The Whispers Organization in The End | World Anvil

The Whispers

Within every city, town and village is an invisible network of information, controlled by a clandestine organization. This organization, knows as the Whispers, share some information with the public for the right price, only answering what they deem necessary. They keep secrets from the world that would be better left unknown and some they feel the world doesn't need. No one has ever stepped out of line and asked too many questions about the Whispers. Those who do are never heard from again.


The Silent Brother - Leader of the Whispers. The Silent Brother is wise and well experienced in his knowledge.

The Beta Griphons - Beta Griphons work directly under the Silent brother and pass communication betwixt the Silent Brother and the lower ranking members of the Whispers

The Gatherers - As important as information is to the Whispers, functional survival is also vastly important. The Gatherer's play an essential role in the community by providing for the whole.

Scout Defense - The Scout Defense are the members that face danger head on to get the juiciest of information. They are well trained and very good at silent stepping.

Newbia - Newbia are the youngest and less trained members of the Whispers. The Newbia tend to stay in the area surrounding Pesspira Forest.


The Whispers believe that the world had been corrupted, and that if it had stayed pure, the Great War would never have taken place. They see knowledge as valuable, and believe it should only be given to those who prove themselves worthy of it.

Public Agenda

The Whispers are determined to utilize the information they collect in order to repair the damage caused by others. They use their knowledge to help restore natural processes that have been tampered with, and to promote life over death. Good over evil. Light over darkness.


They are paid a fine wage for the information they deem worthy to share. The Whispers live amongst nature and use riches scarcely when it is necessary. They have amassed quit a bit of fortune, which allows them to travel freely and fulfill their dedication to nature. Every bit of information they gather has been protected in a scroll in their 'stash'.


Edrick Talworthy awoke to the steady flow of warm, humid air brushing against his skin. The thick canopy of leaves above him swished together, as if welcoming his arrival to this realm. He took solace in the rich earthy smell and heavy moisture in the air around him. He took ahold of his freedom to breathe the fresh air before him and took off.

He wanted nothing do with the people gathering together and rebuilding society in their own views... they were the cause of the ruin of the realms. He decided to go somewhere none would follow.

Along his travels, he happened across others like him, who had crawled out from underneath society's thumb and escaped into the wilds. They were scattered about in small pockets, but they seemed eager for someone who knew something more than their isolated experiences. These people were free, but they lived by one idea alone: be aware only of yourself and trust no one.

Edrick agreed with them on that point and allowed them to join him. He found a deep part of the woods he deigned to call Pesspira and set up base there, keeping far from the rest of the world.

Like a young bird taking it's first flight to be free from the nest, the group hid themselves away into the shadows of the world and grew, gaining mystique and notoriety with every passing day. They became known as the Whispers, their name floating like smoke on the lips of everyone who heard it. They stood together in secrecy, united by their cause and driven by an unyielding desire for change. The sound of their whispering voices could be heard echoing through alleyways and streets long after they had moved on. The Whispers were a force to be reckoned with, a shadowy presence lurking just out of sight, waiting to strike when no one was looking.

Nothing said, nothing done.

Information Network
Alternative Names
The Silent Children
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles


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