Goliath Species in The Farlands | World Anvil
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"Goliaths, half giants, tall folk, Stone men, these and more are the many names for the Hapara, a race of nomadic shepherds and warriors that wonder the uncharted regions of the world, save for the Isle of Thanes their small wondering tribes and families can be found on every continent in the world, typically in the unclaimed lands of the world. In my many adventures and journeys across the continents and islands of the world I have come across a handful of Goliath tribes, in all manner of places, but each one told me that their were more tribes that I was simply blind to, though they would not elaborate further, and for the life of me I could not find any others. The most well established and known of these tribes are the Darbenai, they call the western dunes of the Amarak Desert their home, they are the largest known Hapara tribe in recorded history and boast some of the best and most fearsome warriors on Ardath. They live in large tent cities and travel with the migratory patterns of the giant Armadillos that roam the western dunes in herds numbering in the hundreds, the Darbens ride large dragon like creatures and use them to herd the armadillos temporarily. There are several smaller tribes of goliaths that rove the western dunes of the Amarak, and countless more that make their homes in the secluded mountain peaks, endless plains and wastes, and uncharted reaches of the world." - Thornwood

Basic Information


Goliaths are a bipedal species of humanoids, they are 7-8ft in height on average and weight between 240-320lbs. The environments that they live in give them very well toned physiques, coupled with their stone like skin they are often misconstrued with living statues, upon their skin are long vertically parallel patches of darker skin that run down and across their entire body, these dark patches appear to be tattoos from a distance but up close they can be seen as apart of their actual skin. They have strong faces with square jaws and oblong heads, and are primarily bald but can grow facial hair and regular hair, which is normally black, or dark brown in coloration. Their eyes are sunken into their skulls, and sport a small range of color, red, dark blue, brown, black, and even purple being the most prominent, and in some rare cases Goliaths can be born with no iris at all.

Growth Rate & Stages

Goliaths grow and age at the same rate as humans, and live roughly the same time of less than a century.

Ecology and Habitats

Goliaths can be found on every major continent within the world, they mainly live in the uncharted regions of the world. Deserts, untamed plains, and the peaks of mountain ranges are their usual homes. But some goliaths can be found in the more civilized portions of the world, where they become sell swords, mercenaries, and adventurers.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The many tribes of the Goliaths are lead by a Chief, each chief is chosen by the most respected members of the tribe and only holds their position for as long as they are considered competent enough to keep it, any Goliath can challenge the current chief for the leadership of the tribe, these challenges can be anything from a wrestling match, a race, a completive game, but the most revered and dangerous of all was the challenge of single combat, which is a duel between the two until one goliath yields and is exiled or is killed by the other. Beneath the Chief are the Leaders, each leader is chosen at the beginning of each day and leads a small number of the tribes goliaths in activities like hunting, cooking, repairing the camp, tending to the herd, scouting, or even tending to the children and the elders of the tribe. Beneath the leaders were the adults of the tribe, they were any Goliath who passed their Trial of Youth, and were the pool of which the chief could pick their leaders for the day.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Goliaths can be found traversing the frozen peaks of mountain ranges, or roaming the endless expanses of the uncharted regions of the world, be it the western dunes of the Amarak desert in Ardath or the now coined eastern plains of the Goliath Waste in Sorrowel.

Average Intelligence

Goliaths are naturally a tribal society, though goliaths raised outside of their tribe develop an intellect nearly identical to that of humans, with some accounts even stating that these Domestic Goliaths have proven to be even more intelligent and quicker to problem solving then even the sharpest of humans, though their intellectual capability is nothing in comparison to their born genetic fortitude and physique.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Goliath naming is done in three parts, birth name, nickname, and clan name, the birth and clan names are taken from their native tongue of Tol-Goli, while the nicknames are usually in common, it is these nicknames are used when goliaths engage in casual or non formal conversation. Names are given to children regardless of gender as goliaths do not differentiate between male and female when it comes to societal duties and responsibilities.

Gender Ideals

Goliaths are a community of survivors, their entire existence has been marked by their resilience to nature

Average Technological Level

Goliaths live in tribes and have not progressed from a hunter gatherer system of living, they are nomadic in nature and follow the herd animals of the region they live in. they were introduced to magic, steel, and advanced tools by the other races of the world, but when push comes to shove they will always devolve to the tried and true methods of their primitive ancestors.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The main language of the Goliaths is Tol-Goli, but they also speak giant, common and their own invented languages which are specific to the tribe that they belong.


Goliaths first made contact with other races during the years of Felnight, before the coming of man within the Farlands. The first ever recorded interaction with the goliath tribes and any of the other races of the world was when the ancient Gorehunter goliath tribe met with the dwarves of the Frost Tip Mountains. Sometime later the elves of Stelar-Etoile met with the Gorehunters and it was this interaction that led to the tribe migrating to the far south of Ardath into the Amarak Desert, as a way to avoid prosecution and execution at the hands of the fearful and cruel high elves.
Genetic Descendants
65-70 years
Average Height
7-8 feet tall
Average Weight
Average Physique
Their rugged nomadic life leaves no room for leisure, and from a young age all Goliath children are taught the ways of the tribe, how to tend the animals they herd, how to do basic tasks around the camp, how to hunt, trap, and fight. This rugged lifestyle mixed with their harsh and unforgiving environments give them a physique of immense power and speed, making their bodies appear as if they truly were carved from stone.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Goliaths skin is stone grey in color, and is rough as if they were carved of pure stone. All along their body are dark, vertically symmetrical patches, that resemble closely to tribal tattoos, the significance of these markings varies from tribe to tribe but the commonality between all of them is that somehow they believe that these markings are character defining, and are a way that the gods, nature, and their ancestors judge their fate.
Geographic Distribution

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