Quill Whitehair Character in The Eight Aspects of Syoll | World Anvil
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Quill Whitehair

A member of the old and well-known halfling family of Whitehair, Quill is a pirate-turned-pirate-hunter from western Miennach.  

Early life

Having grown up in a fishing hamlet near Ira, Quill spent most of his childhood on and around the water, oftentimes going on “adventures” with his sister Lilian with their own little boat.   As he got older, Quill left home to travel across Nessur's Eye and see the other Aspects. However, on the trip to Solasheim, the ship he was on was captured by pirates and Quill was taken captive. The pirates, led by Captain Yez-Ahn, saw potential in Quill, took him in, and trained him to become a skilled fighter.  

From Pirate to Pirate Hunter

Quill joined Yez-Ahn’s crew and they sailed Nessur's Eye together, their goal (according to the captain) being to “liberate the wealthy from the pains of being rich”. He enjoyed many aspects of the piracy life, valuing the freedom and excitement. However, after he had to kill an escaping prisoner, Quill began to have doubts. At the same time, Yez-Ahn began to set their focus on different targets, becoming more and more interested in the Salt Isles and their Queen.   Quill’s doubts didn’t go unnoticed. During an assault on the Salt Isles, Quill was purposefully sent into a trap by Yez-Ahn and then abandoned. He was taken prisoner by the Brine Queen, who gauged out one of Quill’s eyes as her “prize”. After that he was dumped in a dark prison cell in her dungeons, seemingly to die there.   After a long time in the dark, however, Quill was freed and taken in by the Pirate Hunters, who regularly searched for abandoned or former pirates to take in as one of their own. Quill happily joined them and helped them find and imprison a great deal of dangerous pirates with the knowledge he collected.  


After years with the Pirate Hunters, Quill grew tired and began to miss his family. When he learned of his mother’s passing, he decided to retire for good, and joined his sister in the canal city of Andar, where she was working as a journalist. But Quill’s past hadn’t quite let go of him yet.   After a few years of quiet, a smuggling gang who had suffered some losses at the hands of Quill and his fellow hunters, kidnapped Lilian and locked her up in their hideout under the canals. Too unsure of his own strength, Quill found help from Blueberry (who was on the search for Mudchet) and together they managed to free her.   Later, Quill asked the Formidable Disparates to assist him in the Astral Treasure Hunt in Riask's Marsh.
Date of Birth
2nd Litrikes
Year of Birth
1334 CY 77 Years old
shock white, kept in a long ponytail


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