Dogs Species in The Disputed Lands | World Anvil
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These loyal decedents of wolves can be found throughout the world taking on numerous roles from herders, to guards, to companions, to even warriors. Their versatility has endeared them to many and has seen their uses in sovereignties around the world. They were especially beloved in the Cadrial Empire for their usefulness in military roles. Elemental or fei touched dogs' nature often reveals itself through their fur.

Basic Information


Dogs can be found in a wide variety of shapes and sizes throughout the world. All dogs are quadrupedal and have a tail which they use for communication. Although they are descended from wolves, many dogs do not resemble wolves as they are much larger or smaller, have much more expressive eyes, and many have ears that hang down as opposed to a wolf's upright ears.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dogs are mainly fed meat with some vegetables and other foods. Those that live in houses with people are often fed table scraps while those that do not are fed a more consistent diet. It was customary for Cadrialian soldiers and their war dogs to eat a meal together before a major military operation. In this meal the dogs will have their own food laid out on the floor but will be fed from the table by almost every soldier as doing so is said to bring good luck on the battle field.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Dogs are often used as guards and trackers of both animals and people. Some breeds are used to help herd animals. Less common uses are as helpers for people with disabilities, pulling small carts or carrying supplies, or even messengers. In the military they are often used as guards but do see battle and have been known to kill or route opponents. The Cadrialians were well known for using dogs in battle. Oftentimes dog and owner would fight side by side. Like humanoid soldiers, dogs can become renowned for their accomplishments and are treated like heroes after returning from war. Dogs killed during war were given a hero's funeral and preserved like humanoid heroes . Whenever possible their preserved remains and the remains of their owners are placed together.

Average Intelligence

Part of what makes dogs so versatile is their intelligence. They can gain a limited understanding of words and taught many different commands both through verbal and non verbal cues. Dogs can be very intuitive about humanoid emotions and often react in accordance to the emotions of the humanoids around them; they often try to comfort those that seem sad or upset.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dogs have extraordinary senses of smell, much sharper than any humanoid's. They can track people or creatures by smell very well, making them excellent hunting companions. There are stories of dogs being able to sense natural disasters long before their owners and even warning their owners of impending danger that their owners were oblivious too.
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by Matheus Bertelli


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