídamente. Sum óvinús cavallis dicéd: Ma coratsia a m'affligéd, vidente umano cavalícavat. Sus cavalli dicérund: Auscúlta, Óvinó! Nos coratsias a nostro affligand vidente umanús, sum segnore, lané d'óvinó ín vesti caldo por isu téxéd, é sum óvinús lané non avid. Auscúltato, sum óvinús in égro fúgéd.
A sheep that had no wool saw horses; one of them pulling a heavy wagon, one carrying a big load, and one carrying a man quickly. The sheep said to the horses: "My heart pains me, seeing a man driving horses." The horses said: "Listen, sheep, our hearts pain us when we see this: a man, the master, makes the wool of the sheep into a warm garment for himself. And the sheep has no wool." Having heard this, the sheep fled into the plain.
/ɔˈβiːnʊs ki ˈlaːnɛ non aβid kaˈβallis βɪˈdɛd ˈuːnʊs ˈkarrɔ graβe tragente ˈuːnʊs ɔnɛri mangnɔ pɔrtante, ɛ ˈuːnʊs umanɔ pɔrtante rapɪdamente suːm ɔˈβiːnʊs kaˈβallis dikɛd ma koratsʲa a maffligɛd βɪdente umanɔ kaˈβalɪkaβat su:s kaˈβalli dikɛrund au̯sˈkʊlta ɔˈβiːnɔ nos koratsʲas a nostro affligand βɪdente umanʊs suːm seˈɲore ˈlaːnɛ dɔˈβiːnɔ in βesti kaldo por isu tɛk͡sɛd ɛ suːm ɔˈβiːnʊs non ˈlaːnɛ aβid au̯sˈkʊltato suːm ɔˈβiːnʊs in ɛrgo fʊgɛd/
Common Rexan word order
Sheep, who wool not had, horses saw; One wagon heavy dragging, one load heavy carrying, one human bearing rapidly. The sheep horses said: My heart to me pains, seeing man lead horses. The horses said: Listen, sheep! Our hearts to us pains seeing man, the master, wool of sheep into garment warm weave for him, and sheep wool not have. Having heard, the sheep into field fled.
Successor Languages
Spoken by
Common Female Names

Cover image: by Lleij Schwartz