Âyrgoš (/øˈɒːjɾgɔʃ/)

We of the Crimson Steppe, hard of Heart and bounteous in Spirit.

The Concept

In concept, the Âyrgoš are the ancient mortal ancestors of the Ynellian. They were very devout and tenacious people, a group living amongst the sweltering dunes of Cea Marecâs and the vivid red grasses of Derq'ond Îayr. The Âyrgoš of this time, the Esrîl Osfrimul (First Age), was just one tribe. One of a vast nomadic hunter-gather culture. The Âyrgoš Clan.


Major language groups and dialects

The One Root, the Three Branches, the Three Leaves

Classical Tongue
Ânsûc Želo (Ancient)
Forbidden Tongue
Ânsûc Omrâvm (Imperial)
Mainland Tongues
Ânsûc Âuismhoqeyn (Standard)
  • Ânsûc Ij Gabreyn (Crimson)
  • Ânsûc Saqteyn (Witch)
Northern Tongues
Ânsûc Marežian (Sea)
  • Ânsûc Bâvian (Soldier)

Culture and cultural heritage

The Âyrgoš Blood

IIn the Isyalas Asrîlean, many people born of Âyrgoš blood have tawny to olive skin. A common trait of the Hyyl living in Al'e Zondin Omařchaîd. Their hair is quite voluminous and unruly. Long strands of Âyrgoš hair fall like a woolly cascade. In color, it oft lies in shades of brown between amber and henna.   Most Âyrgoš have large, almond-shaped eyes and round faces.   However, a unique identifier of the Âyrgoš people is eye color. Oft recorded in storybooks, men and women born of Âyrgoš heritage are born with 'sorcerous eyes.' Their pupils oddly glow câd ṱannoy (lilac purple), ij qabre (crimson orange), mare ṱâv' (viridian green), ecřis šîao (cerulean blue), or oyêlbi (saffron yellow).   Until the rediscovery of Chavic texts and Geulian pieces from the early Dacrian, these eyes were a prominent sign of Âřneyn Ôrs (king's blood).  

Legacy of Ševesqi

In the Ânsûc tongue, Âyrgoš means "Welcome destiny." It is their epithet, the name of an unyielding people whose strength of will was born through strife. The tribes that formed the Âyrgoš Clan came to know transience and temporality well in the harsh crimson steppe of Derq'ond Îayr. Here, sevâbcha (goblins), memr gedcha (ogres), p̌ûcha (giants), and qolafhcha (imps) once strode the land freely. The fickle waters of the Eirme Geb Zând (Strange Demon River), the A'd Astôs Gâ'ûtr (Two-head Serpent), and the Âvr Ôrscha Âcovi (World Veins) warped the air with illusions.   In the days of the second age, the Ševesqi were the ones to unify the tribes into a singular people. The Âyrgoš. It was their ṱev'ôrc who pushed them to speak as one in the face of many dangers. Speak the Ânsûc, "our tongue." And they who conquered the rugged crimson of Derq'ond Îayr under the banner of 'Nâlchaes (our ancestors).

The Chavic Origins

The First Age

Today, not much is well known about the Omregacta Âsindel Ašqâmenni îd (First Kingdom of People) from the First Ages. The first true kingdom of the Chavs. Although many grand ruins dot and score the rosy red fields of Derq'ond Îayr, many scholars believe the origin of the Âyrgoš to lay outside of the Ichâs Âqma îd (Lake of Light). While it is the largest lake in the Isthorna mainland, it is better known as a grand aura cluster where wraiths and their remnants reside.  
"Was it a humble sphere born of red reeds and fish? Or a network of intermingling tribes brought under one banner?"

The Second Peoples

Although we know naught of the Âyrgoš born of those short 219 years and afore, the first records tell of the Ašqâmenni Astûleiâ, "the Second Peoples." They were one tribe of a vast group of interrelated indigenous peoples. You could say they are the origin root of all Hyyl and Ynellian born of Al'e Zondin Omařchaîd (Silent Land of Man).   Today, we know those tribes as the Âyrgoš Clan, fierce nomadic huntsmen sired of the northeast. A race from the Derq'ond Îayr. Many Chavic texts describe them as fairly stout, tawny-skinned people of solemn nature. Bearing hair of henna brown and eyes of radiant colors, the Âyrgoš were a spattering number of tribes living east of Âvr ôrscha Âcovi (World Veins) near the Cea Marecâs (Twisted Black Sea).   At the time, before the Esrîl Astûleiâ (Second Age). The Âyrgoš possibly lived as a collection of nomadic pagans. Many tribes shared what could be vocal tradition and folklore. And even some blood ties and customs. However, they were just that, separate tribes.   Until the Omregacta Âsindel.

Encompassed species

Cover image: Pine forest - study by Mittmac


Author's Notes

For a long time, I wasn't really sure of the Hyyl lineage of the Ynellian. Specifically, the roots of their origin. I knew, well, beforehand that the Ašvâla, their Síophea half, waded through the black desert. Grave sinners, banished by their own kin. Only to, then, stumble upon something magnificent. Something they thought impossible.   A thriving Hyyl society.   At that point, I had this idea of an oh-so-great mageocratic empire, a civilization built by Hyyl hands alone. But. The more I thought about it. The more I dwelled on that thought. I found that less appealing. Less interesting. I didn't want that. I wanted a more weatherworn culture. Strong but clumsy. Young and yet unwavering.   I desired the imperfect. And so, 'they' were born.

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