Todd Voracious Willygate Character in The Flying Flux | World Anvil

Todd Voracious Willygate

Supra Willygate Todd Voracious Willygate

As the lone member of a white gelatinous race, this perfectionist is terrified of uncleanliness. Being made entirely of digestive material sometimes leads him to unconsciously digesting whatever illness happens to be nearby. This is heavily exploited by his self-proclaimed nemesis, Beleford Beguile.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Supra Willygate is a blob of white digestive gel that bounces around like a cartoon ball that abruptly gained consciousness. He is healthy, but only because he understands his own anatomy enough to be scared of everything. A passive digestive system has been the death of many gelatinoids of Flux (as well as a few other worlds).

Special abilities

He's able to masterfully change his pH and shape to suit various purposes. This is most commonly done so he might retain his shape while immersed in water, but can be used for offensive purposes as well.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After he was born from an odd flower in a Midland garden, Todd was adopted by the entire neighborhood. He learned everything quickly and spent a large portion of his life in the pursuit of truth. The blob was well on his way to becoming a mage when he happened across some religious histories that presented an unexpected change in perspective. Not once did they contradict each other and all of them connected seamlessly with records that were separate from their influence. This fascination soon led him to the Chazra, where he flew up the ranks to become the church's Supra. Now, he works to better the lives of all Fluxers.


Being raised by doctors, lawyers, and many other professionals, Todd is able to claim a well-developed education. Unfortunately, this has not changed his appearance, which is mocked relentlessly despite his overwhelming qualifications. Gelatinous beings are considered to be distasteful in nearly every land across Flux (the only notable exclusion being Lippit).


Willygate is currently the Supra of the Chazra, a waning church dedicated to preserving peace and equality. To reach such a prestigious position with almost no outside assistance requires a terrifying intellect and an unstoppable drive.

Accomplishments & Achievements

This being's legacy is riddled with impressive achievements, including the preservation of his own church when corruption threatened its integrity. While he might be hated by a large portion of Flux, he is very much loved and respected by those closest to him; an achievement his opponent is unable to honestly claim. He does, of course, just not honestly.

Intellectual Characteristics

Todd is incredibly articulate, but also very soft-spoken. He avoids unnecessary conflict but will face any direct oppositions with a certain power that demands respect. Every word from his indiscernible gelatinous mouth carries the weight of complete understanding and an occasional trickle of various digestive fluids. He is well-known for being one of very few minds that Linn Ennim respects.

Morality & Philosophy

As I see it, 'good' and 'bad' are subjective to individual beliefs or values and is therefore not a rational way to interact with the world. Then again, moving strictly within the restraints of logic is a tasteless existence. Death will overtake me one day. Until then, I'll do as I see fit to better this world. Not to create a legacy, but because I feel like it and no one is going to stop me. In this way, you and I are similar.
— Supra Willygate addressing Dictator Beguile after provocation.


If you so much as utter one more syllable of that damned phrase, I'll publicly untie the knots of lies that tether you to whatever false reality you've created.
— T.V. Willygate


Linn Ennim

Admirer (Important)

Towards Todd Voracious Willygate



Todd Voracious Willygate

Respectful Adviser (Important)

Towards Linn Ennim






Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Supra Willygate, Supra of Chazra, The Todd
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
3522 FFE 49 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
He oozed into existence from an asexual flower.
Lowland Slums
Current Residence
Lower-class Highland home.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White and semi-transparent
220 lbs
Aligned Organization
Character Prototype
His personality was very loosely based off my own. I know there are issues surrounding it, but he would be considered to have an INTJ personality type.


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