Clarise Vabatan Character in The Discontinuum | World Anvil

Clarise Vabatan

Clarise Vabatan

Clarise Vabatan was a mage from Katrapetch during the Time of Terrors. She was the founder of the cult of the Sisters of Vabatan.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Clarise Vabatan was born in the northern Punjuki city of Katrapetch in the year 3031 APC. Her father owned a small business weaving and curing the local fabric known as vassith and her mother ran a garment factory on Sowsow street. At an early age Clarise exhibited an aptitude for magic, finding a position in the court of the Raja as a member of the Arcane Advisors where she quickly became a favourite of the ruler.   The private diary of this infamous mage, which was found and published after her death, provides a shocking account of her crimes during the Time of Terrors.  


Clarise Vabatan was famously bisexual but with a preference for lesbian relations, often of a particularly perverse kind which found expression in the rites and rituals of the secretive Sisters of Vabatan. When her private diary was found, after her death, it exposed many shocking details of the nature of the organisation she had founded and led and it was read with widespread and salacious interest.
Date of Birth
7th Authon, 3031 APC
Date of Death
20th Tuzlle, 3670 APC
Circumstances of Death
Aftermath of a Nexorin infection
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: Magicians' End - Clarise Vabatan by DMFW with Leonardo AI
Character Portrait image: Magicians' End - Clarise Vabatan by DMFW with Leonardo AI


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