Arisa Character in The Everwuld | World Anvil
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Commander 55216 Arisa

Arisa is the leader of the Celestial Alliance. A powerful aasimar druid, Arisa was raised within the Aasimar Alliance before she broke off to found her own group after the War of the Dragon. A veritable genius, Arisa keeps the Alliance working smoothly, meeting with the superpowers of the Wuld to arrange trade and defense agreements as well as providing her expertise to the Celestial Alliances' research division in what little spare time she has.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

At a young age, Arisa was fascinated by the machine shaper druids of the Aasimar Alliance and elected to pursue their teachings through her formative years. This led to her being a model engineer for the Aasimar. For much of her early life, Arisa worked on repairing the aging technology of the Ivory Tower, until one day she was dispatched outside the tower to repair an energy fluctuation in the Celestial City that was interfering with the tower's defensive barrier.   While she was repairing the damaged energy line, she was ambushed by D.R.O.W. and captured. She was rescued by a band of adventurers who had been contracted to investigate her disappearance. She fought along side these heroes against the D.R.O.W. incursion on Alliance territory and was given orders to remain at the side of these adventurers as they continued to work against the forces of darkness.   This is how Arisa became one of the heroes of the War of the Dragon.   However the war made Arisa realize something. The isolationism of the Aasimar Alliance was ultimately self defeating. It made it so that they could only accomplish so much when it came to defending the world. So she set off with a small handful of other aasimar to found her own organization. The Celestial Alliance.



Child (Trivial)

Towards Narcian




Progenitor (Trivial)

Towards Arisa




All aasimar are direct biological clones of Narcian, using his dna as a template for their creation. Though they lack his divinity, they are genetically identical.

Relationship Reasoning

Arisa considers Narcian to be a threat to the material plane and is glad he is still imprisoned. While Narcian likely is unaware of Arisa's existence.

Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
Born of Aasimar cloning technology using worker templates.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Quotes & Catchphrases
Aligned Organization

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