The Hunter's League Organization in The Emergent Plane | World Anvil

The Hunter's League

The Hunter's League is an organization that makes its headquarters in the capital city of Torvahlis, but has branches and outposts in several regions across The Kingdom of Torvahl. It is a group that is dedicated to the extermination of dangerous or threatening monsters that appear in the wilds of the country.   Membership into the Hunter's League is gained by a test, called "The Hunter's Trial". The exact details of this test are specific to each applicant, but they all involve the applicant displaying that they possess the core traits required to successfully perform the hunting contracts provided by the League. Usually, this means they will be assigned an area where there have been reports of dangerous monster activity, and instructed to locate and eliminate the threat, bringing back proof of the kill to the League headquarters.   The first phase of the trial is a simple test, in which the applicant is brought to a location designated by The Hunter's League and participate in a straightforward battle with a monster of the League's choice.   The second phase of the trial is not too dissimilar from what a Hunter's League contract normally entails, except for three important details:
  • One, the applicant will receive no aid from the League itself and has no access to the supporting resources provided by League membership.
  • Two, the applicant is usually restricted by a strict set of requirements, monitored by a magic item they are provided upon beginning their hunt. These are notoriously punishing, being restrictions specifically tailored to the applicant in question, such as restricting a spellcaster's use of magic. The goal of these restrictions is to test the ability of an applicant to respond to unexpected and difficult situations, something that is common when on a hunt.
  • Three, should the applicant die during their trial, no attempts will be made to retrieve their corpse. The League will consider the failed hunt when determining its difficulty level, thus potentially raising the reward for a successful completion of the hunt. All possessions on the failed applicant's person become rightful property of the individual or group that successfully eliminates the target.
It is for this reason that The Hunter's League, while large as an organization, has a somewhat small pool of members, as it is not an easy guild to gain membership to and consistently comes with great risk.   However, many aspiring adventurers, or even those with nowhere else to go, seek membership in The Hunter's League, as there are a number of reasons why someone might seek membership:
  • Firstly, the hunts that members are sent on come with financial reward, as the more difficult the hunt, the higher the payout.
  • Second, there is a fair amount of prestige to be gained by becoming a high-ranking member of the League, as it is a sign to others, particularly other adventurers, that someone is an accomplished fighter. For this reason, members of The Hunter's League are often also sought out as bodyguards for travelling caravans, and The Hunter's League and Artisan's Guild have a longstanding cooperation because of the mutual benefit that comes from cooperation between members of the two groups.
  • Third, membership in The Hunter's League grants an individual a number of benefits based on their rank, ranging from basic provisions before embarking on a hunt to a guaranteed resting place at any of the League outposts across the country.
The head of The Hunter's League is The Master of the Hunt, a title currently held by a man named Heuryk One-Eye.
Military, Other
Alternative Names
"The League"
Parent Organization

Articles under The Hunter's League