Medana Caro Character in The Eight Aspects of Syoll | World Anvil
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Medana Caro

Medana Caro

Medana Caro was one of the many blacksmiths in Ironstar. Her shop, Dame of Flame, was located in the larger square of the Glinting Market where she made and sold all kinds of weapons and armour, as well as black powder (utilised for explosive weapons).

Early life

Born as a lesser member of a large Amran family, Medana’s true surname was Silvertongue. She grew up mostly in the shadow of her older siblings, studying the composition of metals and the art of smithing while they became young politicians or adventurers. After an incident in which one of her brothers, who had formed his own little adventuring troupe, heard that a dangerous cult was after him, he went off with his troupe and hunted them down, returning victorious.   Not long after, though, the cult, as well as its central figure, Paphy, reemerged and killed the entire Silvertongue family in one fell swoop. Only Medana was able to escape. She changed her name and travelled south to Ironstar, where she used her skills in smithing to work her way upwards and open her own shop.  

Return to Amridge

In Rignes of 1411CY, Holu visited the Dame of Flame, placing a large order for gunpowder, which Medana promptly passed on to her source. When no reply came, however, Medana began looking into it, coincidentally finding a lead on The Cult of Paphy’s location. Absorbed with a need for revenge, Medana set out to Amridge with the intention of finding and killing Paphy.   Once in Vettfjall, she found an entrance to the lair of the cult and traversed the tunnels in search of Paphy. Although she found the right path, she was lured in by an enchanted room and was trapped, stuck in a magical dance.  

Encounter with the Disparates

Eventually, a fraction of the Formidable Disparates found her. They, too, were affected by the enchantment magic in the room, but eventually they were able to break the spell and wake her up again. Together, they advanced through the tunnels and explored the hideout of the cult. Although she was quick to act—the party having to hold her back a few times—she stayed with the party and followed them to the main chamber. There, the party killed the cult’s leader, Mehhur, but was ambushed by Paphy, who revealed themselves to be a great snake with a humanoid face.   Faced with this terror, Medana froze in place and was unable to help the party in the fight. While the rest were able to dodge most hard-hitting attacks, Medana was left standing by the entrance. Paphy used this to their advantage and attacked her, biting her head clean off, killing her immediately.   As they fled from the hideout, Míriel carved words to remember Medana by into the wall.
Current Location
Dame of Flame
Lawful Neutral
Date of Birth
24th of Vindames
Date of Death
21st of Villtes
1299 CY 1411 CY 112 years old
Circumstances of Death
killed by Paphy (decapitated)
Clevin, Amridge
Place of Death
Pure white, short, almost always messy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
175 cm
70 kg

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