Kuhn Glomerate Character in The Flying Flux | World Anvil

Kuhn Glomerate

Kuhn Glomerate (a.k.a. The Lineage)

Many have lost their souls to Flux's various dangers but few are able to spawn perspectives like Kuhn. Now a decentralized or 'hive' mind, this being first appeared as two humanoid bodies with a shared perspective; one was male and the other female. Population brought with it growth, and it wasn't long before a network--a civilization rose in the Lowlands.
Unlike the more articulate Supra of the Chazra, this particularly chaotic philosopher will often trail off on alternate thoughts. Most of the time, these will be used to highlight an underlying point, though it will occasionally muddle it as well.
The only "difference" between 'good' and 'evil' would be whether or not society accepts it. If murder is believed to be a 'good' deed by our peers, then campaigning against it would be a 'bad' thing. Therefore, individuals who believe in 'universal truths' or wholeheartedly support a 'right-and-wrong' ideology have allowed environmental factors to decide for them. No being is incapable of understanding so long as a willingness to seek out and accept reality exists... 'reality' may be a fluid term, but only when subject to perspective. You must leave yourself to confront your own existence.
— Kuhn Glomerate

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Being born into the world as a supernatural phenomenon, it comes to no surprise that Kuhn was never a real part of society. While she was nothing more than a child, her mind was a thing that was both terrifying and intriguing to mages, not to mention a pleasant pass-time for philosophers.
Fleeing to another land, this single mind looked within to find what most other sentient beings seek: acceptance. Such a self-focused reality brought many delusions, but time drove them away to leave only an original perspective that had been thoroughly developed from every perspective found in society. With this knowledge, the Lineage arrived at an... odd conclusion.

It's all for paradise. A place where all may prosper in every sense of the word. Poor want to be rich; rich wish for a happiness that can be bought; nonconformists find each other relatable; anarchists want to 'reset' the social hierarchy; genius both loves and loathes foolishness; and foolishness accepts only the properly decorated bits of wisdom. This is your paradise! What would hell be without it's demons?
— Kuhn Glomerate


Like many philosophers, Kuhn was almost entirely self-educated. Surprisingly enough, the hive mind has yet to practice magic, focusing almost exclusively on social constructs and the manipulation of a 'different system'.

Mental Trauma

Feeling is one thing that should never be underestimated. Not simply emotion but also desire, pain, pleasure, and fear. While all beings have only one mind, each body has its own response to various stimuli, which--during crises--can be extremely detrimental to a hive mind's mental fortitude.
I remember a famine. Something that rarely occurs in my homeland, but no land is perfect. I felt starvation kick in, and had a sudden, horrible desire to eat another (more plump) host. Then, knowing of the counterpart's desire, I began to fear what might happen; dismemberment is an undesirable death, and cannibalism would be... a dangerous line to cross.
— Kuhn Glomerate

Intellectual Characteristics

Sarcastic, quirky, and oftentimes even Machiavellian.

Personality Characteristics


Hher motives are unclear. Kuhn isn't necessarily hostile but is in no way averse to killing unwelcome guests, so most popular speculations suggest that she might be raising an army. With such perfect coordination and unpredictable strategies, it's unlikely that any would be able to oppose her. However, certain individuals (namely Supra Willygate) see this isolation as an attempt to create a 'perfect' society, often citing her writings as evidence of this.



Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
Born as two separate beings (male and female) that shared one mind.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
All have pale green skin, though most other features vary from being to being.
Quotes & Catchphrases
I've lived and died; loved and lost--even killed myself a few times. However, life is quite small when seen from the outside. What's horrible simply becomes unpleasant; what's beautiful is reduced to its smallest, unnoticeable form.
— Kuhn Glomerate
Is it considered narcissistic to lust after one's self if that particular 'self' takes another form? Yes. None of you are able to answer this question, so you--in simply trying to understand the implications--have become a pervert.


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