The Cult of Paphy Organization in The Eight Aspects of Syoll | World Anvil
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The Cult of Paphy

The Cult of Paphy are a group of mostly humans who have made a pact with Paphy, a mysterious entity that resides deep in the Neverending Mountains. Those who join the Cult of Paphy consider themselves to have been wronged at one point or were betrayed at some point in their life. Broken down and hopeless, they are found by an existing member and then promised vengeance, a way to prove themselves again or get back at those who hurt them. Throughout their time within the cult, though, they are brought to believe that many smaller interactions in their past were actually slights or disguised insults. The hatred grows and grows until the Cult decides to take their revenge.   The fewest of people know about the Cult, although there are many whispers in and around Amridge about a group that seeks to cruelly strike at entire settlements for the act of one villager.   A long time ago, a young adventurer of the Silvertongue family ventured out with his friends, tracked down and allegedly killed Paphy. However, rumours about it returned shortly thereafter, proving that, whoever or whatever Paphy was, it was not dead—or worse, had been brought back. To make matters worse, this attack was taken as the greatest insult towards the Cult. And so, not long after the young adventurer moved on to more challenging targets, the Cult struck back and wiped out the entire Silvertongue family, leaving only one survivor.   Years later, in 1411, this survivor (now calling herself Medana Caro) returned to kill Paphy for good, soon followed by a fraction of the Formidable Disparates, as well as Systima and Monroe. Together, they killed both the leader of the cult and Paphy, although Medana’s life was lost in the process.

Never forgive, never forget

Religious, Cult

Cover image: by Photo by Mitja Juraja from Pexels


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Oct 29, 2020 07:42

NIce moto. OOHH you should write an article on Paphy. Also, this is SUCH a cool cult. I can see SO many cool adventures happen with this cult. Very cool idea :)