Bej Character in The Eight Aspects of Syoll | World Anvil
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Bej is the Syolladver god of commerce and travel and particularly popular in large trade cities like Mig Dural or Skyehold, where offerings of gold and other wealth are sometimes made to keep business alive. He’s also commonly prayed to by couriers or other people who travel a great deal in their lives, so that they may be protected from harm.   As the god of commerce, Bej is also the patron god of merchants. It is very important to him that fairness and respect remain in business, and he sees these as far more important than any monetary gain.   The holy symbol of Bej is an ear of wheat and a feather, crossed. This symbol is often found in shops’ windows or doors, as a sign that the business in that location is fair and there is no fraudulent business. It is also often worn as a patch, brooch, or necklace for protection when travelling.   There are few paladins or priests of Bej, since worship is usually more everyday, but those who do dedicate their lives are strong protectors of fairness and thus are present in similar situations as followers of Karlenis. A high number of Bej’s worshippers also end up working as guards or lawyers.
Divine Classification


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